Victor Mgazi

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Everything posted by Victor Mgazi

  1. Theory three is very much possible if you can understand that this universe is an infinitely small part of reality.
  2. There only thing that doesn't change is consciousness.
  3. I'm sorry something went wrong there.
  4. @Victor Mgazi @Etagnwo
  5. @Victor Mgazi @Etagnwo seer as in one that witnesses yeah. Can you paraphrase your question I'm not sure I get.
  6. @IanIan Thanks for that explanation.
  7. Because of the experience of time. All time exists all the time so if consciousness was in time then we would all be starring at a single event(picture) for all eternity. It's like you can't watch a movie ? and be part of it at the same time.
  8. How do I pursue this "enlightenment" without actually knowing what it is? This is hurting my brain.
  9. From my perspective, I am the universe. That is to say I am that which is being experienced. Can you present me a different perspective?
  10. The nature of god just seems to be more and more mysterious. Nothing = Not a thing (please correct me if I'm wrong) So if something is not a thing then it is not of existence for any thing that exists is automatically part of everything which is existence. Does this sound right?
  11. @Erlend K I agree with you. But the whole point of this topic was for me to learn about other people's perspective on GOD or a god. Like the way you have shared your knowledge on God which I am grateful for.
  12. Here's a quick question. If things can only exist relative to what they are not then can the same thing be said about consciousness/infinity /everything? I've pondered on this for awhile myself.
  13. @Etagnwo Wow. That's enlightening.
  14. Now I'm only wondering if existence can be absolute since it is made up of everything that exists. I'm not sure why but I find it a bit tricky to to determine.
  15. Can we define GOD as being itself, in a way that God doesn't exist but rather is EXISTENCE??
  16. @pluto I do believe that most of us have had a false concept of the nature of GOD.
  17. I have seen the way Leo would refer to consciousness as God so are they practically the same thing or being?
  18. When I grew up as a kid I was always told and taught by my religion that GOD is a creator and the fact that we would refer to God as 'father' or 'him' made me believe that we were talking about a person. But now I have become open minded and seek the true nature of GOD because saying God is a person is making God a thing, which I find dis-empowering.
  19. @Joseph Maynor Do you believe in God or a God if I may ask?
  20. @Prabhaker So GOD cannot be defined?
  21. Please mention your idea as to what GOD is before a conclusion is made.
  22. @MarkusSweden Can you please elaborate on your perspective of GOD or a godliness.
  23. @Prabhaker So in simple terms, God is a creation?
  24. @okulele interesting. And can you comprehend that definition? I would really appreciate an explanation.