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Everything posted by EvilAngel

  1. I completely agree, everything is done in the pursuit of joy, but this is not the same as hedonism. Hedonism is the pursuit of easy-to-attain external, temporary pleasures, whereas enlightenment work is the pursuit of something greater - an inner peace and joy which is permanent and requires sacrifice and discipline to achieve.
  2. @ShaharA Thanks for sharing this with us man, I am going to join you on this to see what happens. Have you noticed any difference to your quality of sleep, brother?
  3. These are the affirmations I listen to every day for 30 minutes (it takes 1min 30 sec to listen to them all, repeated 20 times, adding up to 30 minutes) I was wondering how useful you think these are, and whether you think they'll make much of a difference to my life? I listen to them one after the other in a repeated loop. I recorded myself on my phone. (maybe it's not the best idea to listen to different affirmations one after the other? Idk) I've been listening to them every day for 48 days, but not had any major results (perhaps some more subtle results though). I wake up happy and excited every single day. Each day of my life is filled with joy and love. I am enthusiastic about every second of my life. Everything I do is fun, healthy and exciting. I am a beacon of love and compassion. Everyone sees how much joy and love I have for life. I crave new, healthy experiences. All of my relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion. I see others as good people who are trying their best. I find opportunities to be kind and caring everywhere I look. I easily accomplish all of my goals. I only desire things that are healthy for me. I instantly manifest my desires. My life is full of magic and serendipity, My thoughts and feelings are nourishing. I am present in every moment. I see beauty in everything. People treat me with kindness and respect. I am surrounded by peaceful people. My environment is calm and supportive.
  4. I'm stage applesauce! You're stage fluorescent-pink! HAHAHAHAHA! It's an ego-trap, HAHAHAHA
  5. Does anyone else find themselves getting angry at low-consciousness people? Or is this a sign of my own low-consciousness?
  6. Thankyou, I watched the video, that was helpful. Like you, I feel the anger rise up, but do not actually "get" angry. I was more referring to the emotional reaction rather than an outward display of anger. Love it. And thanks to everyone for the replies....I guess I just have to raise my consciousness even further rather than be affected by things I can't change.
  7. @isness is my bizness@isness is my bizness
  8. @winterknight I just read your article on "Power of Now" You make some good points, for example, when Tolle says this: Once you know how the basic dysfunction operates, there is no need to explore all its countless manifestations, no need to make it into a complex personal problem. and you say this: "People don't "make it into a complex personal problems." Most people actually have such problems which they currently try their best to ignore and shove under the rug. They would benefit by addressing them through exploration and expression in art and/or therapy. Brushing them aside in the name of so-called spirituality is stupidity." I completely agree with. Talking through past trauma is essential for healing, and too many people "spiritually bypass" this in favour of completely dissociating from their feelings. I have had problems talking to my family because they adhere so much to Tolle's teachings. For example, when I try to work things through which happened in the past and that still affect me, someone might say something like, "it's not worth going back to that" or "you're living in the past", or "what matters is now". Really makes me angry. Having said that, I still think it's a useful book.
  9. Taurus is winning....interesting how that's the case, considering Leo is a Taurus.
  10. Who the heck is Martin Ball and why are you all talking about him??!
  11. good to meet you, Me. Unfortunately, right now I still feel I am Someone Else, but I would like to be Me again.
  12. Why do people say things like "he has a big ego"...who or what is that entity that the ego belongs to? Why not say "he is a big ego"? The former sentence creates duality, suggesting there is an ego along with an entity that "owns" it's ego. I know what you're going to say, he is really God/awareness/consciousness so the truth is "he"is not an ego at all, right? So what does that mean? That God has an ego?
  13. Say whatever comes into your mind, but in a playful manner. That should work.
  14. "When I stopped looking for answers, I found the Truth" -Me, Now
  15. I don't think it's useful to categorise people and conceptualise that some people are more or less "advanced" than others due to their beliefs or way of life.