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Everything posted by Hotaka

  1. Look, from what I know sleep paralisis could be one of two things. One is that your body is still asleep in a sense, so that when you dream you don't move your body. So if it is when you wake up, don't make a big deal about it, either wait for it to recede, or move until you move and get out of it, or enjoy the stillness and let your body wake up by itself. If this happens on your way to falling asleep then let it happen, enjoy it, and know that you might be about to enter a lucid dream or an out of body experience (OBE). The reason for this is that in that state, your body is asleep and your mind is awake, thus you are self conscious, and any reality you will create or enter will be independent of your body. The second possibility is that you could be frozen/immobilized by aliens, either technologically or mentally, so they can do who knows what to you. In this case be very careful, if it feels wrong in any way, which it should because they are violating you, then don't do it. Don't let it happen. Fight it. Use your energy to repel it's influence on you.
  2. Dude if there was a liberated being here the whole universe or anything you can imagine wouldn't exist. The thing is he doesn't want that of course. So no one is liberated and no one will ever be liberated. Unless he wants that. But does he? I don't think he does. Why would he want to lose the play with form. The dance with consciousness or whatever you call it. All of that. That is you. Dude if there was a liberated being here the whole universe or anything you can imagine wouldn't exist. The thing is I don't want that of course. So no one is liberated and no one will ever be liberated. Unless I want that. But do I? I don't think I do. Why would I want to lose the play with form. The dance with consciousness or whatever you call it. All of that. That is you.
  3. Two options. Become a monk, that way you won't have to worry about your life at all, of course monks still do work etc, but you won't have to worry about your looks etc. The other is get your shit together. From the ground up.
  4. The truth is that you must follow something beyond yourself, your ego self. You must follow what you most deeply know, but not in your mind, beyond that, in the deeper mind. If you follow what you most deeply know, without making compromises, not a single compromise, from now on up into infinity, you will get exactly what you want.
  5. @Leo Gura Yeah but Leo there is a lot of Karma and shit to work out in the world and beyond. We can't just go straight to Source without doing the work in the world and all the planes beyond that. This doesn't happen through just psychedelics or meditation, but through also doing normal things, which I am sure you are doing as you are a very self developed person capable of doing many things in your life. I guess this guy needs to do that as well. I find psychedelics can open the door to things and show you things, like a window or a glimpse, but just for a short while and then the work needs to be done. Because it all comes back to you when you are not tripping anymore. All the Karma, all the shit you have and need to deal with. We are related to that stuff in the manifest. It is like attached to us. Forms. Sometimes they come as if they were divinely provided lessons, which we must respond correctly to or we may not learn the lesson. We must sift through them to get to the purity and love. Meditation yes, work in the world yes. Shifting in and out back and forth between Source and manifestation and then going in between, till we can be in all places at once. I think it is a type of samadhi actually, being half in half out, eyes half closed half open, like Shiva maybe.
  6. If you realize your permanent self while you are here, nothing will change when you die... If you don't, you will still be bound to the wheel of time and reincarnation.
  7. I remember reading a quote by Nisargadatta, which said that before we want to get enlightened or advance to higher levels of spirituality we must clean up the rubbish, or sort out the mess that we left behind. This means that we can't leave without doing what we have to do. It might be our karma, or just the fact that in a way we are connected to the world and the things in it.
  8. Interesting, I don't know what to say, but I want to reply, because I am curious about what comes through me in this regard. See, sometimes I learn when I read, and I learn from what comes through me as a reply, and, although I don't want to teach anyone, maybe what I say can be learned from, you can learn or someone else can learn, it doesn't matter, I don't really care. Sorry about the tangent. I guess it's an interesting fine line. The objective reality, and the subjective reality. I have actually been thinking a lot about this lately. The subjective reality is what is going on in your head, your idea of things. The objective reality is what is out there according to science, what can be measured or documented in a semi-permanent way. All of this is in my opinion of course. Reality is somewhere in the middle. It is the thing between the objective and the subjective. Here is a text that changed my life. I think you should check it out too @Leo Gura unless you have already seen/read it, considering how many resources and things you have already absorbed.
  9. There is no before and after in enlightenment.
  10. Everyone has God within them... Do you want to be a donkey like all the rest of them? I could use much worse words to describe them but I won't... So you think they are all doing well and happy? They might look happy, but is Knowledge looking good? They could just be a mirage of sorts. When you see a mirage, do you wonder if the mirage is happy or sad, or if you want to be the mirage? Why would you? It wouldn't even cross your mind.
  11. I have only one thing to say and it will not answer your question, or maybe in some way it will. You cannot use words such as 'The God' or 'a God', you just can't. It doesn't make sense does it? Neither to me, or maybe it does... Here is a possible explanation: By putting a word such as the or a, you are suddenly placing God into a position that God can be observed and said 'he is this, or it is this'. This is as if you or someone else can be on the outside looking in at God. Also, 'a God' means there is more than one God, which there is not. This collapses God into an identity, of some sort, created by you.
  12. Non-attachment is a primal tenet of Buddhism. What does this really mean? Is it hard to follow? Can we become attached to not being attached? Is that also an attachment? How liberating can it really be to not be attached to anything? How does one achieve this state?
  13. @Osaid I watched Leo's video on impermanence. Lots of golden nuggets there.
  14. Oh my God, where was my mind back then, my words here are excellent, no ego, just amazement at what came through me. Can't do that now
  15. Dream the dream brethren, while your neurons are firing in your brain and the birds are chirping outside. In the silence we go. Like a knife through water presence fills the air, is so sharp, like the trigger of a gun it perforates your awareness, or unhinges it for the better and shows you a Greater Panorama that you can sit and meditate on for infinite amounts of time with no numbers to see. Ouch it hurts because it is split apart, this one undifferentiated field of Consciousness. And lets not leave it there, lets bring it to greater heights with us together on this journey up this high mountain to climb. Lets do it as one for many. Every day counts, and in every mind this is, this day. Mind you. Dream up the juice and watch it flow to others, ojas in conversion to psychic energy creates a reality more substantial than the relationships of matter. We create a platform and a network together that we can interact with, and one that is discreet, self-sustaining and united, in language communication and central intelligence. Merlin, tree spirit, face in a wall, fixed psychic eyes of self in another room of darkness and self knowing through others. Dream conductor, closed circle, closed circuit, light still shining behind plane of hole in wall (simply used for 3d distinctions on a 2d plane, a page, words) because relationships still exist outside of the room, there is another life to see as an example, 4d reality, basically. Channeling a spirit, Ramana or also known as 'Bhagavan', Sri Ramana Maharshi. The light that shines on top of him. He is eating a lot of energy as he is eating the suffering of this world by taking responsibility, and wears a long beard to give back wisdom to the world through Michael James aka Merlin (in my opinion). Non-dual baba-merlin saint of westerners. Dead inside, achievement unlocked. Knows how to move the energy in a room as it overlaps time and space, he is a re-aligner of space, a re-stabilizer of the astral plane (in my opinion), as I see his psychic abilities manifest, here in this video it is clear, he knows the hinges and light switches in the room when no one is knowing. He is travelling, and the room is travelling in him, and in the end in the room there is no separation as he eats it all, and in the end in the person they must find their own way of eating.
  16. Thanks guys for all the wonderful suggestions and insights, I will look back over them and try to apply them all in my experience. Wonderful. But gotta say Leo you hit the nail on the head with concentration.
  17. It seems asking the question who am I is simply using the mind to discover more mind. It is like an endless cycle. You ask who am I and then look to the source of that statement and find the mind. Then you look to the source of who is looking and find the mind. It's just an endless cycle of mind seeking mind. Who am I? My mind. Oh but I am not my mind. Okay try again what am I really if I am not my mind (mind asking this)? I am my mind. So then you can conclude that either you are nothing or you are your mind.
  18. Another one: Any sensation you have, be it smell, taste, touch or something in your body, such as pain, notice that within that sensation is always emptiness, so that sensation doesn't actually exist does it? I don't know so.
  19. Reality is everything that lies beyond your thoughts, ideas and beliefs. - Marshall Vian Summers
  20. Thank you for posting.
  21. Here's one: Observe an object or event and notice that when it comes towards your experience the future is actually coming towards you. The object or event is coming from the past into the future yes, but it could also be seen as the future coming towards the present. A bit mindboggling I know.
  22. Hello, most of my previous posts are nonsense as I was quite mentally ill at the time, possibly due to spirits entering my auric field and messing around with my mind. This one should hopefully make more sense. So, I have a lot of spare time both while I am at work and when I am at home. That is because my mind isn't really busy with anything and nothing seems to work in terms of practices for me right now, and not much reading. And also because I work in traffic control, holding a stop-slow bat and often standing around doing nothing while I wait for a car to stop. So both at work and at home I have time to do some mental practice of some sort. What kind of mental practices could I adopt while I am at work or at home in the direction of enlightenment? I have been using the neti neti method for a long time now without knowing it, but that is more of a lifestyle practice for me and not one I use in my mind in one short term session. I also don't feel to use the I am not this body then what am I question at work or at home it doesn't work for me. I have an interest in Jnana Yoga as I am always using my mind for the pursuit of enlightenment and not my body. Sorry if this is the same kind of post as Leo's list of Enlightenment exercises. I am just curious as to what kind of exercises I could practice at home and at work without getting distracted. And also I would highly appreciate if these exercises are of Hindu origin or Jnana Yoga or Yoga in general. Thanks