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About Hotaka

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  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Canberra, Australia
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  1. @Leo Gura Credit means you owe him something. Do you want to keep using a credit card forever? Do you want to keep being in debt forever? Then you will never become enlightened. Sorry. . Oh and by the way: Fuck Peter Ralston. Seriously. Fuck him. Another false enlightened person trying to teach people bullshit? Stop directing people to these idiots. And start directing them in the right place. It is not me. It's up to you. To figure out: Where that is. Get me out of here. If you want to... Solve this problem. Either 1) Kick me out of this forum. Like. Give me a huge kick in the ass Or: 2) Solve this problem. 3) Skype me. 4) ?????????????
  2. @No Self That's complete nonself. Complete nonsense. Fuck. Too much no-self and you'll be taken over by these spirits. Learn to be no-self while applying discernment and discretion to your life This will keep you safe while maintaining your power and not being taken over by other spirits
  3. Just to share some info: Jesus has never pointed the way to himself. He has always pointed people to something else. Because he is no self. He is just a vessel. Not containing the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit doesn't exist) But rather pointing the way to the one light that has always existed and will always exist. He has paved the way for where we are today. He is the corridor through which you can witness (I)
  4. @Dodo & @Moksha I think you are both right here. Don't worry about what people think. If you know Jesus you know Jesus. If you don't you don't. That is all good. Dodo, you have shared some valuable quotes, and I appreciate this. Thank you very much. Moksha, you know Jesus as someone like us, a normal person who has discovered great things. On the one hand, Dodo, it is good to remember that Jesus doesn't need any credit or correction to his story except that you listen to him now. On the other hand, Moksha, I think what you know is that you know you can be like him, you know how he did it... So... Do it! And also, Dodo, since you do know a lot about the true story of Jesus, you may help us by sharing more about his true story.
  5. Very long, didn't read it all, but yeah, worth a look at.
  6. Seriously, if anyone thinks Sadguru's wife dying for him was a good thing, for her or for him, then I really don't know where their mind is at. I am not gaslighting here. What I am doing is pointing out that a woman with potential to change the world must never give her life, time, energy or effort to help a man that only wants power. For himself. And no one else. What a sorry excuse of a life, if instead of serving the woman who loves you, you let her die as if you somehow have the right to know what will liberate her or not. No one can say: - 'This is the purpose of women'. Rather: - 'Purpose is for women'. Much better. This may seem like a small difference. But really it's not. Some people will be liberated if they die for another. But this is only in certain circumstances. There have to be many things in place for this to happen.
  7. Who is Mohammed? Is he related to the consequences of his religion? Just asking...
  8. Leo will never change. He is always is. And will always is.
  9. Thank you Key hole, I hope I can open the lock. It's all too much for me right now. Too much. I wish i could open the lock. Happiness, sadness, pleasure, pain, uncertainty, certainty, hopes, wishes, strategies, techniques, assumptions, attempts, trying to enter...