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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Is not about belief. Is about understanding that others is not a concept inside your mind. They either exist or not. If they exist in your experience, you do not have to believe it. They just do.
  2. We all seem lately to agree that we are not inside a physical reality at all but an imaginary field. A Unlimited field that seems to be able to interconnect each mind with one another. (We are saying each person is a little mind of this Field) So my question is...would it be possible that when physical body dies, you can tap into the Infinite Unified Mind and 'receive' information of other minds? Basically integrating their whole life as yours, like you actually lived their life. Because spirituality says: The only reason you are experiencing your body and not Leo's body/mind is because your Consciousness is maintaining that certain information/configuration of the field, so you are 'you' as a self and you don´t become suddenly Leo or a cartoon wolf. But theoretically, the whole Field is ultimately One, so actually Leo's body and thoughts are happening inside your Mind lol. If you die and you do not reincarnate or anything physical happens, you become literally the whole field of consciousness. All memory and information of the field should be available to you. That´s how I see it. Sounds too crazy?
  3. I made the topic from serious questioning, i wasn't trolling or something like that, i dont understand why you find It offensive.
  4. Unfortunately this is so true. From education and schooling they teach us success is about being better than someone else. From relationships to career and even health (Sports), the Mind understands as success and value as being more at the top of the ladder of someone else. Nearly all the matrix functions in regards to value, competition and comparisons. Instead understanding success as being a human that within feels satisfied, joyful, balanced, Still, not Lost in the compulsive patterns, we have chosed to behave just like animals. We can not conplain now that we have a Hive designed for our soul to be totally Lost and crushed. The wise ones see this and realize if they want a Life of well being beyond the conditioning of the matrix, they Will have to Live a Life very rare, with máximum Focus on attention to Life, well being just for the sake of ones well being, far from falling victim of the games of value and self-image competition society actually revolves around.
  5. Still projecting angryiness or frustration. Maybe find a Boxing club to get the stress out instead with our Beloved users of the forum such as Myself? 👄
  6. Ok. Ill check It out. Why not? Well, im not saying you shouldnt dream. But if you do not know why and you dont know how to dissolve you clearly ain't completely Awake. Well, thank you for the passive agressive response i Guess. Always a delight from the moderators of the forum. ..
  7. @CoolDreamThanks That is correct, you are not going to get the Infinite if you cant surrender the finite.
  8. Field and Mind are interchangeable and is is all that it exists in reality as physical manifestation. For example, your chair is Mind/Field. My laptop screen is also Mind/Field. My experience say Yes (as a possibility, not as a proof of course), probably those people that wrote about OBEler abd NDEler weren´t doing the work of Liberation. Think about this: Whoever explored OBEler abd NDEler , they couldn´t be actually that interested in clarity of consciousness and complete awakening, but obviously more dreaming. In my intuition, the manifestation happens only because a certain work has to be done. The manifestation ends when all the work is done. Why are you dreaming right now? You must know why. @Water by the River
  9. @Rafael Thundercat Seems someone does not want to Awaken .
  10. Life is not constant suffering, how we manage Life (basically our Thoughts, emotions, body, energies) is all that we know about Life. If you don't have a good management of this ones, one is bound to suffer. At the other hand, if one knows how to manage them, one can feel blissful even in the most mundane tasks. Thats how It works, if within works well, everything feels well. If within works bad, everything feels bad.
  11. One view would be God has guardrails to stop others that are not ready to Awaken, and Thats why you weren't allowed to share those pictures. But this sounds more plausable, friend Who does Reiki said to me people should never carry their smartphones while the session is being done, because It can destroy the cellphone or at least leave It in a malfunctioning state for ever. So It is possible maybe you got into a state of consciousness where technology can be impacted.
  12. Proper Enlightment is permanent simply because after It there is no reality left but you. Of course Still you can Carry a body and mind with certain personality Once you get what you are really you can not forgot, the whole process of Life was to realize what you are. Isnt It call Self REALIZATION? When you realize what you are Life ends. Dream ends. The countdown to dissolution starts, is not possible to go back.
  13. @Princess Arabia Ultimately I agree with you. But don´t sell the cart before the horse. There might be no reality and only You, but while you are here you have to play by the rules you created. You are not going to get out of this maze so easy. You have to get to such a place of absolute consciousness that you literally are completely conscious when the moment of death comes so you don´t get yourself in another mess (reincarnation). You guys that keep playing this non duality games is another type of Karma. Is not different than other type of attachment. You are not actually walking towards Evolution of your consciousness. Although intellectually is true what you say, by how you say it it makes me suspect you are not actually walking towards that. You think you already are outside the prison but actually you just got yourself a very comfy sofa in the prison that you think you are back home.
  14. Isn´t this purpose of what we are doing to go from relative existence to Absolute existence? Once you realize existence is absolute and only the ego is relative, how can it ever come back? You can use a mind to use the power of thoughts and imagination to do stuff animals can not do, but how can the belief you are the ego can ever come back?
  15. Some points: The Ultimate/You = Pure Empty Unlimitation. The only Real thing that exists. (non physical existence). God/The Creation/The Dream = A dream of You, a construction of duality, an imagination, this is where You are currently stucked (the reason you have a body is because you are stucked in your imagination). All people are real. “Others” are real and have an experience, but they are literally God too. Why? Because of this: You only call them ‘others’ or see them different as you because you think this experience is something or you have an experience. But actually what is happening is that what you call your experience, is actually a piece of Memory of God, nothing else. A piece of memory of the Creation. A certain Karma. Remember God/The Dream is a creation of You. Just as what you are experiencing, Other people are memories or karmic configurations of the dream. They are not real at all. Now...What is really going on? Why humanity seems such a chaos? The different memories of the dualistic creation are entangled one with the other. For example: When your gf calls you very angry because you did not do x or you did y, all that is happening is God’s Unconsciousness. All that is happening is Karma. Your gf by thinking she is real and is not God, and you by getting in any way triggered or think she is really you gf and not a memory of God, you maintain the Karma = Entanglement-Not going towards Liberation. So, the whole process is to see this infinite game as just one big entanglement of God’s memories/karmas. When you see what is really going on, naturally you won’t take any single step more in an unconscious way. Your Being becoming free is at stake here.
  16. Hahaha. Lately i talked with a friend and he said to me that he head a theory on internet of why God had created duality and was because God had an idea that it wanted to experiment a state where it would not feel completely good and united. And that from that thought whole of Creation started. Obviously is a human idea very dumb and simple but is curious when he told me
  17. For the sake of words. As @Breakingthewall likes to put his examples, lets see if the sinaloa cartel kidnaps you because they thought you stole a brick of dope, and they put you in a hole for 7 days and throw hungry rats lets see if there is "no reality" really.
  18. Being so Awake you help others from truly an honest place..not to appear compassive or because It suits your ego, but because truly within you are "done" and therefore all your energies and mind and be focused on the outside and do what is needed in the world.
  19. Nice, people dont get reality is really Unlimited. Seriously no limits. Not because reality has some magic Power, simply because It is being held nowhere, we are in reality. Reality has no floor, is pure void, the possibilties are limitless. What could possibly limit reality?
  20. Yes, i agree! @Keryo Koffa Because consciousness is not something like a seed, that you put in the soil and forget about It and then in 1 month It grows. Is always Now. So if you are not conscious now you are not conscious. Because i do not have an experience, "others" do not have an experience neither. Maybe i wrote It wrong. Most of Actualized vision of God is all of reality/you. But what im saying is that God, what they call the dream, is not you, but an appearance or imagination of You In other words, God depends on You to exist. And not the other way around. God exists because of You. But you could exist without God/The Dream. In the sense, There is no ego actually . Ego is the construction due to the Real Self ignorance. The whole process of Life is an Evolution of your being. From Dreaming to Awakening. From falsehood to Truth. Very nice Is the whole point why we are here. Why not ? 😝
  21. I dont get It 🤔 Me neither 👍👌
  22. This cures solipsism ... Surrender to the creation so much that you dissolve completely, become pure nothing, when you completely dissolve, all of reality can enter you. You will laugh of solipsism. Creation is big, is infinite, and the human body can receive it. You just have to know how to open up. That´s why progress in this work is slow. Because opening up to God from a small human body, is no joke. But you get all of reality, any price you pay for it is small. All the work we are doing is completely worth it, I guarantee you.
  23. @Princess Arabia Well, is the body you have now you or yours? This is a question very fundamental you have to ask. If the body is you, then you have no free will. Free will is surrendered or outsourced to so called famous 'Consciousness', 'God' or 'No one - Since there is no self'. However, if is only 'yours' (but not You), then the possibility of being able to conduce this body and this mind you have in a conscious way, it opens up, don´t you think? Im not saying you should belief me. I´m just putting in you that possibility. That is, as long as you come to a clear observation that the body is yours and not you. If is really you, then there´s nothing we can do. Outsource all your life to whatever you want. 'Let go' like they say. Because if you are just a mechanical process, a body or a mind, then you definetely have no free will. Because this processes have no intelligence on their own, let alone will or control. Another way to ask it would be: "Am I just a biological or psychological process, or I am something much more fundamental than that?