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Everything posted by Pouya

  1. @SoonHei Every religion has it's deeper layer of mystisism which is unfortunately ingored/dismissed. I mean I wouldn't mind practicing Mystic Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shamanism and many more like sufism in islam. Islam itself is a limitting religion. One can become a "good person" but not truth realized with it.
  2. @Aakash I'm not intrested in theories anymore. I've got enough to practice for 50 years. I like the love and surrendering aspects od sufism and I will give their practices a shot.
  3. @Rujan Mehar Bajracha I was 16 when I was introduced to actualized.org by the meditation guide video. It's been 1.5 years. No problem to be young. Don't make huge decisions and choices based on nonduality yet. We tend to get immature when we see truths in young age. Remember you can work on this for dacades starting from now. Don't rush it.
  4. Who is getting insulted? Who is being defended? Who is being attacked? Why should I defend it? Why survive? Who is trying yo survive? Who is feeling angry? I have a history of losing my temper very easily when I get insulted. Specially in metaphoric or indirect ways. But it's been much different lately. I am indistructable. What I am cannot be defended, because the thing attacking it and the thing defending it are me. No wonder my life is getting happier thousand folds in this 1.5 years.
  5. What's there to live for when someone is fully detatched? If I detatched from everything, i wouldn't mind if my family gets raped and butchered and I wouldn't care if I lived in a small box and I had to shit there and eat there at the same time. Or i wouldn't care if someone puts a knife on my throat and cuts it open. It just seems too much for me. It's either impossible to become totally detatched or it makes you a suicidal person who doesn't give a shit. And small degrees of "overcomming fear" won't fucking matter because fear of death or losing loved ones will always be there.
  6. @Key Elements @tsuki After contemplating this fear problem more, i see that full detachment is unimaginable for me right now and until I get there (50+ years) I can't judge how it might look like. My relative view of this is just temporarily and instead of worrying about "What if"s I better work on gradually developing.
  7. @tsuki I agree fear makes people blind and they can do things they wouldn't think they could. Btw that automatic response to danger is itself very intelligent and complex too. It's nature's beauty to make such a intelligent mechanism. But this a new belief I found out today that i have which says "fear makes humans functioning". I need to work on it.
  8. @TrynaBeTurquoise 1.5 years. Great results in my opinion. Contemplation (not nessecary writing it down everytime) is my favorite and most effective practice.
  9. @tsuki Letting go for me means surrendering. Letting go means actively accepting the moment. Then letting go of me being a body means accepting what the body is going through right now. It doesn't mean I get to harm it, it means if it's getring harmed, I wouldn't react so harshly and be cool with it. Like one day I accidentally cut my finger and instead of freaking out, i would stay calm and just fix it the best way I could and go to a hospital. But what if I cut the finger and I don't care that the finger is bleeding. What happens then? I mean there should even be a balance with fear too. Some fears are just not nessecary. Like many phobias. But some fundimental fears are better to stay.
  10. Because I can do many contemplations on what I am and even if I realize some truth, deep down, I cannot let go of what I think I am.
  11. @tsuki then let's say the whole idea of investigating fear is just become aware of it and act consciously when it happens. Then the goal to become absolutely fearless is far away from my reach and really, I shouldn't care about becoming that. Then I can't really claim I am not the body or the brain. Even if I experience reality being subjective and only apperience, my identity is still here. Maybe the identity never goes away unless it just dies.
  12. What I actually am is awareness. But it doesn't seem that way when things get physically or even conceptually dengerous.
  13. @tsuki Not fearing anything seems very disfunctional from the POV of surviving. If I really disidentified with my body for example, I could just put my hands on a burning fire and keep them there. It's not me after all. Yeah it's great to learn to let go and accept certain things but putting aside fear and attachment completely is not a good idea.
  14. @DrewNows This is how some people master their emotions.
  15. After Love part 2, which kinda focused on the brutal nature of it, I'm really confused about what Love means in life. I mean, if there is a revolution, if there is a war, if there are crime and rape and murder, wouldn't we consider them a form of Love too? Then what should we do about it?
  16. @AlphaAbundance "I control the thoughts, they're mine!" is just another thought!
  17. Wait until the cat discovers humans wear cat ears
  18. @AlphaAbundance You're literally asking: Is there an objective world outside subjective experience, which has other subjective experiences? Is reality objective or subjective? The Truth is "it's both, neither and much more. Beyond the duality." I like to think of it this way: There is air and there are two bubbles filled with air. The air inside the bubbles and the outside is the same air. When bubbles pop, there is no inside/outside the bubble. Only air.
  19. @Joker Because being a child you have less thought stories and your identity is not completely formed. New born children's identities are blank. And reality is reality, there is no when and where to this. I Am what I am.
  20. Anyone who has played doom knows this is what pure violance sounds like: The character, doomslayer, is actually doing all of this out of love! He actually loves the innocent and his hate to demons is what drives him to kill them for eons! Hate is litterally Love but in a very agressive and forced manner.
  21. It can be gentle and relaxing, like classical music or spiritual songs. It can be wholesome, like certain pop/electronic songs and boogie woogie. It can be sad, like blues, some rock. It can be energetic, like rock n roll and house songs. It can be harsh and brutal, like death Metal and black metal. It can be abstract and hard to understand like surreal music and aesthetic ones. All of them are music. No matter how harsh or gentle. Love is the expression of being.
  22. Let's say we can put a number to the degree of Love there can be. From 0 to infinity. But what does Love even mean? I define Love here as "caring". If you love anything, you care about it. This is the best definition I can come up with. So if there is infinite love it means you absolutely care about everything and everyone and the whole being of reality. And 0 means you absolutely don't give a damn about anything and anyone in reality. In the relative terms, the lower degree of Love you have, the less you care and the less domain of love you'll get. It means, the love is not expanded and is more limited. The lower degree of love, the more egoistical or selfish one can be. And the opposite is true, too. But in the absolute sense, it changes. Goes full circle. Lets say someone has 100 degree of love out of infinite. The person only cares about his ideas/beliefs/worldview. He doesn't even care about his own body's survival. His survival is only his identity. He can rape, murder, torture, create chaos and destroy everything he can. But what if he became so indifferent, he even stopped caring about his own ideas and worldview? He would hit the rockbottom, 0 love. That is where it goes full circle and becomes infinite. He wouldn't hurt and torture people, because he doesn't even need to do that, although he could. Absolutely not caring is identical to absolutely caring. The person who is in that place, either 0 or infinity, has a deeper wisdom of Love and being. And why survival is essential to love? Because God/Truth is unlimited. It can have infinite degrees of love. If there is a degree of love, no matter how low or high, it is within the Love of God. That includes the limited love of "me". What "I" means defines the survival of it, and the limited Love of oneself is a part of God's unlimited Love. If there wasn't any low degrees of love, there wouldn't be Absolute Love which containd that.
  23. @AlphaAbundance how I can make sense of it is that your eyes and ears and the "outside world" are within you, the dream.
  24. @LucyKid Great job there, it's a bit wierd in the first but contemplation is a solid practice