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About LordFall

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  • Birthday 06/27/1995

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  1. Find local people to practice with especially since you're near London as well as read the book The Likeability Factor by Tim Sanders, it's similar to how to win friends and influence people but way better IMO. Basically he says likeability has 4 parts friendliness, relevance, empathy, and realness and as long as you hit those 4 parts most people will enjoy spending time with you.
  2. I think honestly this is pure nonsense. Especially if you're gonna base it on tantric people who are not particularly productive. I think if you wanna experiment with nofap that's great and do it but I never felt any more or less energy/productivity while on and off masturbation.
  3. Well AI systems are fundamentally gonna change politics because it's gonna let every politician use their superior reasoning ability as well as let citizens analyze policy in a matter of minutes instead of weeks of study. Big hopes for our civilization in the next few years.
  4. Do you guys think Lex is pandering and is basically a sellout? He could go much harder on his conservative guests but then that would lead to him not getting as many big guests and being less irrelevant. Is it that simple or is there some other benefit he is giving society by platforming Trump? I found his interview with Ivanka much more interesting as you could at least get some insight on Trump from an unusually close source but this one it seemed Trump was just lying and making stuff up with Lex trying to push him a little bit then just giving up.
  5. @Keryo Koffa Do you have more links to read about the systems harmonizing part of game theory? That's precisely my point, I'd love to read more on it. @Staples I don't know if you're saying platitudes and being intellectually dishonest or making a good point but I don't think that the universe is ignorant or indifferent towards suffering. Saying that corruption is a construct of the mind seems like a silly point because well isn't everything a construct of the mind?
  6. Putin has already asked to join Nato in the early 2000s and was told no by the american military industial complex under Bush.
  7. @oldhandle Try to break down your tasks into clearly achievable objectives that helps big time to reduce procrastination IMO. Instead of having a vague "gotta work on my business today", break it down into chunks like e.g buy domain for landing page, create youtube channel, write one sales script, etc. I especially like the pomodoro method where it's goals in 30 min chunk and then you chill out for a bit then do another 30 min work block. If you have any kind of ADHD too then undefine tasks that stress you out will be the worst thing for your productivity.
  8. @AsafTheMagniv I think your point and @Keryo Koffa make the most sense. These new experiences are supposed to be for the better so if you keep hanging out with the same people and nothing changes everything is familiar and stale then you're basically getting worse and wasting your life. Idk if there are studies on it but the good feeling probably comes from safety like being near people that you've known for a while you would feel safe and accepted but the challenged and progress part needs to still be there otherwise kind of a waste of time.
  9. @OBEler I just don't think we can use that definition of dream. If I tortured you for 30 years then we died and I was like haha it was just a dream bro we're actally the same person! It would be irrelevant even if that were true, you still had to deal with 30 years of pain and suffering because my individual actions. That's what seperates "reality" from what we call dreams; the dreams are supposed to have no consequence. @CosmicExplorer That's a good question on dream people because I can't really control their actions so they do act like free agents. I guess they don't interact with me in the way a real life human would with questions, requests, complaints, etc that's what makes real humans be not dream humants?
  10. But like how do you even define a dream in this context? Can I choose for a VR tv to appear in my living room tomorrow? What are the rules of this dream? Why can't I choose to manifest myself a million dollar today if it's my dream? Clearly there are plot holes here. Why are people dying in Gaza in this dream? That's not cool let's stop that today and if it's not possible why not?
  11. @Lila9 That's a nice theory but it makes no sense. I can learn to accept my suffering and accept that as god teaching me lessons and loving me but should I also believe that homeless crackheads, children dying in gaza/ukraine and people getting assaulted against their will are also experiencing that same infinite love?
  12. Yes agreed. You can argue that I only experience things with myself but there are cars driving around me now so like there must be individual humans with a different conscious experience than me currently driving them right? @Leo Gura How would you explain this? I do feel like when I'm on psychedelics or even sober sometimes I have nondual experiences where basically the world seem to react/unfold in synchronicity to my thoughts but that's not all the time and that also doesn't explain where TVs come from. I swear I've never built a single TV in my life.
  13. Per Leo's latest blog post on Ekajivavada and total solipsism basically saying that nothing exists outside of my experience? That makes no sense, no human could claim that. I have never invented a laptop yet I'm using one. Who came up with it? A being with a different life experience than me would be a completely different being regardless of how someone our consciousness is one. Non-duality as a whole makes no sense even if we are all one being on some level the different identities of that being are individual single human agents with different realities, life experiences and, effect on the world.
  14. I think I understand what you mean. This infinity that we experience though can be sliced into pretty small pieces though. For example we can cut it with time and talk about what you experience within the timespan of the next 10 seconds of your life. You I guess argue that's infinite but cognitively your brain can only experience and remember so much. So lets say after 10 seconds you write down everything that you remember about these 10 seconds. You could argue that not only an AI could experience(or at least interpret/take in) infinitely larger amounts of data that we could depending on its itterations but it can also basically multiply its consciousness and for example experience 10 seconds within the data that it's getting fed from lets say documents that it's being uploaded to it, video data its getting from cameras, eventually literally neuralink human brain data, etc. In terms of time you could say it's the same 10 seconds or it manages to multiply its time depending on your perspective. But I think precisely AI is gonna be able to receive infinite amounts of data way before we can.