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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. You dont say it serious right? Recommending one of the most hardcore drugs to someone who might (probably) not be prepared for it? WIth mental issues? Usually Im not against recommending psychedelics to treat mental stuff (obsessions, traumas etc) but what the lack maturity regarding drugs in this forum is ridiculous.
  2. BY the way, there is nothing wrong per se with having fetishes in your sexual life as long as dont hurt your life, BUT, once it becomes a compulsion, it is an addiction, the brain just looking for the high. This is what 99% porn induced fetishes are, and obviously a compulsive brain regarding sex is far from being healthy
  3. What do you mean exactly with "it came back"? Once you stop out of the compulsitivity of using porn, you just forgot about the fetish and then suddenly after 8 months "it came back"? After trying to quit femdom and porn several times , I more realize there is really no "fetish" but just an addiction to porn, sadly a particular fetish might make the addiction and the "high" stronger, but once the days pass Im more sure that it doesnt have any to do with your sexuality. You can see it for yourself, in the past if you relapsed to watch porn, afterwards your brains see it as a totally stupid thing. Once it has gotten its dopamine pleasure hit and "comedown" suddenly that fetish is absolutely stupid. I think you should be more positive, if heroin and cocaine addicts pathways can be rewired, sure porn can. You just have to take it like what it is, an addiction. I quit smoking some months ago and now i now i can live withouth it but still sometimes i "could use" a cigarette. Addiction takes time
  4. Obviously there is nothing wrong with feminism from the point of view of the women. They will do the neccesary things to do in order to see themselves as equally as men. The problem is, as you said when you talk about spirtuality and normal life, while you might want to reach enlightment or being as conscious as you can, you still have to go to work and eat and feed your children. While western-culture feminism might be justified from the point of view of women and progress, if you are a men you will react to it, but I dont see it as a vilified reaction of the ego, but rather a natural one. (of course if we dont talk from a radical perspective, since from a radical one ALL reactions of ego are "bad", but i guess we are not talking from that yet since 99.9% of people are not enlightened yet). Let me explain myself: This is actually the politically correct , and accepted hate-speech narrative of the feminism movement in West Culture: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-cant-we-hate-men/2018/06/08/f1a3a8e0-6451-11e8-a69c-b944de66d9e7story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.89d7a438db9b Don´t need to read the whole thing, I Quote from the autor: As I was saying, if anybody its enough "enlightened" that they sacrifice themselves and will lean out for women, then great for him. But I doubt 1% of people who support western feminism would actually do it. You see counter-feminism as a problem of the ego, but I think its not even a problem, its a natural response. If Ku Klux Klan would conquer america, would you accuse black men of being too EGO-centric if they started to be against it? In a radical sense, YES YOU COULD! But jesus, I think the reaction of his ego would be so obvious that to use it as an argument to criticise the attitude of the black people would be preposterous. Yet you are doing exactly the same with the attitude of men who stand against feminism when they see that his rights get ripped apart (or suffer political and judiciary discrimination) because of it. Turns out 99.9% both feminism supporters and not supporters are not enlightened yet and both respond to his ego. Then who are we bullshitting? If anybody wants to actually want to really submit to feminism and conquer his ego, great for him, but the ones who dont, please stop being so hypocrite.
  5. Since you have 4 weeks free, I advise you to FIRST take a normal dose, and then if you think you can feel comfortable take that high dose if you want it so much. Still the most advisable thing to do would be to have first some several experiences in normal doses, not just one. There´s a hell of a difference between normal and high dose in for example mushrooms as you said.