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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. What would you eat before tripping dude? That always goes bad
  2. @Leo Gura The reason of why it is so difficult to imagine that might be possible what you are talking about is because of linear-time thinking? I haven't entered intense levels of consciousness as many of guys had but I've had some experiences of the no-self and yeah what you are talking about is the only thing that makes sense to 'explain ' what I've discovered so far. However it seems "impossible" with linear time thinking. In high levels of consciousness this type of time perception changes radically enough that you can see clearly what you said? Or is just an explanation/analogy what you are saying?
  3. No, its the body itself who owns the I "I" am sure I am the body since wherever this body moves, "I" is there!! Therefore, i am enslaved to this 'knowledge' the mind has! I completely believe my mind, it has such a perfect and believable story. @VeganAwake help me out, what am i missing
  4. @Serotoninluv I (at least me) do not do it. I've become pretty conscious of what happens in a dream and I've come to the conclusion that there is awareness present in the same intensity than in real life. Thanks to awareness the dream can be dreamt. But that doesn't answer the question. Because I didn't chose to dream. In the same way that I didn't chose to live 'real life' as a 'devil'. It just happens. I suddenly find myself dreaming and I realize that there is awareness. However I do not seem to be very powerful as you guys say it is (God). I just find myself in all places and times, whether dreaming or in real life, but in sort of a helpless way.
  5. Lol I actually like it backwards, can't stand the stimulation side from kratom. Of course its dirty since its an opiod feeling haha Anyways I don't know even the reason of this post. Kratom is definitely not useful for consciousness practices so... I don't OP why he posted this.
  6. I would never reccomend smoking weed before doing any psychedelic. Well you must be one of the few people that actually can handle that combination for what I am seeing lol
  7. What is the difference? Because thoughts come from the mind therefore can´t describe Truth accurately. But "spiritual insights" you guys said they describe some fundamental truth. However this insights people describe them as some sort of complex, again, thoughts. How to know you are not deluded when an spiritual insight comes in? For me there is no delusion when you can´t actually doubt, its impossible to doubt what you are experiencing. Spiritual insights seem to have some kind "trying to make sense/explain sometihg" implicit delusion coming with them.
  8. I know it sounds new agey, but its true: You need to reconcile and accept porn in your life before you can let it go.
  9. After physical body dies awareness implants itself Into another physical body, right? I´m probably just making stories to feel "safe", but this story feels like the most common probability after physical death. Not trying to create a phylophical debate btw, just to know if anyone who has more consciousness experience/development would agree with this so I know I can feel safe "I´ll never die" and I can let go of so much desires/fears of this body/mind has.
  10. @Nahm I can let go of thoughts. But what If it (the act of letting go) doesn´t feel right? Why it feels correct to believe and attach to thoughts? It seems crazy to actually not put thoughs as a priority.
  11. I´ve found that way gives me the most anxiety. I feel myself much more relaxed and comfortable if from the beggining im just saying what I really want to say. (Sometimes it will only be a silly opener, but because in that moment I only feel to say that, not because I have thought before, "im going to talk to her with this line because its very congruent with the context, that way my chances of being approved by her will be way higher)
  12. Nice advices, I´ll have to check those out.
  13. On the Prime´s Video show Undone: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8416452/?ref_=ttep_ep2 I just started watching this show and it´s shockinly amazing. But the second episode is absolutely mindfuckery and I wonder if anyone has watched it and could make sense of it regarding weird loops Leo talks about in the blog. In the episode the script is constantly repeating but the scenes change a little bit, but its when the main character changes its attitude, that she gets out of the loop and starts creating something different. And analysis from someone having been consciouss of infinite loops would be interesting.
  14. In low doses I find it uncomfortably stimulating , at high doses it´s only value its being very very relaxing and numbing. For me it has 0 spiritual value, it basically a avoidence drug and having opioid activity (although low, not at all like hard drugs), it´s literally low-consciousness on a pill lol. Having said that, I would take Kratom any day before having alcohol. Like, I probably still use once in a while in substitution of alcohol if I want to use it comedown of a trip or if I going through a very rough time in life in the future.
  15. Hahah that is the best post i´ve seen in a while. Very well said god damn it, tired of this kids preaching stories within stories.
  16. But you haven´t really thought why really men are being sent to war. Is not because of coincidence. Withouth the gender identity that society constructed for males , it couldn´t have been possible to justify why only men go to war. This is the same as withouth the gender identity that society constructed for females , couln´t have been possible to justify why women couldn´t vote, and therefore it couldn´t be possible to accept that as normal. The "beliefs" society constructed that I am talking about is of the man being the gender that tolerates more brutality and violence, that is a "brute". And therefore is the one who should be sent to war, get way less empathy in violence situations, and get longer life prison sentences (yeah, keeps happening in 2020) . The construction of this narrative has been documented in plenty of history books: this "fact" have been used constantly to motivate and accept males to go to war and in general all sorts of dehumanization and toleration of brutality. This is clearly gender identity. @Serotoninluv Therefore I can´t see how this is not "gender" oppresion. How is this different to the gender female beliefs that have permitted that society has seen normal to oppress women? I am truly curious how would you see this different. And by the way, if you are going to tell me that is not gender oppresion because "but males do it to other males", inquiry how would you feel if i told you in regards to violence/murder in ghetto usa boroughs "but black people do it to other black people".
  17. I am considering If I only will Awaken if i totally surrender my fear of death. All kind of practices, including psychedelics, it seems they can help a lot, some more than others but the fact is much of my suffering and emotional problems are rooted to my fear of death. They are rooted indeed as Leo has said with survival. I can´t help but to think that my liberation will only come if I surrender myself totally and one day let go trying to survive. This doesn´t mean that I will commit suicide. This will mean that I will let go of trying to control anything. This would implie leaving my job and any fear of not seeing my relatives again, I´ve always felt a very attraction to the mountains/nature, lately I been imagining my Awakening will happen when I can´t take the pain that the "I" creates anymore and I stop giving attention to the "I", trusting my "heart", walking to a mountain with no food but just focusing on my breathing and letting go of any thoughts of fear until I free myself of myself. Some people might call this reckless but again, I am just trying to be realistic. pd: I yet haven´t tried significant doses of psychedelics though, and neither long-spiritual retreats. I´ll wait and not jump into conclusions until I try this two options for some time, but something tells me I don´t think I´ll get Awakening withouth true surrender and total courage and faith in the heart. And this can´t come from an external source (spiritual practice or method).
  18. You are exactly right, men and women do not have the same responsibilities, and particularly because that exact reason, both men and women are oppresed in different ways. War, normalization of violence and intense dehumanization towards males it´s a pretty good example of "oppresion" to a only a particular gender because of certain beliefs (or facts) that the gender has about. Obviously women suffer the same fate. That it´s worse or better I´m not going to argue. As I said being born a women has significant disadvantages in any era of history but so does being born a man. Is whether what perks and cons what you prefer. Only focusing in one gender and calling the people we talk about men´s right "anti-feminism" for me it´s not consciouss nor empathic towards the whole population. But again, I´m a male, i could be self-biased.
  19. Im changing my diet and introducing a lot of bananas and avocados. Both of these have plenty of potassium. Could it be dangerous for my kidneys that I eat a lot of potassium daily?
  20. Yeah avocados have way more pottasium than bananas you right. I mainly focused on those two because of the calorie intake, the rest of fruits I like to eat but not a lot since for me it just seems im eating water and sugar haha, with avocados I feel i am getting more energy/nutrient than just fructose+water
  21. Sometimes it has more variables than just identity. Of course, deep down is all due to identity, but in the relative sense, things from conditioning to relieve of trauma or as a means to cure artificially your mental illness, for example, can be all explanations of why people keep being addicted to stuff. And obviously, there are some stuff more addictive than others, you can't really compare the amount of pleasurable neurotransmitters that gives a pipe of crack or meth, to playing games on the Internet. Is just a whole other beast of pleasure that the brain has to let go of
  22. I did ketosis in the past (abstaining from carbs/sugars almost completely, with the exception of some vegetables) and I felt different. I wouldn´t say I felt "amazing" I would say I felt less anxious in particular, and a mix of sometimes being strangely tired with others having amazing energy. More or less being in ketosis it´s being like on fasting but with less intensity. However now I´m far from ketosis. I am trying a diet that I would call "frutariancarnivore". This consists of eating meat,eggs, vegetables and fruits. So anything like rice,pasta,oatmeal,bread...etc I abstain. Legumes too although I eat some hummus here and there. Well, the thing is even if I am eating plenty of fruit, so plenty of sugars, I am feeling more or less the same as I did in Ketosis. Again, I wouldn´t say the same, the intensity (the clear-headed and the tiredness) are less intense now as It was being on Ketosis, but still it´s pretty noticeable. I am finding myself craving a good bowl of oatmeal even though I haven´t restricted myself of glucose thanks to fruit. I´ll have to try more this diet to get more definitive conclusions, but it seems there is a common denominator between all of this approaches (fasting,ketosis, and my "frutariancarnivore " diet), all of them having the same results in clear-headed, anxiolitic properties and a mix of tiredness and energy, from the first being the most intense in this feeling (fasting) and the least (frutariancarnivore diet), the common denominator it´s abstaining from grains / slow absortion carbs.
  23. @Corpus Yeah, I commented that too but it seems some people have some magic power to know how pure is their LSD. I can attest even LSD straight from the lab sources have been underdosed. Everybody thinks their dealer is the "shit" until they go analize it (but almost nobody does, because again, everybody thinks their dealer is the shit) and turns out it was heavely underdosed (like most street acid) LOL