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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. @Leo Gura right! However, my main "concern" is, wouldnt they screen for that in here?? ????
  2. @Michael569 It Definetely helps, that gives me a more broad and complete perspective on the question
  3. I just realized the most mindfucky thing. When i scroll through social media, when i watch those mini second YouTube videos, or when i wait in those seconds for the WhatsApp to open and load the messages... My mind is totally blank. Im seeking Buddha mind in each scroll, each Porn search, or each checking into my DMs. And then i realized another mindfucky thing...? That I can become conscious enough to make a "screenshot" on the quality of my Consciousness when its scrolling/waiting for DMs to load, and then, i can turn off all distractions, sit on my room , look at an object or at empty space, and re-create the "Screenshot" of Consciousness i made and sit in this "dopamine high" (is actually Consciousness/Buddha nature, but anyways) for as long as i want. Dont believe, actually do It. If you wonder What this "Screenshot" looks like, just do the experiment and observe how intensely your Consciousness is focused on the Now, with no thoughts, and, i would say, with a Safe/completedness energy field, in those 1-2seconds before the Server loads the messages in your app and you can finally start reading them. So having the ability to recreate this, at any given moment, gives you basically the power of Consciousness. Truly a twisted masterpiece how the illusion works. And quite the celebration to finally have Broken through It. ??
  4. Yes But the mindfuck is that sometimes you need the high stuff to keep yourself out of the ego/mind an actually do stuff. So when people say "avoid Enlightment/spirituality" if you Dont have the básic needs met , is kinda meh. Because to get things as job or sex, one of the biggest barriers is being extremely neurotic (Big ego) about It. As always, you guys loved to do differences between spirituality Focus and material Focus, But they are not separate. You can avoid one withouth the other.
  5. @Iesu ? Well you wash yourself over with that ideology for sure It Will feel bad... Not saying that one should accept being a Virgin though...is definetely a block in growing for a man which must Sort out
  6. So you are talking about some kind of Karma? @Random witch What about conscious farms? Do they suffer so much? I don't know, I don't doubt they have their moments of suffering giving birth or things like that but when I go to the mountains and see those guys peacefully eating grass they don't look that much stress or suffering. Of course mass farming pigs, chickens, etc suffer a lot.
  7. What's your reason behind saying this apart that its what mainstream says?
  8. Yeah i agree. But this post was about Leo being or not being enlightened. Thats why i replied to you. And ime higher doses of Lsd is way more mindfucky and intense than 5-meo. That experience would never happen to you on 5-meo-dmt
  9. Yet you can definetely have a Consciousness awakening on a very small dose of Psychedelic and function just FINE Sure, its not the infinite Consciousness Leo talks about, But It can definetely be categorized as Enlightment. Its like you guys go either all black or all White, when there are plenty of grey "states" in between which you could be in and still function.
  10. I agree with your post but He never said he is enlightened.
  11. Yeah... that's what I am saying though, that the maintaining of Awareness on the now is very hard... only happens to me in glimpses (not talking about psychedelics, just sober )
  12. @Nahm Naaa I wrote it wrong. I meant that Awareness has allowed the separate self to exist (by falling asleep) over and over. If Awareness is not awake by now, I wouldn't bet a lot It will be awake in the future no matter how much inspecting or contemplating is done unfortunately. Lol but yeah, Awareness allows Javfly33 to exist as a false self/self centered thoughts. Ey, I don't like it. I would like to be awake. But its what it is. ?
  13. Couldn't have said It better? PD: Im a virgin ?
  14. The resume has been seen here several times, yet there has been always an "allowing" of awareness to keep believing in a separate self. (Who knows why ? )
  15. If you see more ups and downs, go for it I guess. I just think getting sex for a man it's a part of a growth process, so if you "buy it", it's like you are cheating.
  16. @Leo Gura Rly? But you are talking about those clubs like the one you said you Saw Calvin Harris, or just a pub/bar? I'm just shocked because here in my country some night clubs OPEN at 00:00-1AM, and of course close at 6AM or so. And night pubs/bars here open at 21:00-22:00 and close at 4AM. But clubs? Until 6-7AM totally normal to be open. Im shocked that in Vegas they close at 2AM You must be talking about bars.
  17. @Bodhidharma try airpods pro or any similar high end bud with ANC (active noise cancellation). I have tinntitus (Its light But i def hear it when i meditate or at night). I have become accustomed to It, But when i put airpods pro ironically the sound goes away , idk how that happens. Because buds with ANC are supposed to block frecuencies from outside (not inside) and they are not very good at blocking high pitched sounds. But hey, just an idea if you want to give It a try. I reccomend airpods pro not because Im an Apple fanboy btw But because basically they are the ones I have and also i know by research they are one of the most if not the most comfortable out there. I usually can wear them for a couple of hours withouth not feeling any kind of discomfort in my ears (they are very light). The reason of tinntitus is 90% probably because of hearing damage. It happens one of those days where a stupid fucking Moron throws a firecracler too near of you, or those nights where your friends just decide to go to the closes location of where the speakers are in the nightclub.
  18. Lately I´ve been going out to work on my daygame skills. I´m not ready to do direct approaches, I´m currently learning to just learn to stop women clearly and assertively and just ask for time, directions and little else. Today's observations: 1- I let walk pass by at least 6-7 girls which were available to approach (they weren't on their phones, on a hurry, etc). 2- More interesting, I observed that all that these girls had in common is that they were clearly above average attractive than other girls! 3- I also have observed that even asking this kind of simple questions give me small approach anxiety, yet if I would to ask them to a guy or an older woman (no sexual tension) then I don't have a trace of anxiety. 4- Especial attention to the last couple of girls I let walked passed by without approach, they were particularly good dressed and wearing make-up and I literally froze up in my body. Why in the hell am I terrified of hot girls? This is insane. This daygame thing is definitely being interesting in getting closer to the shadows of my ego. Of what am I scared of? What??
  19. @Nahm Yes, i am meditating daily. Will watch the video carefully now, thanks ? But Nahm can you be honest with me do you really i have chances of Enlightment with 1 hour meditation a day? I am doing It because i enjoy the calmness and ability to be still/silence that meditation habit brings, But i have abandoned the hopes of Enlightment with It. Please be honest. Dont reply me now throwing me a punchline such as "Nahm does not exist" or something like that ?? @Someone here (sorry for derrailing. Once Nahm throws me the punchline ill be gone ?Lol)
  20. @LfcCharlie4 ??? Yeap. Its truly a challenge to eat low/dense vibrational foods on higher states of Consciousness than usual
  21. I have started to reduce my coffee and kratom daily intake. Feeling so so much more energized and calm at the same time. However some times I feel a little sleepy or tired and I don't know yet if its that I am reducing a little caffeine each day, so I dose a very little spoon of kratom just to not feel tired (not to get high or anything like that. Just to do stuff I have to do. I take less than 1gr). So basically I am not sure if I should wait to quit completely the caffeine to see clearly what WD is what. Why am I tired , if its because of the kratom, or because of the coffee. Because the bad thing is that at night I do kratom, so some days I wake up groggy AF, usually with coffee this goes away, but then I have to do a very little spoon of kratom to take the edge off the caffeine. So at the end of the day that daily night dose I think its what's really preventing me from cutting everything to ZERO. Although meditation is helping recently and sometimes I realize I don't need anything to "chill" because my mind recently is quite calm, the Kratom "thought" at night is very strong and I end up always dosing.
  22. That's a hard one to let go of. But I get what you mean. But when you lose yourself into thoughts there is a created a sort of "identity illusion" where a character appears which really seems real and I think that's why most people don't get enlightened. Of course if you inspect there is nobody, but if I am not that what am I? Can't allow myself to be nothing
  23. @Someone here Actually yeah Im going to ask @Nahm why we have to be slaves of the ego for his desires and goals if we got the Love/Peace/Contedness in our hands already? ?? @Someone here suffering is of the ego. Its because you are a slave to the ego