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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. No. I one time hit my toe while i was having an awakening and i become conscious suffering was the thought saying "this is really bad" to the physical sensation. That instant high conscious observation made that i didnt experience suffering, just Pain.
  2. @Leo Gura Thanks , I wont be so hard with myself then ? you might have a point. Good news i took action and i plan to go out regularly from now on ? instead of just doing a couple of times and quit It like i did in the past. Btw. What do you mean with delusional levels of self confidence? Feeling like a human embodied God around them?
  3. How so? @Inliytened1 Different point of Views mean separation even though all of them might be "emanating" or being created from pure Consciousness.
  4. A friend has suggested me to try one last time 5-meo breakthrough IS supposed to break the final barrier of this silly joke I've been playing so much time (the ego) @Nahm What ya think? @Breakingthewall
  5. So how you are on Life @SQAAD now? No much resistance? Flowing? My biggesr shadow is social anxiety/lack of self love etc and i have realized that It all would go away if i could just flow, let go, apply Desire first rule, in the Now. But for that i have to become enlightened lol as long as i believe myself to be tbe ego i Will keep resisting love
  6. I agree. Psychedelics can help a lot and can be crucial for healing some deep problems or addictions But you have to do them regularly until you clean all your shadows. And usually the ego always avoids this. I Dont think either with 1-3 trips you are good to go. This heroin or meth addicts Who apparently quit the drug after one 5-meo breakthrough dose for example, we Dont know if they have relapsed after 1 year ??‍♂️
  7. Please, stop saying nonsense. "Delude themselves" as if being not good looking would make you kneel in front of the woman or something ? (and i say this already being a 7). The fact that you said you are an 8 already just tells me you are not making sense with all this "rating" thing.
  8. Woah your post shows a lot of bitterness and hate xDD ?
  9. Fair enough, But i still think your proportion is too low. You might want to approach less mechanically and more focusing on feeling and Desire . Quality > quantity
  10. Trying to unquote But i can't from phone sorry. This message goes to the OP @AdamR95 Not to brag, because Im an insecure low self esteem Virgin, But i had THREE DATES from just ~10-15 cold approaches some years ago, I you had 8 Dates from 200, you must be doing something really bad! Im also not that handsome. Im a 7 i think. Im not even muscular. Skinny!
  11. Didn't know where to post this...if in this subforum or in entrepreneurship forum. Wondering if I could make a living selling gay content on onlyfans/Twitter I just realized I have a good body, I'm good looking, I'm straight but I'm open minded, and yeah I would be selling my body (pictures and videos, don't want to become a male prostitute) but in my job I also sell my body too. It's hurting my back. My ears. My soul. And it pays a shit. So why not sell my body in a more intelligent way Lol. From my home and in my own terms. I am not interested in real life sessions, I'm not that open minded Lol. Just want to know if I could make a living doing this online.
  12. So today and yesterday i started going out with a daygame noob and we just Dont have the balls yet to do Direct approaches so we just do approaches even though they are just asking the time, directions, compliment Style, etc. I was Able to redirect the first day a couple of approaches to asking number tho', and my wing was able to get a number today just because i asked the time to a Girl It was behind us and she just kept talking. so this cold approaches are not that useless even tho they are not that effective as Direct ones. But you still waste a lot of opportunities. Lots of Hot Girls that you just Ask where the damn Starbucks is for the 10th time and you let her go away 90%. I think an issue with this is that i am not Able to do Direct approaches because Im not relaxed enough, today we put cronometer, each of one we have 3 minutes to approach, one its finish its the other Who has to approach. And repeat. Problem i have with this technique: - It makes you anxious to approach -it makes you approach lots of times Girls you Dont feel It that much But because "you have to" you just approach her and Ask for a shitty direction again. In the other Hand It is a good technique in the sense that makes you move, today It was the day both me and him approached the most. However i was not Happy with the result at all. In Summary: 1). What do you think of this BS of avoiding Direct approaches? Its normal since we are newbies and its better to approach than doing nothing, or we are just avoiding the real work? 2). Is this technique good since It provides "results" or its a flaud technique since It does make you mechanic and (particularly for me) not in a fun mood But just robotic
  13. What if all this Infinity shit is a creation/story of the ego to not feel Alone and do as other people and places exist apart from the present moment? Just as the materialist paradigm. Basically Infinity is the materialist paradigm But for new agers/people Who pursue "Enlightment", do Psychedelics, meditate, etc. Of course Im not saying Infinity is a fraud, Im just saying, the similarities are...really suspicious. ?
  14. What was your route of administration? If It wasnt inhaled/vaped, theres no reason to be scared.
  15. @Kalki Avatar wooow yeah i agree totally with that you said ! I need to Focus even more on awareness , being grounded in myself, etc, instead of What to say or how i am looking to the other person. Nice!
  16. @WaveInTheOcean yeah i mean I've seen that But i Dont know What It is. Dont know why i would call It "Infinity"
  17. Have you seen "Nocturnal Animals"? It talks in a brilliant way about why women do not choose weak men. Its a fucking brilliant movie.
  18. I thought warming up would make Direct approaches easier, It does put you in higher state, But i end Up not really doing them totally. Lots of time in the past that i just went out and talked to nobody, so i thought at least do indirect ones. But It seems we are wasting time. Did you start just with Direct approach from the first time?
  19. Great, the 999th post about how Alone i am por how we are One. Doesnt Matter, everybody here still lives as other are different than you (they are still selfish) and they are not Alone (they Talk to people and feel a minimal degree of self awareness).