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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. @Ry4n the quote your quoting from Leo refers not to the ego ( the idea) dying, but rather you as God/Consciousness becoming totally formless for ever
  2. That we don't need much to be happy.
  3. Yes, enlightenment ends suffering. BUT, you don't know if you will fall of that state of consciousness. What you are missing is that Enlightenment is a state of consciousness. Truth is a state of consciousness. Sorry to break it to you, but unless you are Awake in the NOW, having a "memory" of being Consciousness will probably ease the pain, but it won't make you untouchable. And I am highly skeptical that the classical gurus were in a God consciousness state all the time.
  4. Yes, but you will forget again. You can't die, how can you think you will be always in pure consciousness of yourself? It would be so boring ?
  5. Of course the ego want to corrupt truth and make it ever lasting nirvanic for his own benefit. In reality enlightenment is much complex. But of course the mind wants it to be an off/on switch. But permanent is a human concept, there's nothing permanent. If you fall out of your super state awareness you will back to suffering. And that's Ok because God includes suffering in Infinity. It's ego which can't accept it Hell, even if you get enlightened for ever in this life, you will end up forgetting who you are and live another life dreaming So better surrender and accept the truth of impermanence.
  6. That understanding of enlightenment seems very simplistic.
  7. @Carl-Richard that was hilarious. Now, really, you don't actually believed those things right? Firstly, the ego is not a dark evil agent wanting you to avoid enlightment. Ego is a total unconsicous process (that why consciousness ends the ego ?). Secondly, what is this shit about categorising state of consciousness to the point of mockery? I can understand categorising from 100 to 1000 in 100 increments (and this still it's so so fucking naive for something as complex as Consciousness), but to say in detail that he is back at "583" its just hilarious.
  8. I thought a fuckboy was the typical alpha only wanting sex never relationship. The picture shows more of an efeminate hipster
  9. Yeah. God is hallucinating every possible scenario I think. In which your scenario and human body is one of it, and mine other.
  10. But not the POVs person reality. God hallucinates the whole infinity, in where different POVs of reality appear What you are saying is pure solipsism
  11. One time I played with the idea of cutting my dick. I was having an ego death and my ego was getting nervous so as I way to trigger Consciousness back into identification (fear), it started to say and warn that he maybe could cut his dick... etc. Of course "I" didn't do it because the ego is always just fucking around. But...still... It could have been also because of the sustance which was not a strict psychedelic and it has mdma properties like reducing almost totally fear and inhibition. Which I Think it can be a little dangerous in those states. Definitely for for the normal and known psychedelics. Although we all heard that story of running naked down the street on acid (lol, you are one of those stories it seems ?).. Thanks for sharing man, that was hilarious reading that.
  12. Well, it´s true that you don´t exist. But yeah, that who doesn´t exist still should love himself
  13. Then its false what leo said that God designs reality to maximize Love? @Nahm Damn I guess there are no questions then Lol
  14. That´s very interesting. I will contemplate that, thanks for sharing. Do you mean that God is infinite to do what he wants but at the same time, he can "choose" what to live/create to maximize love?? @Vibroverse
  15. Same here, here are my insane-person stats by day; -Email: 5-10 times - Instagram: 20-30 times -Whatsapp; 30-40 - Telegram : 10times
  16. If you stop being identified with the personal human you become inmortal. See Leo´s video "What is inmortality?". He explains it pretty good.
  17. @Muhammad Jawad Yes. That's exactly what he's doing now. Colours forms, thoughts, are appearing. "He" is not quite there. He is projecting all of that from itself. But take a look, you are that. Notice that you are literally that. So what's the problem? ?
  18. It is a creation of God. And is also God. @Muhammad Jawad In the same way, that you are the current personal incarnation live, and you are also all lives.