Victor Mgazi

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Everything posted by Victor Mgazi

  1. Consider this. Free will is much more mysterious than we think. Because determinism was the idea used to back up another idea and deter... Suggests causality which then implies origin (beginning). Try to see that the only beginning is the "now" and not the past thought like you mentioned earlier. The past can only exist in the present moment and so it is even with the future. And this rules of determinism. But then again even this is a belief.
  2. So your current understanding of freewill is not a belief?
  3. @metwinn kindly reflect on your beliefs and ask yourself why is it necessary to believe what you believe.
  4. @FacelessFaceless I was referring to your current understanding of freewill.
  5. @Faceless would you acknowledge your current understanding of freewill a psychological security need?
  6. @metwinn you wouldn't eat the purple banana because you would believe that it's bad for you. Fear is essential for survival. Fear of anything (including sickness or death) You seek enlightenment because you believe it's good for you. The ego's prime function is for the body - mind's well being.
  7. Knowing things to be true or false is an act of fear.
  8. The answer is in the reason you would probably choose not to eat it. Fear
  9. @metwinn If someone handed you over a purple banana would you eat it?
  10. Learn to see yourself when you look at other people. Not necessarily in a compassionate way but more in a non-dualistic sense. That would be real love. Try to acknowledge that every critic is a hypocrite because you only judge a different version of yourself.
  11. @dynamics Hi. Just a quick question on meditation. Do you experience any intuitional perceptions when practicing and if yes is it often? I ask because I cannot yet differentiate between the knowledge I receive intellectually and intuitively when meditating. I was raising my concentration skills when I acquired the knowledge very suddenly.
  12. What if the ultimate truth is that there is no truth so therefore truth itself is deception? What if the ultimate reality is that there is no reality so therefore reality itself is an illusion? What if the ultimate awakening is realizing that there is no awakening so therefore enlightenment itself is a delusion? Beyond Infinity What is existence? Understanding the nature of existence is of great importance when seeking to understand reality. Infinity or everything is literally all things. Every space, every world, every possibility, every universe, every dimension and etc. But what are all those things? Go deeper and what you will find is that every thing is merely information ℹ. That is to say if it possess quality or quantity (identity) then it is of information. So therefore existence is information. Beyond existence. Nothing is beyond existence. No literally - no thing is beyond everything. Touch your hand ✋ if you will. That sensation happens in your brain! The dualistic mind causes duality for the sake of being informative hence what can be experienced is pure info... Well hypothetically atleast. But nonetheless if information is the product of the dualistic mind then imagine if there were a thing that is not of information . Spoiler : you can't because anything you do conjure up will be information (have quality) since it is in the nature of the mind to be informative. And yet what if there were a realm where the notion of existence doesn't apply. A thing that couldn't be experienced because there's no thing to experience. Could this be the realm of nonduality? Does it even have a name? What do you think?
  13. What is the goal of mediation in general? Sometimes I feel like I miss the whole point.
  14. How do you go about this meditation? Can you share the techniques that you apply. Is the ego as strong as it were when you first started or have you lost your sense of self?
  15. I'm currently in a very emotional state right now. After numerous attempts of meditation - I feel like I'm trying to achieve the impossible. Fear is the only drive I have now. So I'm trying to learn as much as I can about spiritual awakening before I'm caught up in the delusion again. It's very depressing.
  16. The notion of what is real and what is unreal should disappear when enlightened. The truth is not absolute , it needs that which is false in order for it to be true. Well said.
  17. What if the ultimate truth is that there is no truth so therefore truth itself is deception? What if the ultimate reality is that there is no reality so therefore reality itself is an illusion? What if the ultimate awakening is realizing that there is no awakening so therefore enlightenment itself is a delusion? Beyond Infinity What is existence? Understanding the nature of existence is of great importance when seeking to understand reality. Infinity or everything is literally all things. Every space, every world, every possibility, every universe, every dimension and etc. But what are all those things? Go deeper and what you will find is that every thing is merely information ℹ. That is to say if it possess quality or quantity (identity) then it is of information. So therefore existence is information. Beyond existence. Nothing is beyond existence. No literally - no thing is beyond everything. Touch your hand ✋ if you will. That sensation happens in your brain! The dualistic mind causes duality for the sake of being informative hence what can be experienced is pure info... Well hypothetically atleast. But nonetheless if information is the product of the dualistic mind then imagine if there were a thing that is not of information . Spoiler : you can't because anything you do conjure up will be information (have quality) since it is in the nature of the mind to be informative. And yet what if there were a realm where the notion of existence doesn't apply. A thing that couldn't be experienced because there's no thing to experience. Could this be the realm of nonduality? Does it even have a name? What do you think?
  18. I'm honestly interested in your point but I'm not sure what it is. Just make a simple statement or question if you are asking something.
  19. Can you define or establish a definition as to what GOD is? Feel free to reference from any philosophical/religious/scientific/etc source.
  20. It seems like evolution is just something that can be experienced so therefore is being experienced. It's just something that occurs within existence.
  21. Another thing worth considering is that maybe religious scriptures weren't meant to be regarded as "mystical" at all. Consider that our current diversity in humanity could just be the result of ancient texts that were misinterpreted and lost in translation over centuries. I mean atleast we can agree on one thing and that is religion is not god's invention (it's man's invention) . Right?