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About rrodriguez11

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  1. We all hear this word "observation" but I seem to be a little confused about what it means. Here are some of my thoughts: The capacity to exit monkey mind and to ground yourself in awareness. The act of not getting lost in theories and ideologies while maintaining mindfulness. Let me know if I am on the right track.
  2. I can't seem to find a reliable source on what type of water to drink in order to maximize health benefits. Tap, RO, distilled, natural spring, alkaline, etc.?
  3. This is really good advice! I sincerely appreciate all of your comments.
  4. @Shin Wouldn't that make it worse?
  5. For these past few months, I've been having sex a couple of times a week. During these last weeks though, I've been having trouble lasting more than 5 minutes. Any tips on how to last longer?
  6. Currently, ending/reducing suffering is what motivates me to pursue enlightenment and the dissolution of the ego. Is this a feasible approach? I know that a deep desire for truth is necessary for awakening, but what about a deep desire to release suffering?
  7. @Pelin Wow man, that part of the ego gratification really resonated with me. Its exactly how I've been thinking for the past couple of months. Really appreciate the share!
  8. Hey all, I just bought the Life Purpose course but I am noticing some resistance when I try to motivate myself. Let me explain. Through a lot of meditation and contemplation (also Leo has said this) I know that in the end, my life purpose is meaningless; all that matters is enlightenment and just being. This creates a lot of resistance when trying to motivate myself into participating honestly in the course. I know that if my life purpose is to become an entrepreneur or a businessman, I will have to leave that because I know that enlightenment is the only thing that matters. I would appreciate any tips/ideas/arguments. Thanks.
  9. Hey, So I consider myself a people pleaser (I've been working on this for a while) and it is hard for me to say no to people that tell me to hang out because I feel that they would think bad about me. How do you go about saying no? Or better yet, how do you stop being a people pleaser? Thanks!
  10. So I have been meditating every day for about two months now and I sometimes feel like I meditation is having negative effects in my life. I feel like I am more antisocial and I worry more about what people will think about me. I react more aggressively towards others and I feel sad more than I used to. Is this normal? When will I get to see progress? Thanks!
  11. Hey, So there are days where I feel like I am unstoppable. It feels like I have all of the motivation in the world; like I am functioning from a higher level of consciousness. I am infinitely curious to explore myself and how to be a better overall person. On the other hand, most of the days are not like this. I feel drained. Even though I exercise, eat, and sleep well. I just lack the motivation to read and be interested in important things. I get distracted with stupid videos online. I feel like I just waste most of my days being like this. Any tips on how to be motivated? Thanks.
  12. Hey, Even though I meditate almost everyday, when I am not meditating, I go "unconscious" for the rest of the day. Is there any way to keep the presentness and silence that meditation offers during the day? Even if I am busy? Thanks.
  13. @Electron I feel like you're saying that there is no option for improving yourself; that you may be condemned to a unproductive life. I don't think this is true. Doing some further thinking, I believe its the ego that doesn't have control. Once the ego lets go of control, the higher self takes charge and naturally turns the person in a productive direction.