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Everything posted by EvilAngel

  1. Conversely, you could say they *might* be preventing someone from going to hell and suffering.
  2. You're suggesting that hating homosexuals is somehow a less "developed" worldview. It's a different worldview than, say, a member of the LGBT community, but how can you, in your right mind say that it's less developed? (disclaimer: I am not expressing my personal opinion about homosexuality when I make this point.)
  3. Yes you can. My beliefs, for example, are fluid and can change from day to day (even with the recognition that they are just beliefs). So I cannot be categorised as any particular colour. It's so, so dumb, and actually @Leo Gura I am understanding Spiral Dynamics, and it's nonsense. I mean how do you explain someone who has traits of all the different "stages"? I could literally go through all stages in a day. Maybe I'm a "rainbow person".
  4. There are many accounts of near death experiences, which strongly suggest there is an afterlife. Also there is evidence for reincarnation, for example children remembering former lives that can be verified through investigation.
  5. I can see how it's useful to describe societies at certain points in history, but not individuals.
  6. @ivankiss The feeling's mutual, my friend, I just listened to the whole of Porcelain Safe -"Note to Self", and it is truly mind-blowing. I focused as much as I could, although it has a lot of complexity and nuance which is hard to grasp. It took me to some dark and beautiful places in my mind, and I had a mini-samadhi at one point. I also cried at one point (the start of part 3 I think, when you're doubting the significance of your creativity, which I can relate to). What a journey. I stopped listening prematurely last time due to the uncomfortable outset, but I'm glad I gave it another go. And yes, keep expressing your open heart and mind. We need more people like you in this world! (Oh and I'm sorry if my original post came across as a personal attack or judgment, wasn't meant that way)
  7. @ivankiss I use evil as a front to protect myself. But in the end, an angel is an angel. <3 I've seen your posts from when you told us about your psychedelic-induced awakening, and I have much respect for you and I'm gonna give your music another listen. Your passion is fantastic!
  8. @Aakash There is definitely a lot of love in this thread, and on this forum in general and it's nice to see, agreed.
  9. @ivankiss My humility is much more humble than anyone else's. So therefore, you would probably win. Or would it be me?
  10. Yes, Leo's great, but he's just a regular guy who you don't really know, and the reason people don't post threads like this that often is because the guy needs to keep his ego in check, just like everyone here.
  11. @Cepzeu You've seen many pictures of the world as a spherical organism right? So, although you haven't verified it's reality for yourself (say, by going into space) you can use your rational mind to deduce that in all likelihood this is the case. To discount something completely because you don't have the direct experience is unwise. I've talked about Near Death Experiences before, and I want to use that as an example: There are MILLIONS of NDE accounts that have been recorded in the last century alone, which suggest strongly that there is an afterlife. Now, the question is, do you believe the millions of people who report these experiences, or do you think they are making it up? If you believe they are making it up, then you are just like a flat-earther, who only trusts his own direct experience.
  12. Spiral dynamics is ridiculous status-chasing nonsense which reeks of ego.
  13. Then, say, a hippy. Or anyone. Why should one way of thinking be considered "more developed" than another?
  14. @hundreth haha, well said.
  15. I disagree that spirituality is a kind of linear continuum. I disagree that, for example, a Muslim or Mormon (apparently stage blue??) is at a lower developmental level. It's an incredibly facile way of looking at things,
  16. You'd have to live in a cave that is close enough to civilization so you could make a trip every so often to buy food. Unless you want to live like a hunter-gatherer. Which wouldn't be easy. But sounds great, good luck with that!
  17. I know what you mean, Paul. I would love to go back to my previous life where I was unconscious yet happy. But do I really want that? It's like when Neo takes the red pill in the movie The Matrix. Things are not pretty in his new reality, but at least he is awake. There's a quote I read on this forum which I can't remember exactly but it goes something like "Happiness is a good dream. Misery is a nightmare. Enlightenment cuts through both."
  18. Say your feet are cold. Should you do anything to change this or just accept it? Surely going by the logic of many spiritual teachers, there is no need to change something external like cold feet, as this would be "resisting what is". What do you think?
  19. I almost couldn't summon the energy or motivation to pick up my laptop and write this post. But here goes....I had an enlightenment experience 2 months ago, which was incredible, and for 10 days I was in a state of peace. I slept better than I had in ages and it was proper deep-sleep (no dreams) and I only needed a few hours and would wake up every day feeling refreshed. The enlightenment experience came after watching Leo's "Spiritual Enlightenment - The most shocking truth..." video. I felt I had cracked it, and that I was at one and that nothing could take this bliss away from me. I was so peaceful that I decided nothing mattered anymore, so I started smoking and drinking again, both of which I had abstained from for months. Things have gradually got worse and worse. I lost the peaceful feeling and now every day is filled with intense anxiety and depression (even suicidal thoughts). It's like I made a huge step forward (the enlightenment experience) and then gradually regressed, back to my old emotional/behavioural patterns. So these days I oversleep, and feel terrible about waking up...I just want to go back to sleep again rather than face a depressed/anxiety ridden day. When I do get up I often just want to drink alcohol to numb the pain and combat the intense loneliness. Today, "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle arrived through my door. I have read it several times before, and it certainly used to help me. But sometimes the present moment is full of suffering which has nothing to do with my mind - there is simply a feeling that exists that I can't seem to change, no matter how present I am. I know what you're all going to say, "just meditate" or "self inquire" and do the work. But sometimes I meditate for 3 hours straight and get no benefit. It's like I use up more energy by meditating than I would doing other daily activities, because the meditation is so uncomfortable. Anyways, I hope you can help me, but I'm not optimistic about it.
  20. I was reading her book "Dying to be Me", in which she describes her experience of being diagnosed with cancer, then having a Near Death Experience and consequently healing from the cancer. I thought this excerpt was perhaps relevant to this website: "If a guru, teacher or master makes you feel that you aren't "yet" enlightened and still have more to "learn", "release," or "let go of" before getting there, then they're not doing a good job of teaching you who you truly are, or you're misunderstanding them." I also thought this was an interesting perspective about the ego in her Q&A at the back of the book: Q: Most people on a spiritual path believe that the ego impedes spiritual growth and that we're supposed to shed the ego. Why aren't you advocating this? A: "Because if you deny the ego, it will push back against you harder. The more you reject something, the more it fights back for it's own survival. But when you can completely love your ego unconditionally and accept it as part of how you express in this life, you'll no longer have a problem with it. It won't impede your growth - on the contrary, it will be an asset. We're all born with an ego - it's a natural part of who we are here. We're only completely without it in death. Fighting against this during life only creates more self-judgment. Plus, only when we love our ego unconditionally are we able to accept everyone else's. This is when it stops being an issue, and your humility and magnificence really shine through." This is a revelation to me, because up until this point I've been watching my ego like a hawk; judging, condemning and beating myself up for existing. Food for thought...
  21. Leo, in some of your videos you say that we should be able to be happy without needing to be loved, but I just don't see how this is true. An infant who is not cradled and shown sufficient attention will die. I really wish I wasn't dependent on others for my happiness, but the reality is that I am. I've been sitting alone accessing "the Now", but it only does so much. "The Now" can't bring you a cup of tea or tell you a joke. You can't get a hug from "the Now". Do you see what I mean?