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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Connor Murphy 2.0 Haha I mean Pick up is survival , bias, and attachment. That people try to make it like it's a form of spirituality is kind of... What? Really? I mean it looks really well to tell yourself you are doing it for God realization but the reality is you are doing to get laid and have fun in life.
  2. More positivity/optimist, less thought stories of could go wrong, more focusing on my well being and less on others, more trust on myself, not believing myself that I am my past (thoughts).
  3. @Breakingthewall no. I've only tried LSD some years ago and it worked miracles for my ego. Really saved my life. I definitely going to be doing that or mushrooms soon, and park the 5-meo trascendence stuff for some time. Maybe for some weird reason normal psychedelics just work better for my mental health than the potent ones like dmt and 5-meo. Thanks for the help I don't have an issue with reality changing. It's fine. But myself, like, my mind and body, I would like to be different, in the way it acts/interpret stuff, attitude, etc.
  4. ? Thanks for the advice. Yeah...it's difficult. I do want a proper awakening Because I feel much of my challenges with self development come from lack of love/hate to my ego, and my strategy is that realizing some deep truths about myself and reality would make to stop hating myself and valuaing myself in a good way. I feel Truth can help my ego. Since my insane neurotic creations are literally delusions and falsehoods... That's why Im still going full throttle with spirituality. I don't think I can actually heal in any other way. And I have to heal Because my life fucking sucks. In the past I would project problems and sufferings onto people and things but now I'm conscious I'm the one which is creating the suffering so that makes it more obvious that I need to get my shit together Lol
  5. The problem is that I'm focusing on spirituality Because personal development didn't worked ? because of ego
  6. @Nahm? Imo It's not that beautiful when you realize you are alone and you wish to go back to ego Consciousness so you can go back to believe other people are real and continue with your "illusion" of life. If I'm honest, you don't exist and I'm creating you right now to accept that I'm God. To which I say: sorry God I will never be able to accept what you are saying. The goal of Enlightment you guys have is absolutely impossible to reach. There is no way nobody is fully conscious is God imagining everything around him. It would complete death and it would be meaningless being in that state .
  7. How much should one wait between trips? I did just one ~1 hour ago (morning) and I was wondering if it would be safe to do another one at the afternoon (maybe 5-6 hours from now).
  8. Also the illness itself will change your "imaginary" brain chemistry. But the illness itself is imaginary so fuck it how am I kidding
  9. After watching last night's episode, today I saw this hot girl who had an impressive fat ass and for the first time I really looked it in a different way. I contemplated that maybe my attraction to sexual feminine traits it's a bias that I created to... Be attracted to the females and not the males! A bias I created Because...I'm playing the game of being identified as a male! So I need to create all of this illusions to keep my agenda alive! Objectively,I'm telling you, a fat ass it's as attractive, valuable or "good" as a pile of the ground, or a tree, or really any object! What if things like "evil" people or "evil" acts are the same? It's all a bias we are projecting Because "evil" acts are just acts that go against our agenda of human survival (and then this can be divided between human male survival and human female survival, which would explain perfectly why sometimes intense debates arise between guys Vs girls. We don't seem to agree in some aspects of social behaviour and that is not coincide. It's because we have different survival agendas. Girls must keep being girls and guys must keep being guys)
  10. My theory is that because the amount on Focus you have on a psychedelic is magnitudes above the meditation state a common pro meditator can hold as a baseline.
  11. @integral chess ? You gotta be kidding me, no way @Nahm Omg ? Am i that fat ass? Because of infinity right? But infinity feels very far from my current experience. I might not be the body But i do expereice a body with a penis and not with a phat ass. (Which im fine with it, Im just saying. Im.not everything in *actuality).
  12. Dont i need to think perception to know perception? Well thats the funny thing. I doubt there is such a thing as a genetics that you cant change. Evertything CNA change based on your beliefs and self awareness Have you heard of epigenetics?
  13. ?? @Swarnim Thats cute man, be Happy you have such a smart sister
  14. More than insecure I feel sometimes as a victim being men just as women do. So I would like to be heard sometimes as a man too My opinion doesn't contradict that I think feminism should keep striving to get women better status though.
  15. Just for the sake of science, here's the field report: Set: -Me: I have my profile locked, I have a normal quantity of followers and I have a profile picture where I'm hot ? -Her: Open profile, some photos here and there of her showing his body but nothing too crazy. High quantity of followers in proportion to how much she's following, but nothing too crazy either Setting: - This hot girl tweets the following: "I'm looking for a boyfriend ONLY for Sant Jordi's day. Candidates may apply" The attempt: 1. I DM telling her I'm in. And since I'm a "nice guy" I will buying her the rose (Obviously is a joke. I'm purposely devaluing myself) 2. Her replay is unexpected. She says "Come on send some money to my PayPal". (Turns out she's was actually looking for some financial submissive to leech some money off Lol) 3. With a sad emoji attached I tell her: " I thought you were serious". 4. She replied just "Bye" 5. I replied her: "Ok but can you tell me why you don't want to hang out. This is so sad I will die a virgin *cry emoji" 6. She replies: "Not my problem". 7. I reply her: "Well that's true. Bye then". That's it folks. I survived thought. This is not be ended. Moral of the story is probably yo stay away from trying to get laid through Twitter. Or any online means at this point to be honest.
  16. I didn't heard women complain wanting to get on par with men on war troops, garbage Jobs, mining Jobs, homicide victims, homeless, work accidents or prison population. Hm... Women have lived in a less status position than men yes, but with more security of Life. Men have lived with higher status position than women, and more social freedom, But with less security and more exposed to risk and violence in society. The have been treated with more brutality than women. Men have been the expendable and brutalized sex. Women have been the almost domesticated, and opressesed sex. Each of the sides come with pros and cons If women want to aspire to an equal status position than men, fine, i would want that to too if i were a woman. But stage Green shouldnt kid themselves telling the story that feminism is about equality or being on par. Its about being on par on "the cherry picked things and Job positions i like about Life" But not evertything else where men have gotten the ugly side.
  17. Do you have resent towards women? That plays a part in men which i know that reject feminism
  18. Nothing. But i Dont get what you are trying to say with that question.
  19. ? Your body is just something you have collected over the years, isn't it? Isn't it? Yes or no ?