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Everything posted by LordFall

  1. Definitely common for the depression and existential angst to come out at night. Not sure as to why; it's a strange phenomenon. Here's a song perhaps it'll help.
  2. Question for the other straight men on here(perhaps the women into women as well?) It's a popular sentiment these days to live for more than sex/relationships and to focus on yourself more than women. I agree it's a great short-term strategy but overall if I wasn't motivated by my future relationship with women(either short term like making money/getting fit by summer or in general having my shit together so I can have a long-term relationship and kids) I don't think I would do much nor would life be worth it. I find some things really fulfilling like going on fun adventures with the boys and learning/understanding useful or interesting things. The process of mastering life itself is quite fun as well. I just don't know if it would be enough to make life it considering how hard it is. Like women disappeared tomorrow or somehow I couldn't never date one/sleep with one again, idk how long I'd stay here. Like there have been many times that I've been existentially depressed and wondering what the point was and saw on IG stories of cute girls I know or hot girls in real life and it immediately made me feel better. I'm curious if straight women on here have a similar view of men or if not then what is you core motivation in life like what is the metaphorical juice that makes life worth it for you? Curious if most of you feel like me or if honestly you would quite enjoy life without women anyway and they're more like a cherry on top type of thing.
  3. @NoSelfSelf So what are you motivated by? @Ulax Connection in what context, for what purpose, and with who? Like connection with other men that have similar purposes than yourself so you can bond over the pursuit of your goals? Connection with art lovers so you can ponder on the aesthetic beauty of the universe? Connection with a(or many) women so that you can explore the world together? What connection are you seeking? I have found a lot of connections and they feel just okay to me so I'm not sure what this means to you. @Leo Gura Okay so what does that mean to you? God in which way? If God is everything so that means that you're constantly blissful and satisfied going about your day? Like you're happy just waking up and taking a shit, doesn't matter what happens afterward it's a good day? I don't honestly understand your answer. I feel like I appreciate life more than the average person but just that appreciation is not worth the amount of energy I have to expand to keep myself alive @meta_male Why do you wish it wasn't so? And like if not women then what would make it worth it? Having a beer with the boys? I don't understand. @Girzo Can you give me an example of what those side projects would be? And what do you mean by thinking about civilization's progress? Like you just sit down and ponder these things and this gives you deep satisfaction? Do you discuss this with other people? It also gives me deep satisfaction but not as much as my adventures and connection with women; does it overpower it for you? @Chives99 What does your answer even mean? What gives you the most satisfaction in life? @Byun Sean No pseudo-spirituality please, tell me exactly what makes life good for you. If you say consciousness then fine but what does that mean to you? Meditation? Like you feel down and then you remember that you can meditate after work today and that makes your day better?
  4. I'm glad that debates and intellectualism are becoming more popular but they really need to iron out a format for it otherwise it always turns into one of the sides just aimlessly ranting. There should be a clear question being posed, a clear context for said question and the positions should be clear as well. Otherwise might as well call this 3 hours of jumbled nonsense, I rather get high and watch anime.
  5. Why do you think it would specifically cause back pain?
  6. @integral Are you suggesting cheating on her or telling her that you now want the relationship to be open? @onacloudynight You can rise up to whatever level you want to. Find the right teachers and never settle. No reason you can't be wealthy, fit and have a great relationship with one or many girls in a few years. @Girzo What is your life purpose that takes up so much time that it prevents you to work on your sex life? If it doesn't appeal you then don't pursue that path but don't lie to yourself saying you're too busy lol.
  7. My friend Lukas watched Leo's critique of Andrew Tate this week, he's a dating coach in Toronto with a decent Tiktok following. He pointed out similarities in their philosophies. I think it's important to point out that there are people in the dating coach world that aren't total charlatans and have integrity. Here's a video he made a few months ago criticizing PUA's: In his tiktok (tiktok.com/@coachlukas) he has videos on the value of integrity and not cheating. Very different from most "Dating Coaches" or "PUAs". @Leo Gura Curious what you think about him.
  8. @gettoefl I you really mean that then you have a lot of work to do. That mentality is stage red. Even stage orange is way beyond zero-sum as they try to make win-win deals with people to get a lot of materialistic gains long-term.
  9. @gettoefl That's a weirdly scarce and zero-sum way of looking at the world. If anything by getting a job or getting money by creating your own business you're creating services and abundance in the world and helping me out. If people didn't spend their life and get millions from building nice hotels or creating restaurants or becoming great software developers and lawyers then I would have nowhere to eat and no websites to use and my country would be in chaos. By taking the girl that I was into you're both giving me the motivation to become a better version of myself and giving me the freedom to find a girl that I'm even more compatible with and would enjoy dating even more.
  10. @Leo Gura Isn't it possible for an awakened sociopath to be one of the most dangerous people imaginable? If you became nondual but from a place of nihilism instead of love, wouldn't you just be like a GTA character that causes mayhem just for the sake of it? I think it's possible to develop intellectual and perhaps brute-force emotional empathy eventually but you have to make a lot of conscious effort in doing so. Otherwise, the concept of awakening without feeling a deep connection to life sounds like a disaster.
  11. @gettoefl Why and when has that been the case in your life? @Bobby_2021 Why are you making peace with it? Why not solve it? And if you can't, is it the suffering of others that you need to make peace with or your own weakness/ignorance/incompetence? Also worth making a distinction between pain and suffering, personally what I call suffering is needless pain that could be avoided if things were structured in a better way. Helpful pain that grows you is obviously a good thing and completely different.
  12. Have you ever thought about having simple quizzes based on the ideas in your content so we and at least you can access the level of exposure to the content and understanding that people have? It could be a simple google sheet that asks people to explain in their own worlds spiral dynamics, nonduality, productive habits, social constructs, etc. I'm not enlightened enough to have discussions with people that don't understand the concept of self-bias, it's very triggering.
  13. You should at the very least have the option of doing so. You should get to a level of game where multiple women that you're attracted to and that you think are cool would be interested in having a relationship with you. This principle used to be the foundation of the game community but I never see it talked about nowadays nor have I met many guys that have achieved it. You're not supposed to date the first girl that you find that you like. That IS SUPPOSED TO come with flaws, red flags, and incompatibilities that you're not equipped to see coming. Often that's literally the first girl that meets your standards that is open to dating you and you end up in a codependent multi-year relationship just as you and your game were about to exponentially increase. Get rid of the jadedness and negativity that you feel right now, that's normal when a relationship ends and is extremely beta for lack of a better word but the idea of dating or at least being able to date multiple women at once is a good idea. Never lie to them and be transparent with your intentions but I have severe fear for any man who decides to settle for a relationship without getting to that point.
  14. Didn't you use to have "My Secret Garden" recommended on the book list? I think it's a common fantasy, probably at least 20-40% of women have actively fantasized about it. Probably only like 5% of them only ever take steps to act it out though. I've done something like that before and it's not my favorite thing but the women are usually super into it. I think most women should try something like that in their lives and most men should try a threesome-foursome. Life's too short not to. OP IMO break up with your girl and start hitting the gym. No reason you should be skinny for your whole life, you should be able to give your woman the experience of being fucked by a strong fit man. And I'm saying this as a skinny guy myself. @onacloudynight You don't need to rape her obviously but it's definitely a good idea to include BDSM elements in a relationship/sex life.
  15. It always makes me sad when people in this forum are just as ideological and unintellectual as anywhere else on the Internet. Your point is phenomenal even though your title is obviously trigger-inducing. I think you're right in that both Tate and the general red pill figures that we have today are excellent for our overall culture and dating discussions. You use the exact right term, they collectively managed to open up our Overton window around these topics big time and even though most of them are shady and unethical characters, they will serve to rebalance our overall dating culture. I think it will lead to women being more careful of how the men around them act and behave and what they stand for as well as making most men game-aware, which is always better than the alternative.
  16. I think as long as you're completely honest with your intentions and you seeing other women, you're ethically in the clear. Keep in mind that locking down a "high-value man" all to herself is a female reproductive strategy that is not necessarily good for your own reproductive and life strategy. So her being hurt in this context is not being able to get all your emotional and financial energy all to herself, not you being toxic towards her. Also, keep in mind that this stuff is relatively new and there are multiple variations of open relationships that work better with women. For example if you were to date two bisexual women then that would perhaps work better for them than just being monogamous with one of them. If you're interested in a healthy harem lifestyle type of thing then look up Adam Lyons on Youtube, he's one of the guys that dates multiple women(and was married and has kids with two different women) and does it from an ethical place of love and abundance.
  17. If she is a very feminine and submissive woman then she probably is high in anxiety and neuroticism so if you had some BDSM elements in your relationship would probably chill her out a lot. Like rough sex with aftercare or just giving her tasks to do while you're working.
  18. 100% disagreed with this. As a man especially if you're sensitive to feminine energy and love women then living with your woman will be one of the funnest and most satisfying experiences in your life. I would add the caveat that Leo is right though that if you're trying to do serious work you need to add ruthless boundaries. I even hesitate to add ruthless because they're not even that ruthless but my guy @integral if you cannot negotiate an agreement with your girl where she leaves you completely alone for blocks of 1-2 hours with 0 distractions then you're in a co-dependent relationship. You should be able to have this conversation without "offending her." She can distract herself for two hours I promise you. Although it is also on you to make that situation easy and reasonable. You said you both work in the same room, is there no other room/office in your place? Or a library/workplace you can work from?
  19. I've heard it put that smoking weed is you going back home temporarily. Crazy that it's still mostly banned in the states and in some countries like Russia. I've been taking a break for the last few weeks as a test to myself but I usually like smoking weed 4-5 nights a week and watching content/taking notes. My brain is open to much higher quality thoughts it feels like.
  20. I'm gonna share this book today as I've never seen it mentioned before but it's one of the most powerful books I've read. The likeability factor by Tim Sanders It's most likely the best book on social skills/charisma I've ever read. Much simpler and straight to the point than How to win friends and influence people. It breaks down charisma into 4 parts: friendliness, empathy, relevance, and authenticity, and then breaks down each part to give examples of it and explains how to develop it. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to make more friends/dates as well as anyone in a corporate setting where charisma and being well-liked are essential to their career. It's quite short at 224 pages so you can read it and start implementing it within a week. Solid 8/10, Must Read
  21. You already know that you won in this situation. Why would a friend be okay with sleeping with/dating his friend's girl? That makes him toxic and that would make her attracted to toxic people and also be a toxic person herself. Be glad you got rid of two toxic people in one fell swoop. Watch Leo's video on Tate and develop the positive masculine trait associated with this ideology and ignore all the rest and you'll find a much healthier relationship.
  22. @Leo Gura It's quite simple actually and it lets you link your ideas way better than onenote or notion would.
  23. @Zeroguy Well first of all, what do you think it is and what do you think is bullshit about it? All these people just gave you their own thoughts and their own version of it, what about yours?
  24. Do you understand the stuff that you're reading? There is a difference between information and understanding, you'll definitely forget information and knowledge as it's just trivia basically but if you understand the core concepts of what someone is talking about and how to apply them practically, I feel like you wouldn't forget that.