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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. @Someone here Upps. You jumped too fast to conclusions... Who said I was talking about an individual? I was talking about You...
  2. That´s cute, but you don´t fool me. You are mainteinig an ego like all of us. This is actually not even a matter of discussion, there are level of consciousness where the ego doesn´t exist and there are levels where the ego does exist. It exists as an illusion, sure, but since illusion can give you a very real toothache, for the sake of it we take that state into account too. See if you what you are telling me is that you are in constant high-awareness awakened state of consciousness, then that´s fine. I don´t believe you though, but yeah if you would then ego would not exist there.
  3. In the absolute sense you didn't said something false, but who lives in that state? The reality is that most of us are stuck within the relative , thus we carry an ego with us. Ego is your whole fucking history as a human. (And the one you are maintaining right now unless you just a had a sudden raise of consciousness). So yeah, I think it does 'exist'.
  4. I think few people has trascended the brain ... everybody seems victim of brain chemistry no matter how much awakenings they had. I sometimes wonder, if we really can´t change our state at will, are we really conscious reality is imaginary? Probably because we are not. Or we are not so sure. At the other hand, only God has will, not the ego. So all this is just mental masturbation probably. God somtimes it´s so depressing that the ego it´s so powerless in just everything.
  5. If time doesn´t exist you must be God then
  6. If you want to be sure just sending it to test it. What you want us to say? We don´t have superpowers to know what drug do you have.
  7. I don´t agree. Is that your personal experience?
  8. The ego is your whole life as a human separate from the "physical world". That´s it. Now you can have a more healthy and conscious ego or not. But as long as you want to keep surviving in this human form you will keep an ego.
  9. Reality is God. Take your own conclusions of that.
  10. That meme is amazing. I never had thought about it like that. @Bulgarianspirit
  11. If there is no one watching why do you say there is perceving? 1- the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. 2 - the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
  12. @Nahm Oh really? Yeah she´s great! I discovered her with that song which is from his last album. She´s got more great songs in that album too!
  13. It didn't existed in the absolute/truth sense. As an illusion, yes, the perceiver exists.
  14. Have you actually experienced as God another pov? Notice that for a POV to exist it must be experienced by YOU!!!
  15. I dedicate this song to @Nahm who helped me to learn to #feel which is a super-power
  16. @Someone here Seems like a pure semantics difference... Ideally non-duality would be that you are One with everything and at the same time there are outthere other POVs (doesn´t matter if I have created them, but at least they exist) experiencing reality. That way I can share my creation with my imaginary creations. But the problem is if this is the case (the other case would be Solipsism), then the following crucial questions arises: 1- Why I have chosen as God to experience this particular POV and not remeber the other ones 2- Even If I remember the other ones, that would mean that the other ones have already happened. Therefore the ones I talk to they are dead and they are really imaginary. 3 - If God is actually imagining my POV and maintaining in second-order (like a subprocess in a PC), then its clear the other people are imaginary. because maintaining the other people would be just as a subprocess, not as A POV. And we can concur than a POV is what makes a person actually alive. Not just seeing a body move and mouth talk.
  17. @Bulgarianspirit Sorry but I don't buy it. I appreciate your post but I'll have to verify on my own experience everything. So far what I've discovered after many mystical states is that The present moment withouth ego instantly changes into something very different and radical. But from that to extrapolate that other people are consciouss and so on, it would just be a guess. A guess by the way that I don't want to give. Because I am Conscioussness. If a person is consciouss I need to be there to be conscious. I am sure you have experienced plenty of crazy stuff much more than I had. But from what I am reading it seems you still believe in a outside physical reality outside your Consciousness. This is imposible ? I am not saying that your. I am saying that if God is now busy imagining an ego, that's what he's doing. God is not imagining an ego AND at the same time a rock and a person 10km from here. No! A rock and a person 10km are imagined once you see them See if seems you haven't fully grasped that you are God and there's nobody other than you.
  18. @Bulgarianspirit Ok, thanks for sharing. Would you say that you are Enlightened then? Like...you are telling me all of this (and I don't doubt it's true, i know the power of psychedelics) but I am not still sure what are the conclusions of it. Is death real? Like...when your physical (imaginary) body dies, will you start looking through your bf's eyes? Or how this goes?
  19. Tripping with a friend would prove nothing to me. The fact that I can have telepathy or whatever weird woo-woo skill on a psychedelic doesn´t prove anything to me. I could be imagining my friend and the scene about telepathy. Is not until I experienced literally other person´s POV AND I REMEMBER IT (for me this is the only reason that makes sense, but if this is the case this means I am going one life at a time therefore solipsism is true) that I will verify in my own experience. Anything else would just be a belief. Recognize that you are taking a guess. Again, you can inside a dream trip with a friend and have telephathy with him!!! Does that mean that your dream friend is real? No!! Because You are imagining the WHOLE THING!!
  20. @Bulgarianspirit How do you explain that you only experience the POV of @Bulgarianspirit and not my POV? Sure you can say that you are actually experiencing my POV because God is looking through each of his creations, BUT...that is just a guessing at most, you have 0 memory of it. What you have to say about this?