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Everything posted by Pouya

  1. @SoonHei damn, the placebo is gone now! But i'll still try, maybe it benefits me. @seeking_brilliance i'll check it out
  2. @montecristo Shamanic drumming sounds are very relaxing for me but havent tried drumming myself while meditating
  3. @seeking_brilliance I didn't know i can just let it be in the background, so it doesn't change the quality of its effects too much?
  4. @seeking_brilliance how would you use them (binaural) in a meditation setting?
  5. Leo's new video just made everything much more complex and rich for me. Great quality insights. Any sentence, any assumption, any word or label, any concept, any perception and projection, any thing. Reletivism is there waiting to be contemplated
  6. In Iran, they're illegal because they claim that these cause extraordinary experiences and that makes the person more curious to try it again and they get "addicted". Not physically, but like a habit. There are other reasons too but I don't see them as legit reasons to ban them. Why not ban smoking and poisonous sugar drinks then? Cause they get profits from them. Why are they illegal in your country/area?
  7. http://spiritshare.net/psychedelics-now-halal-in-islam/ Fuck yeah At least it's not Haram!
  8. @Mikael89 @hamedsf I think a society with pschycedelics can be effective when they're only used in specific ceremonies and under control of experienced experts. Great that we have them in some countries at least.
  9. @Mikael89 what if people were educated about it on how to use it safely? So much to want but it could be amazing. Like saying having sex makes you get all kinds of illnesses.
  10. @tenta I really loved the video Its nice that he's trying to cut through some of the bullshit and at least doesn't make it full black and white. But the limits of science are still present which is not acknowledged.
  11. @electroBeam Damn, what a great speech Laws are here to control. If someone is rebelious enough, laws can't limit that person.
  12. @How to be wise Then how many people safely use them? I really wanna try them one day but I worry about that too.
  13. @Natasha that was one of my first nondual experiences
  14. Why would someone stop or get in the way of their own survival?
  15. @hamedsf Thank you I will reduce the enlightenment contemplation and go for a good mindfulness foundation for now..
  16. @hamedsf I suppose I eliminate those beliefs by replacing them with empowering ones but I just cant make up beliefs and believe them. This contemplative mind doesn't want it. When I got into actualized.org I lost easily 70% of my beliefs. It slayed them in a flash.
  17. @Shin It doesn't, but my whole life and big disicions weren't made by me, it was them, wanting "the best" for me. Now im stuck between the satisfaction I bring to them as becoming what they want me to be (getting into great universities and studying medical major so I can have a good job ) and actually working towards things that I actually care (Truth, becoming consious) I tell myself I can do both but survival and this doesnt get along with each other.
  18. @Shin @hamedsf What I fear is that I'm in the point of no-return with spirituality. No matter what I do to fix my limiting beliefs (good old self improvement) and move towards becomming successful, it hits me like a truck that makes me numb to do these kind of stuff. The way that I live and probebly live in near future is predetermened by my parents and culture. If I go for what I really want, I would be considered a faliure (classic parenting )
  19. @Shin What if it removes the things that are very stressed in how my parents and culture force me to do in life? Yes it never made me happy but I feel disowned by everyone because "x is the way to live life."