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About knox

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  1. I have some questions about my personality that has been disturbed me for a long time. It’s impossible for me to impose myself on somebody: like my girlfriend, my customers( I work with computers ), my colleague works. It’s very hard for me to say ‘no’ to someone because the comfort zone allows me don’t conflict with anybody. As imagined, it has been bringing to me many problems for some time like doing stuff on work that isn’t my responsibility or even endures silly things from my girlfriend that she’s angry for something that really doesn’t matter at all. I have been going to a psychologist since April but I haven’t many things changing on the way I relate to other people around me. An important thing about m girlfriend is that she supports me on these things, she says that I have to say to her something that I don’t like about our relationship but even it’s very hard to me say that. In the end, I always accept everything saying anything e doing all the things she wants. And when I do my best doing things to her, but it isn't like she hopes she be angry and I apologize, as of thousands other times. I would like to read opinions from you that have gone through this and how have you changed it. Thanks
  2. I got you. I have been suffering for this since last year(as some replies above, it is not necessarily a physical problem, i think your problem is more related with a psychological issue). I have a girlfriend and she said me at the past things like what you're facing now, so i took the decision to go to a psychologist. Like me, and other various men, probably it is an anxiety problem. You think so much what the girl you're will think about you/your performance or that you aren't enough for her and this is big fucking shit. Going to talk with a professional about it made me think about the issues in my mind, and how i could be a better person and not worry about it while I am naked with my girlfriend. It has helped me a lot. I have been feeling more confident about this since the first sessions, and my dick is very hard every time we have sex.
  3. In my experiences with women, self-confidence, intelligence, be authentic, know the basics about what to wear in each occasion. A man that knows what he wants and know how to express it to the world attracts the women.