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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. @Breakingthewall Consider doing a small dose of another Psychedelic to out your ego "on the mood" and maybe do 5-MeO next week. Or just don't do it. If you don't feel ready pushing it never really works Ime.
  2. Netherlands is a freaking awesome country. Be sure to be open-minded ! One of my favorites if not my favorite of Europe. Enjoy.
  3. Imo You shouldn't accept suffering because suffering is possible thanks to the illusion of the ego. That's why when you settle for anything other than Truth, you are saying something like "I want to be a slave of the ego because it promises [x material benefits]" even though you will get also not artificial satisfaction but suffering into the recipe. For me it just doesn't make sense. Abide in awareness peace for ever. I would push that button NOW
  4. @arlin It's a theory that I read from a other user on this forum which I think it makes sense. But it could be totally horse shit, of course. What I do know is that people which don't really want to trascend the illusion of the ego share all something in common, they haven't gained the wisdom to never trust the ego again. Most people who haven't suffered enough because of their ego will gladly take a nice and happy life before trying to "sort everything out". But people who have the ego as what it is will not take any proposition from it and will go directly for Truth until nothing else remains. @traveler I care. But I respect if you don't.
  5. Don't waste your time. Make something of this opportunity. Which country are you going to?
  6. That's totally Ok. Your probably are a new soul (not a lot human past lives) and haven't suffered enough off your ego to gain the wisdow to want to awaken totally.
  7. That's because you are not awake, mate. Don't kid yourself. Reality can be known. Totally. 100%. That is that Truth is . Is The "Truth" about reality.
  8. I suggest you try 2-CB for more self-actualization / new start / healing purposes. 5-MeO is for trascendence and for surrender, although of course one´s relative life (ego life) can benefit someties greatly from the trips.
  9. I´ve read one Santata Gamana´s and found it quite underwhelming tbh. Most people just do bullshit yoga. Santata Gamana´s Yoga teaching is based on great yoga but in my experience he just doesn´t give enough information. People need guided asanas . Just do hardcore Kundalini Yoga 3 hours a day and you will experience high states of consciousness. But most people don´t have the time or energy to do 3 hours a day of Yoga so they use psychedelics.
  10. I think I get you. I think the tricky part about understanding this is the fact that our human brains can only think in linear time, right? @justfortoday
  11. @justfortoday Then who are you talking to?
  12. Exactly. Unless this is more than a dream, that´s it. @Nahm That´s true. I also would say that in my case Solipsism feels great for my ego as a defense mechanism. Yet beliving that the other bodies that I see, there is a Consciousness being aware of those bodies and seeing through those 2 eyes, that is also a belief. Why in the world would anyone believe such a belief?
  13. How come? You just said there aren't any other Conscioussness than THIS right now being consciouss. You are just figment of my imagination trying to trick me because I'm not ready to awaken yet.
  14. @Member Hahah...so you are just my imagination talking to myself LOL
  15. So Conscioussness is being projected from one Body / Point of View and that's it? There aren't any other Conscioussness "out there" right? That's Solipsism in a nutshell
  16. Just meditated 10 minutes in darkness+silence after 2 months of not doing nothing. I saw it now. I am consciousness. Thanks
  17. Explain then why Conscioussness is creating a particular body in your reality and not other bodies that you are seeing on the streets then
  18. If you would have to score from 1 to 10 how sure you are that death doesn't exist (than when the body deteriorates and heart stops beating you will either re-incarnate, or stay as Infinite Love until you decide to create/imagine another universe) being 1 you are petty sure death will take something real with it and 10 that death won't affect ANYTHING real of reality being as sure as that 1+1 is 2 in arithmetics. How much score would you give? PLEASE be honest. If you still have a doubt that there might something as death and you COULD BE AFFECTED by IT, then please be honest and don't give just a 10 score.
  19. Again, they do not lose awareness. Awareness is there as it is in a 5 year old kid who have no clue what enlightement is. Honestly, I don´t have any idea how a person with dementia experiences the world. But as I said, is Consciousness which is or not awake of itself, not a person or a brain. So Consciousness could be maybe more awake within an ego that doesn´t construct contantly an story of time. That´s what I said "If any, the oppossite".
  20. @KaRzual Hehe.... see you are not getting it because you think awareness depends on cognitive function or brain activity
  21. That´s no fap. If you don´t want to masturbate even from once in a while, you´ll have to deal with that energy. Personally running long-distance is what helped me the most to dealing with the high energy/mania of nofap. But tbh I got tired of it because I felt it was kind of waste of time and making the body work for nothing. Still the benefits of nofap sometimes are worth it. You´ll have to contemplate what you want to choose. Personally I think the ideal is to fap once a week (testorone builds up to the maximum in about 7 days, then you hit the celing) but for most people doing nofap is sometimes more easy than doing one fap a week.