Victor Mgazi

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Everything posted by Victor Mgazi

  1. So you don't mean it in a literally? because I'm part of reality now but I don't get the sense that I'm infinite.
  2. I don't think I'm getting this. What do you mean untangled, are you referring to my conditioned mind? Appeared to appear? Is the tangled ego?
  3. Okay, I'll try. Can you please elaborate on this though. What do you mean zoom in? Like inspection?
  4. I would I ask you who's thinking these thoughts and you would say me, believing that you're an individual. That's ego. The person you believe you are is not thinking these thoughts, God - You - Infinite Intelligence - is. No the person that you think you are wants attention, and as God you keep on giving it attention.
  5. It's only a debate because you're refusing to look inwards. But if you believe this to be true then you're right, there's no point in this at all. Good luck friend
  6. If you believe this and are not willing to let this go then that will be your reality. Your ego has attached itself to this concept of Two Egos, that's how it survives, by attaching itself to more and more imaginary form. You believe that truth can't be concluded and yet you've taken the Two Egos idea to be true. That's attachment! You claim that you see the game Egos play but you fail to see that you're the designer of that game. You only see what you want to see, why won't you dare look at the direction I'm pointing you too by hiding behind your concept? What's so important about this concept that you place it above any other idea? How can you say that you realised this if what you've realised is that you can't get to realisation with 'The Egos'?
  7. Again, I'm only a figment of your imagination. Right now you're sitting there all by yourself reading this post on your screen but you're not actually commutating with anyone, So who are you trying to help? Let actuality sync in. I'm telling you that it only looks like you're talking to somebody because consciousness is intelligent, it knows how to be human and a society. But there's no one actually here. Who are you trying to help? Why? Be true.
  8. But on the contrary my friend, it's for you to find out. I'm only a figment of your imagination, if you don't awaken no one will. Who are you trying to help?
  9. What knows that you're just aware of the decision of the processor?
  10. @gswva start being concerned with what you are, even if that means by starting with what you think you are. @Prevailer You are really missing something big here. What is aware of the 'Two Egos' ?
  11. Yep.. direct experience is the only authority we can work with.
  12. That's precisely why I mention myself to be one of those people, in case I'm the one who's confused, then someone here could point me to the right direction.. that's of course if they are directly aware of what they are talking about. But it doesn't help if the blind are leading the blind and no one shares their glimpse of light. I am confident that Leo would let me know if I am wrong or not aware of something as means to get me walking toward my goal. That's why I post. Why should I think that I know then keep it to yourself if there's someone here who knows and can let me know that we're both seeing the same thing. We have to help each other out and not watch someone drown in irrelevant thoughts to what they want to accomplish. ???
  13. @AaronB I guess it all depends on what people want to achieve then. If people are persuing something that's not spiritual but fulfilling, then it's cool to have view points and all. But if you are persuing awakening then perspectives don't really get you anywhere. It should be clear what it is that you are persuing and it should be clear what your obstacles are. If awakening to the truth is what you want then you have to be just as serious as you would with any other goal in your life, if not more. Merely having ideas and something to say about ego isn't enough. Make things clear. Awakening to Truth is your goal, ego is your obstacle. How do I overcome the obstacle? Know what it is first, become aware of it. I saw a lot of confusion in this forum regarding what ego is, and so I shared what I was aware of in the hopes that it clears up the confusion of people persuing awakening, that includes me if I had missed something.
  14. Conditioning is all the learning that you did growing up, all the absorption of things society taught you, all the training and programming, all the trial and error, all the believing in thoughts and the stories that you heard about how you were conceived and born. It's all of that, that's what conditioning is and that's what we're trying to undo. Attachment is the result of you (God) having taken those things you learned and thought as true. Belief is the idea you imagined to be truth... ATTACHMENT
  15. You might have misread my post. I didn't say "it will take years and years to rid oneself of all worldly attachments". I said that there are years and years of conditioning that need to be undone. How long it takes you to undo them.. doesn't matter the slightest.
  16. Yes. The belief that you're a separate self is the attachment. But it won't be enough to say that "Yes, I'm not a separate individual." , there's years and years of conditioning that you have to undo. That's were I stand with Leo's take on psychedelics. Or you could.. I don't know, meditate all your conditioning away ??‍♂️
  17. Okay, you might have misread my post. I'm not saying that there is an external consciousness that clings to a different consciousness. God is the only consciousness but guess what.. it's also infinitely intelligent. By form I don't mean state. Form is imaginary. State is of consciousness. Ego is the attachment to that imaginary form that came to pass as an idea but you gave it more attention that was needed and invested energy into it until that thought became an idea that you know believe to be the truth... ATTACHMENT By writing this post, I can change the content of your mind the same way you do it, or how "god" does it through what we call reality. All the religions and divine insights, ironically imagined by God, are layers of what the ego uses as self-preservation mechanism. Lol.. are you aware that you're God or not??
  18. @DLH When you look.. you see, what you see is what is there... period. Truth is not conclusion, it is what is there. There's no outrunning or out reasoning truth, there's only knowing or not knowing. There's no controversy for truth. It is as it is. If reality is imagination, you can only imagine that it isn't.. but then behold the fucking irony in that too.??‍♂️
  19. @DLH I'm open to the idea that I'm wrong. If someone knows me to be wrong then all they have to do is help me by pointing out something that I'm not aware of. If I see it then I'll integrate, if I don't see it then I'll point out why I can't see it. All of this is just a work in progress. What I like about this work though is that perspective doesn't matter. We're all looking for the truth and the truth can't differ for awareness. If it's truly there then we'll all see it, if it's not there then what is there is not of truth. It's that simple. And that's exactly why I love this work.
  20. @DLH Yes, we're similar. ?
  21. No convincing needed, just awareness and careful observation. I use the term thought relatively in this reality we're in, thought also arises from consciousness. That's what I'm trying to point to when I use the term imagination. I'm trying to get you guys to see that consciousness is intelligent and ingenuous. That's how 'reality' is created, through consciousness and imagination. There is something that transcends that what you're referring to as "Two Egos", it's always there and is capable of making observations. It's the very thing that's projecting those "Two Egos" and giving them undeserving credit. Don't think again, just look.
  22. Except it doesn't, imagination gives reality taste.?
  23. Ohh.. I think I see how you mean it. Are saying that this entire conscious experience is the ego? This "physical conscious mind" being the whole of this reality itself? I think the problem with our communication is that we're using words that we're not familiar with. Or maybe just me, phrases I'm not familiar with.
  24. No, it's not a mode of functioning. Everything works just fine without ego. No, ego is not in charge, ego is not a thing that can be in charge. There's no one in charge. What constitutes a person is Imagination. A person is imagination layered on to consciousness, it's a thought that comes and never resides for it passes. Clinging to that thought turns it into an idea that you end up believing, which is how ego is born. Personality works just fine without ego. The mistake is thinking that ego is the person. It's not the person, it's the attachment to the 'person'. There's no one there to get rid of, stop trying to mess with God's perfection! You'll fail anyway. Ego is buying into the thought of 'a person' and investing your energy into that thought thus making it a belief.. ATTACHMENT. I apologise if I hadn't addressed crucial points you made in your post. But your English is way beyond my level of comprehension as it isn't my first nor second or third language. Your writing/reasoning is exquisite though I wish I could show more appreciation by fully engaging with it.