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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Hi there, I'm currently doing Kundalini Yoga but I thought I should post this here instead of making another thread. So lately my Yoga practice has gotten very very intense. In some exercises I have started to shout violently the following words "Per litia, per litia, sdraeliee, per litia". I have done some research and there's nothing out there regarding this words. 'Sat Naam' or 'Sat Kriya' are the common words that are said in Kundalini Yoga so maybe is just my brain saying certain words for no reason? What does it mean that after an exercise in yoga, my body gets like 'possesed' and start staying this words like a maniac. By the way the last time apart from shouting, I got my hands close to each other, and I formed like a ball of energy/light between them and I "shot myself" into the chest, I fall into my back and that shot scared me too. I would have laughed if not because I was very serious when it happened and it was like I had no control of why I did that. I hear little people here talking about all kind of strange shit that happens with Yoga exercises. For some way this kind of stuff I don't see happen in meditation. I don't mean I consider myself special for it just want to make sure if this is actually a thing or this is just all deludements from the mind. Since I read fantastic shit from yoga maybe this is sort of placebo effect and none of this is 'real' .
  2. What is the difference between having 3000 thoughts a day in a self-referential mode, or have like 10-20 thoughts that are precisely there to act on them? It seems when I've been in days when I've had very little thoughts my actions are more or less the same. I feel maybe 5% more free from the mind, but my mind keeps running the show. What 3000 thoughts a day do give is illusion of control. Maybe thats why it's hard to let go of thoughts, because one can imagine how would be to actually be free. It's very foreign to be free from your mind. I wonder if enlightened people really can choose accurate thoughts, act on them, and then the mind is silent. That would be amazing.
  3. I just have to say, those of you who have done pick up more than just " a few times" I have all of my respect and awe for you. I just started doing pick up last week finally (did 4 so far) and OMG this stuff is cool but also terryfing. Before doing this 4 approaches, I spent like the previous whole month just "going for it" taking a walk in crowded places with the intention of picking up and then ALWAYS GO BACK HOME with an excuse. Also my mind would make an excuse to "why I am here and I am not approaching" LOL This went on for more than a month! Then last week I finally bite the bullet, and just when I thought I was having momentum and I wanted to do it again today because I saw a beautiful girl, my mind fucking said something and I actually didn't approach. This pick up stuff is not difficult because of girls, seduction, or socializing, actually it has surprised me how is *relatively easy (I did a few more pick up years ago but quit because I found a girl) it's because your mind is a beast. Actually the only way to pick up it seems to just walk your body towards the girl not listening to the mind at all even if it's telling you 100signs in form of subtle racing thoughts and emotions who only say "don't fucking do it, dude". This is no different than strong determination sitting Lmao. It's a battle against your mind. Any other tricks to "force yourself" to approach ? Like maybe breathing techniques or something like that to do exactly in the moment you feel that fear in the body but you know you shouldn't listen to that fear?
  4. @remember LoL then you should have seen my porn tastes a while ago. Now i outgrowned them because I love myself a little bit and I almost don't find them arousing anymore. But they were pure auto-humilating to degrees that im not sure if it was psychologycally safe. Is not so un-commom btw. I guess it just common between people with low-self-love? I mean I appreciate your message because I know you mean it well but also don't be offended bro because I have enough with what I have LoL
  5. I'm the same. I got almost all my areas of life covered except socialising. I should be picking up girls but I just won't so I'm still a fucking virgin
  6. @ZenBlue Thanks. That seems a perfect explanation and it coincides with what I'm experiencing.
  7. @LfcCharlie4 Thanks, I'll need to get me that book. Some weird shit happened some minutes ago btw. I started focusing on the breath because I was feeling anxious this afternoon, and then I met my father and I got even more anxious. I started walking and focusing on breathing and it came to a point where I thought I was having a panic attack. Then... presence of the present moment revealed it itself. That was euphoric. It lasted only 10-15 seconds though. I imagine Eckhart Tolle is in this state 24/7? Wow I honestly don't know what is happening. In one sense I don't feel liberated at all, at the other hand everything seems effortless, I haven't talked with myself in form of thoughts in 4 days I think LoL. But more or less I feel the same . I just hope I pass this stage soon . I don't feel my life is in control at all but at the same time there seems nothing has gotten better :S. This is confusing man.
  8. Yes, it does make sense. All I can say is...'Im getting there' LOL
  9. This in an interesting topic. However I am not yet sure what is the correct answer. I'm going to therapy and lately after my Awakening I have wondered if I should stop going. Sure therapy can help but this last days I've discovered all of my mental problems are due to attachment of my identity. I know the real solution is just to become more and more consciouss until my identity gets shown as false in all areas of my life, freeing myself from neurotic thoughts which the only reason are there is to maintain an identity. Other kind of solutions can help but, one can't avoid thinking that those solutions are not really the real solution. The fact is my true nature is 100% fine and my only problem my true nature identifies with a mind and thoughts that have really no subject whatsoever inside. But I can imagine to people who are in deep mental problems they do need to go to therapy, and the "real solution" should wait and be implemented once your mind has a minimal mental sanity and purification.
  10. Yeap, all kind of explanation of THIS is for the purpose of the ego. THIS is already THIS without any egoic explanation necessary.
  11. RationalWiki. I stop reading there LoL
  12. It´s all One literally Separations only exist within the mind of the character.
  13. @Inliytened1 You just described most of the insights that I got just a few minutes ago after waking up from dreaming (lol, what an oxymoron). I lucid dreaming in the past and this night I got so consciouss that I saw the Self was seeing the character of the dream and also the rest of the characters this character was interacting with. More over this Self was empty so it was everywhere. The character and the characters were the Self. I have yet to become consciouss how the Self/God is creating all of this, though. Leo says it's possible in very high States of consciousness. I would find ashtonish to actually verify if that it's possible.
  14. @Osaid Yet only ego defines 'evil'. Not God. The best path is to abandon all concepts, trust me. Notions and definitions exist within the dream, don't you want to awaken from the dream? You're still dreaming. Everything is already totally fine. But the ego loves to say "Let me fix this (my devilry) and then I'll go out of your way". This is the very trick the devil plays. That some actions are justified. In reality none of them are.
  15. @Serotoninluv Good to know. Although If the active dose is so low with vaping I don't know if I'll be able to measure that accurately since I have a pretty lame scale so it could be a double edge sword in my case. If I try plugging it should I expect nausea even in an empty stomach? Never plugged anything.
  16. @Beginner Mind The question is after glimpses of "recognizing" your true nature, how much are you consciouss of that peace out of the 24 hours of the day? I think to limit one self to one type of tools is just dogmatic. It´s like since you can realize the absolute just doing Self-Inquiry, then you don´t want to try other methods like meditation. (And viceversa). Why not trying all the tools available to make the process as fast as possible?
  17. @Serotoninluv ¿15-20mg what ROA? I have thought for a while to give it a try but have had always posponed since the massive negative "reviews" online. I imagine is because a lot of people too do psychedelics specifically for recreation. Good to read that.
  18. In my direct experience, God is only awareness. Can´t be other thing that awareness because it seems there´s only awareness here. "Devil" or "Good" only exists in the weird ecosystem of the mind. I don´t think God knows anything about good or devil, again, it seems these are just projections of the mind.
  19. You just have too much ego. Reduce that ego to nothingness and you´ll have absolute peace.
  20. Nice, I was wondering too why Ekchart Tolle have this hate to the mind all the time in his narrative. I imagine he is very grounded in presence awareness to be very comfortable most of the time but he haven´t gone deep enough yet.
  21. Because "I" exist. That´s the root of all suffering.
  22. More like realizing that negativity wasn´t evert there in the first place. If you ask now..."But how come you say it´s not here? Yesterday i felt it and it was real as it gets!" Yeah, that´s how illusion feels like reality. If you don´t have a comparison between illusion and actual reality, then all you got is illusion. Therefore illusion becomes reality