Victor Mgazi

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Everything posted by Victor Mgazi

  1. Knowing itself is a illusion used to back up another illusion . Thought i should share this insight. How does it feel knowing that there's a reality greater than this and that one day there might be an awakening to it? Pretty good? Relieved ?? Hopeful? This is one of the ego's speciality, creating a story for backing up another story. You (i) cannot help but cling to 'knowledge' which in reality is a story (thought - concept) and some of us may argue that in fact it (story) is the closest to truth or a pointer to it. But then again, what is TRUTH? Think about it like this, what decides whether or not something is true? Should you contemplate deep enough then you will find that there is nothing to decide what is true and what is false. There's nothing to acknowledge and there's no one to acknowledge. This is a very slippery notion thus difficult to grasp - and what is weirder is that there is awareness of you (ego) literally trying to acknowledge a story. Yes, this is a story that right now you are trying to make meaning of so that you can finally say "I understand!", do you see? I challenge you to not know anything right now (good luck!). Even the people who say that seeking enlightenment is the act of unlearning are doing so on the notion of knowing. Do I know this? No I don't - and do I know that? Can you see the strange loop ➰ here! You feel somewhat good if you know something for a fact, regardless of whether or not it is a good or bad fact, there's just relaxation like there's progression being made thus psychological satisfaction. Let there be awareness of that. note that I said awareness - not acknowledge! Don't confuse knowing for consciousness. Please tell me you did not just ask how you can know that you are aware Wake up! I'm trying to point you out of the dream within the dream so I would understand if there's confusion on this. Feel free to ask questions for clarity.
  2. "As long as you take yourself to be a person, a body, a mind, separate from the stream of life, having a will of its own, pursuing its own aims, you are living merely on the surface and whatever you do will be short lived and of little value, mere straws to feed the flames of vanity." Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Ego vs. Love When I started learning about spiritual enlightenment, I was drawn to the idea of infinite being. The fact that I could exist free from all suffering was a pleasant thought but of course this is only pleasant for the ego. Its very nature is for self preserving. After a crucial self reflection I realized that most of my life if not all is based on fear. My survival and well being was my number one priority until I became a little conscious of the bigger picture. Now love has become my priority and expanding it is the goal. I'm learning to appreciate the beauty in everything, even the ego itself, its nature is of high intelligence and I am learning to be conscious of that. I have learned that loving something allows you to be conscious of its absolute nature and is the most efficient non-dual approach to awakening. This is a sincere confession from my (ego) point of view. Eposing the ego's tricks. Now that I'm learning to accept and love the ego for it is also a part of the absolute, Its tricks are also being revealed to me and i confess them so that there's more awareness to its tricky nature. I will always be open minded when I self reflect about my fear driven actions but I can only understand so much without falling in any trap set by its nature again. For instance, me speaking about the ego like it's something external is one of the tricks I fall prey to. Followed by dishonesty or self deception and the lack authenticity, etc. Really the list goes on but like Leo said in his video on collective ego, "really it's a thing of beauty and something that only God could accomplish." If you have some information perhaps that you have discovered from personal experience that you would like to share then feel free. For instance have you ever noticed how the English language reinforces the notion of a self with all the personal nouns and phrases, ' I am..., I will..., Are you, etc. The ego has many tricks up its sleeve, it's honestly beautiful. Collective ego is one of my favorite topics because in essence this has shaped most of humanity's current state. Hopefully humanity will one day comprehend its psychology. All it takes is transparency and will. And if you have questions regarding the ego, with or without the answers to, feel free to state them and hopefully they will get answers, that's if the ego is willing to confess. Open your heart and you will open your mind!
  3. The no self realization is the ending of all positive and negative, good and bad, happiness and sadness. From the i perspective yes this is great but from infinity there's just meaninglessness. The absolute (or God) doesn't resist or restrict or reject anything from being (existing), thus the absolute is or has unconditional love (which I believe is the only true kind) but keep in mind that everything being said here is from an i perspective, something that is passing (a finite within infinite) so don't take this as Truth. Finite cannot embody Infinity. Once the realization occurs, you will believe it yourself that in fact you have been in the present moment eternally and no other moment can exist independently from now. The good news is that there is nobody there to allow anything in the first place. Yes this may be a contradictory to what I said about God but like I said, the finite cannot embody the infinite so you will have to see for yourself what I'm talking about. There's nobody there to be happy or sad, happiness is just a simple phenomenon occurring in the present moment and independent from an experiencer. It just Is what it is and as it Is. Right now I'm just a voice in your head, be aware of that right now and I will cease to exist along with your head. Peace ✌
  4. @Mikael89 I can relate to what you are saying and nowadays I don't even make attempts to return to that enlightenment. Meditating (doing nothing) is the best thing I could ever be when presented the time. After the no self realization occurred, my will power passed away with it and now the river (stream) simply flows. It IS as it IS.
  5. So the people who claim to have sold their souls... What are they talking about?
  6. @Faceless absolutey, there's awareness of it but I'm not sure what self you are referring to. There's no awareness of a self I'm afraid.
  7. Is that even a question? Wouldn't me finding it correct just be another thought.
  8. Okay, okay...I think I get what you are saying. So the idea that there already is freedom would be a thought clinging on to a thought, is that it?
  9. @Faceless not for the i, I speak in terms of consciousness (it is unconditioned). There's no causation, we already established that. So since there's no beginning how can there be an end (movement in time)? Thus psychological enslavement is merely a occurrence in the movement of i which is finite within the infinite (which is absolute freedom). Do you get it?
  10. @Faceless then that means there already is freedom! Right now which is eternal.
  11. Unfortunately truth itself is a concept (thought) turned into a belief as it cannot be absolute because it requires a decider to choose whether or not it is true. So Goodluck cracking that nut.
  12. @Faceless but that would mean that freedom is uncaused and unaccomplishable.
  13. @Faceless but then that would imply that all actions are driven or motivated by fear. Is this correct? No actions would then mean no will right? @Anna1 alright - I think I see your point but how would one push something away without clinging to something because in order for you to dislike something some sort of reason or motive is needed and that would defeat itself because now you are clinging on to your beliefs or reason for pushing things away.
  14. I had a similar problem in terms of self love but I realized at a later stage in my life that I'm perfect the way I am, including everyone and everything. You see - love is not something to be achieved or acquired or cultivated, it is what allows everything to be (exist), it doesn't choose or reject or restrict anything, that's why it's unconditional! But of course this may be difficult for us to be aware of that since we dwell in a world where everything is conditional. Love however is beyond that, it is what allows this conditional world to be in the first place. If love saw this world to be bad or evil and chose to reject it of existence then the nature of this love would be conditional. To be perfect doesn't mean flawlessness in whatever category, rather think of it as being absolutely true. If you didn't have the qualities or characteristics you currently have would you still be truly you or would you be...I don't know - Jesus? Imagine a fish being rejected from the animal Kingdom for being unable to walk on land, silly right? Who or what judges a fish for being a fish, a bird for being a bird, a rock for being a rock, humanity for being humanity, you for being you? Not love I'll tell you that. What is simply IS. I don't know if I worded out my opinion on this efficiently but who gives a sh*t if I didn't, I'm just being me. Feel free to ask any questions if you will.
  15. @universe truth itself is a belief which started off as an idea, kinda like your idea on why things are as they are (one consciousness splitting itself so it may experience itself). What makes you think that there must be a reason for existence to be?
  16. so? Can you explain?
  17. @Charlotte thats a lovely song.
  18. So what would be the opposite of attachment (clinging), not conceptualy but actually, what would it be?
  19. @Viking lol ? If you choose to commit suicide, I think silver bullets will do it.
  20. With minimum subjectivety - they are thoughts.
  21. @Jack River thanks for the post. I watched the video for about 3 or 4 times now and I'm still thinking about what has been said in it. It's very interesting, thanks a lot.
  22. Personally I would choose raising awareness but this choice would be serving the collective ego (to confess). As humanity I don't know, people are at different stages in the spiral dynamic model so more war is probably inevitable before we can finally be a unit.
  23. I chose love so that I may die. But after the enlightenment I realized that love is not something to be cultivated, that it already is and I'm already at peace (as the absolute of course). So I accept everything(ego is one of those things) and restrict nothing.