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About hazedwin

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  1. Hello, I hope everyone is okay. I have a question that I don't know how to answer, maybe you guys can help. I just saw Leo's video about "The Big Picture of Self Actualization", and he recommends that I "detach" myself from the results/rewards when going after my goals. And I can understand why, if I don't feel happy right now or if I don't appreciate what I have right now, it's gonna be harder for me to actualize my dreams. But here is the catch, if I accepted everything as it is, and I told myself nothing was wrong with my situation, then I wouldn't have any motivation to improve or evolve in any way. I am 22, I owe 400$, and because I can't pay my bills I will probably be kicked out of the house, and I don't even know where I'm going to end up living (hopefully not on the streets but it is a possibility), I'm unemployed, my parents have zero resources to help me, I live in a poor country, I am surrounded by poor people who don't inspire me and think that I'm crazy for having left school to find my passion, etc. Although these are challenges and situations from where I can grow from if I can overcome them, how am I suppose to NOT want to improve y situation? I would love to have a job where I can be happy or have the freedom to do more meaningful things or have resources to buy products that can enhance the quality of my life. But, if I am supposed to be happy with my current situation, how am I going to achieve those goals? Is it fair that I want those things? Also, I'm feeling like giving up now. I've been trying so many things to find a reason for living, but what's is the point of living if when I die I won't remember anything anyway?. If I had money, I guess it would be easier to live happily because I could afford healthy food, I could pay gym membership and stay healthy, or I could have resources to study, but what is there if you don't even have access to any of these things, or even worse, your environment is always telling you that those things are just a "dream" and that it's futile to go after them. Please, any ideas would help.