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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Yes, if you remove all ties from you Will not reincarnate as anything, not even any Mystical dimension or love realm. You Will stay as Pure Formless empty Energy. The Pranamaya Kosha is the Bliss body and once you touch that you have a good peak about what is death. But is even better than that because Pranamaya Kosha is Still manifestation even Though is not-physical. As Nirvana Shatakam says "I am not any of the 5 stealth bodies (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and Blissful)" Anyways, The Only reason you are experiencing a human form now is because you havent worked your karma completely. When that happens Creation is over for you. No Infinite, no void, no nothing. Just You. What you wanted all the time.
  2. You assume incorrect things. Havent touch a psychedelic in 2 years dude. All of my past 100 awakenings have been "sober". You need Claritiy , beyond the psychological realm as i said. @numbersinarow more assumptions. This one is Big. You assume there is a such a thing as a God allowing anything. There is no god allowing or preventing anything. You are inside a phenomena or pure energy which is auto-created. The main issue is that which create itself Lost itself too much in his own imagination and manifestation (form, thoughts, etc...). You can cry or you can actually do something out of the mess. But trust me, no God will help you because there is Nothing outside of you doing anything. Is absolute you Alone here and you can either Liberate Yourself from your imagination or get more and more entangled in It. Which Direction you want to take?
  3. On a thought about consciousness ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. @James123 We maybe what I am is the experience of Death itself. And thoughts, emotions...etc + forms is what we call 'Life'. Talk about a "plot twist" ๐Ÿ”ฑ
  5. As Leo would say, you just lack the consciousness to realize this. Just kidding, but really ... Today I entered the consciousness energy of a whole mountain. Not just humans or animals, objects have aliveness and they are a certain existence process within the Creation, even Mountains are Alive. Another example, today I opened my hand and I connected with the walls of my village House and i was 50km from there. Thats why even to insects we should have compassion. I become conscious a wasp is a being as rightful and complete as me. I literally become conscious im not above a wasp! A wasp has the same value and gets the same "Love" from God in this existence as me as a human.
  6. That's because your glimpse was just more psychological baggage. You donยดt understand what Existence is. Is completely outside your psychological imagination, suffering or not suffering, that belongs to the realm of your mind.
  7. Same, i think is pretty clear at this point the body and psychological movement is just a part of the Existence, a minuscule part. Then the Existence that gives Life to that body + psychological movement is what you are. When identification happens Existence ends Up having the perception that is indeed a limited physical thing. But The identification was not a mistake. All of us have identified. The reason we experience a form is because we are carrying dualistic tendencies even before having a human body. I would go Even further and say Even why we have a male body and not female is because of dualistic tendencies. Ideally the work we are doing is in dissolving this tendencies so we can experience ourselves as the pure Reality. Not just like an experience but as an Evolution of the Existence, existence is moving somewhere new, is not just Dream after Dream for no reason and only to hallucinate things because God is bored.
  8. @Keryo Koffa Mmm,Ill have to re-read that today on the mountain peak im trekking this afternoon again, maybe a clearer observation might come up, but at the moment my stance stands firm: we as Life/Awareness have the responsability to take this Creation into a more armonic and unified way. --- Of course everyone has the freedom to do It, since right now everyone is at a duality (this why apparent separate forms), every form can conduce their own process of Liberation and Unity at his own pace, altough the source might be the Same one, different "speeds" and ways of walking this process might be different depending on the form this source is using/encarnated in.
  9. You can not think 'this consciousness'. If you look you will not find where this consciousness starts and where does it ends. (distance wise). What is 'everything else'? Do you experience something other than a direct perception of consciousness? Notice this direct perception of consciousness has no beginning and no end.
  10. In my view there is no God outside of us doing anything. I have a big issue with people here thinking God is controlling anything or doing anything. Is a big mistake, because doing that one never takes responsibility. I have no experience of external God, but of one intelligent unified reality. This intelligent reality appears in humans, animals, insects, even atoms. For some reason I donยดt yet understand, a certain process of duality took place, from that place every piece of Infinity/God picked up a certain tendency according to this duality. Torture is just the result of this duality. But there seems to be a 'bulletproof' rule in Existence. Torture can happen, but a clear asymmetry in this acts is experienced by the reality. So in a way, the Reality moves towards the simettry and the dissolution of the dualities.
  11. @rudirotbart Great question. God does not make sure of this because there is not God outside of you doing anything. You are "God" literally, actually, and Now. You as God picked Up certain information in the sense of duality. What you call your body, is a certain information too. The process of Spirituality is just this. You become so conscious you start cleaning and dissolving all the dualities you picked Up. How Deep you want to go is Up to you. Remember, this work is not something you outsource to God because you ARE God. You are currently entangled in your own Creation, thats the REASON you are experiencing a universe and a reality in the first place. And by the way, the Godhead is not somewhere else. You are It. When you liberate you just become completely you without dualities. Simply. You are already the Godhead but you have too many knots and anchors all over the place. Remember Infinity is Infinite aloleneness, even if I do mahasamadhi your process of entanglement Will Still be on. My process of Liberation Will free some things in you, but you Will Still have to do your work. Your understanding of God or the Godhead is incorrect. With that incorrect perception (Beliefs about a God or Godhead somewhere outside of you doing things for you) you won't ever take responsability for your process of Liberation.
  12. @Keryo Koffa Yes, thats basically my point @Princess Arabia Some people do care more for animals than other humans, but thats only because they have attachments or emotional ties to this animals. In reality, they are not conscious an insect has the same cosmic value as their daughter. Haha lol. i like that you did there.
  13. I was not trying to put them down...im also in "kindergarten" too ๐Ÿ˜‚
  14. I agree, but when compassion touches you is the natural thing to do. As humans we treat animals as like they are not an alive as us ๐Ÿ˜‚ True but im not at that level yet so Ill get the Rainbows for now Yes! Is the survival Mind, It makes us feel safe but is safe illusion...our minor self we picked Up is dying anyway soon...๐Ÿ˜ฌ I swear everytime i go to this Mountains i feel so close to the fear of death, any idea i had about myself starts to dissolve.
  15. It depends on the intensity of your sadhana. If is 1 hour a day then 30 years for a permanent stablished Bliss is pretty damn good. Where do i sign? Sadhana for me is no effort at all. Particularly Hatha Yoga programs is a en enjoyable practice for me. Kriyas are a bit more demanding Though. Is not the same as going to Live on the mountains and do 3 hours a day and then on weekends do 24/7 sadhana for 20 years. Then the possibility of leaving the body consciously opens Up. I see no possibility of such unless you Live Deep on nature for a lot of time. Dissolving is no joke, we are talking about ending your physical attachment, tremendos clarity of consciousness need to be developed You become Shamabhi itself? ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  16. @emil1234 @Breakingthewall Havenยดt had enough of Kindergarten?
  17. IMO, is the contrary, It means you have authority over the Creation. Only if you are the Pure Initial Existence, the manifestation (the 'manifested Reality we see') takes instructions from you. If not you would not really be the existence, you would be just a result of it.
  18. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐ŸฝYes. Freedom. Even from "love" โ˜๏ธ
  19. Maybe the attitude of how you were doing psychedelics is what hurts you. We start thinking psychedelics are this magic pill they will get us to the end and we start hallucinating things, then it becomes another drug of abuse. You could this time using it just as an addition. If I were you I would do two things: Do not abandon your sadhana even if you do psychedelics. Make sure you do not 'substitute' it because is not a replacement. They are two different things. Yoga path is a complex and profound path. The fact that has the ultimate possibilities also means is not a fast growing seed. Expect the sadhana to last a lifetime, if not 20-25 years to grow into something transcendentally transformative. Knowing this, I would put the foot on the brake pedal a bit and instead of doing 3-6 hours do something you feel comfortable with, but make sure you do it with a certain reverence and seriousness of what you are trying to build. I see you say you find the practices boring. @davecraw 95% you are doing it in a mechanical way. Treat them with reverence and care, remind yourself of the inner engineering rules before doing it. Do it in nature. Etc. Spice things up, treat each sadhana like an alive entity. Never do sadhana mechanically. Execute mechanically and technically, yes, but do it devotionally, like you are going to die that day.
  20. @Breakingthewall @Thought Art Some 'food' for thought:
  21. He might look like a noodle at this point of so much sadhana and asanas ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  22. Lol. That hit very close. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  23. I have all the say on the matter because Im the matter itself ๐Ÿ˜‚ Is very simple man, There is not a God or Reality outside of yourself dreaming anything. Is YOU right now. You are sitting on the driver seat of this 'dream'. When that realization happens, you will understand what the spiritual or life process is about. Is simply Taking charge of your creation. You keep outsourcing the destiny of this dream to 'God' and that is the trick you are playing as the ego to prevent the dissolution.
  24. Yet You lack the consciousness to realize that that teaching is a limitation for some people here that want to transcend the trap. We are experiencing a human body not because God randomly can not 'avoid' dreaming. Is because certain attachments are there and until those are dissolved you will keep dreaming. I dare you to open your mind is possible to trascend the trapping of dreaming and stay as pure Singularity of Love consciously (withouth dreaming physicality). But it wonยดt happen just because you pray. Work has to be done. Yet you seem to have come to the conclusion there is no more work to be done, you realized God is dreaming and is trapped in the dream. Ok, that is your bet or conclusion. Careful your conclusion might not be the trap itself. You are not pointing out. If you did you would know why your body and mind is a certain way. And you would know how to stop dreaming. There is much more than just realizing is a dream.