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Everything posted by EvilAngel

  1. I am diagnosed schizophrenic. I am slowly coming off my medication. No one really understands how I came to be the way I am, but I understand internally. Like, my inner and outer world often merge and I can't tell the difference between the real world and my dreams. I have no set personality, it chops and changes through time. The mental health professionals seem to think there's a chemical imbalance, but if they knew the work I've done on myself they would think differently. It's a very outdated way of looking at things to diagnose and medicate enlightened people, I completely agree.
  2. OMG you don't even blink... Are you fully human?
  3. I have been meditating nearly every day for the past six months. I've been doing 'strong determination sitting' combined with 'do nothing' combined with mindfulness. When I go to the park, and sit for half an hour or so, I become quite peaceful and aware. I even manage to 'enjoy' the discomfort from my sitting position, because I'm so present it doesn't bother me. However, when I try meditating alone in my flat, I don't get the same result. I get bored with this and although I can stay present for long periods of time, I often feel a deep pain inside, which I have identified as loneliness. I feel compelled to share something which just happened as I write this. I am lying on my sofa and in my field of vision I can see my phone charger which is plugged in and has a white light on it. As I typed the word 'loneliness' in the last paragraph, it started flashing... Not in an even tempo, but, like two flashes then a flicker then one flash, etc... As if it was morse code or something but I wouldn't be able to decipher it as I don't know morse code. In fact it's just happened again and I recorded it on my phone. I've just uploaded it to YouTube. The funny thing is I prayed to God earlier this evening to show me a sign! Wow!
  4. That's really kind of you. I am seeing a psychologist, but he's mainly just teaching me CBT. We don't really speak about what goes on in the depths of my psyche. You hit the nail on the head with the guilt thing and wanting something 'out there'. Leo says that we have to face up to our loneliness and that if you are advanced enough you will look forward to solitude. This is what I am aiming for, but everyone needs company, right?
  5. If I had a brain that could decipher what you mean by all that, it would probably be very helpful ?
  6. I live alone and I miss having company. Also I haven't felt safe for a long time. I want to go back home, and by 'home' I mean heaven, which I believe in. I am looking forward to death when I can go back to the Source and then I will never be alone. I don't feel like I can go on much longer on this planet.
  7. A stupid man once said "people who don't think are wise"
  8. Are you sure you weren't thinking during those 5-10 minutes, "this is wonderful, I'm not thinking any thoughts"? ? How is it possible to remember an experience without having the thoughts to "record" the experience?
  9. I was wondering what you thought about these experiences and how they might tie in with your teachings?
  10. Even when you are 'not thinking', you are thinking the thought "I am not thinking" , or "I am aware"
  11. If you think about things like this too much, you might get brain cancer. I knew a guy who was very much into this type of thinking and he died from a brain tumor. Things are more simple than they look, and teachers like Leo often over complicate things deliberately to make you go full circle and realise the simplicity of what was already there. ?
  12. I wasn't meaning to be antagonistic in that thread, I was just speaking my mind. Idk why you closed the thread, you yourself have said spirituality is bullshit in your 'man is the bullshitting animal' video. And in no way was I suggesting your work is bullshit... I have been following you for a year now and have actually bought your life purpose course. Your videos have changed my life for the better... So yeah, whyd you close the thread?
  13. True... Spirituality is subjective
  14. Clickbaity... Or... Revolutionary! ? ?
  15. Are differing opinions not allowed?
  16. People these days seem to take very seriously the idea of the ego, the idea of consciousness, the idea of presence, the idea of nonduality, the idea of enlightenment, the idea that we are EVERYTHING and NOTHING at the same time. But really these are all just concepts. Has anyone else come to this conclusion? Like, 'spirituality' is just a word which doesn't mean anything. We might as well call it...i don't know, "salad" or "frog"... I sure as hell never cared about all this shit when I was a kid, and it would have struck me as bizarre and pretentious at the time, so why am I so focused on it at this point in my life? I like to think for myself, and throughout all my life I have never experienced myself as 'nothing' or 'everything' .... rather as "SOMETHING"... This is what I am - something. Those who experience themselves as 'everything' are narcissistic and solipsistic, and those who experience themselves as 'nothing' are nihilistic. Ever since I started thinking about how to get rid of my ego, I've just built it up over the years. But in reality there is no such thing as the ego. I think the whole idea of the ego is a result of overthinking. There never was any need to have this concept in my life. Like when Eckhart Tolle describes someone as egotistical for reacting angrily to a situation, it's just a concept of what he happens to believe is egotistical. Again, as with 'spirituality' it's just a word which doesn't mean anything. And as for presence, or being 'in the now', while this can be useful, it is not the be-all and end-all either - because regression and fantasy are both essential facets of being human. Regression (reliving the past) can help to heal trauma, for example, and fantasising is congruent with visualising a better future. Sorry for the rant, but I've just been thinking... And like I say, I like to think for myself...and although I have described myself in the past as 'spiritual', I would actually be embarrassed to say it in front of most people in real life because I wouldn't be being true to myself.
  17. Oh, I'd love a samadhi, but have no idea how to attain one. I mean, I became a fence post when I smoked salvia once... Does that count?
  18. I actually don't know where to source psychedelics, but my pet fish would love to try 5-meo.
  19. I was wondering what Leo thought about NDE's, cos they may contradict some of the ideas he has about God. I was watching his video on 'actuality' and he says God is: direct experience/consciousness/you/me/EVERYTHING This is something I used to believe, however I've studied NDE's for a while now and the millions of documented reports seem to indicate that IN THEIR EXPERIENCE, God is something OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES, that they make their way towards after the death of their physical body. I mean, the experience often starts with them looking down upon their bodies, then moving upwards towards a great light. I personally believe I am OF God, but I would never claim that I AM God. I'm not sure if Leo believes in the 'soul', but I sure do, as I have had out-of-body experiences (one in which I was being pulled upwards and heard voices saying "you're safe now" and "you've made it"... at which point I resisted and told them it wasn't my time yet). Has Leo looked into this topic much? I'd love to see an episode on this.
  20. I disagree. I think the soul is as 'actual' as you can get... i.e. the real you, as opposed to the ego which is what you THINK you are. Look into astral projection, you might find that you can directly experience being conscious OUTSIDE OF the mind and body.
  21. I was raised with no strict religious dogma from my parents - my father is an ex-Catholic (now very Buddhist oriented) and my mother, now deceased, was a New Age type (think Reiki, crystals, spirit guides etc) . At school we said the Lords prayer every morning, and occasionally learned about Jesus. However, I only attended church maybe twice before I was 20.
  22. Many young people have anger 'issues'. Do you know the root cause of your anger? Bullying? Mistreatment from your parents? Try and work out where the rage you are feeling comes from. I have also had forced hospital admissions and treatment which started 9 years ago when I was 22. I know how traumatising the whole experience can be. If people have mistreated you a lot then your anger is JUSTIFIED. Don't let people label you and use you as a scapegoat - I don't know enough about your situation, but maybe your parents are doing this? Whatever has affected you to make you so angry is not your fault, so don't turn the anger on yourself.