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Everything posted by Pouya

  1. @David Hammond I ask who is aware and the belief slaps me and says "you the human being"
  2. Everytime I tried self inquiry I saw how flawed my mindfulness is and how weak it is compared to what seld inquiry needs.
  3. @Billy Shears What if we say what is the distinction between something and nothing? I don't see it very sharp and visible.
  4. @Mu_ I'm asking it because I see a dual prespective on these topics. Like its all external world no internal or all internal and no external world. It doesnt seem grey its all black or all white. With the problem of "are things happening how they supposed to happen", I can totally relate to the both extremes. Although many experienced people say that we should have nuance and dont go full black and white. Like nothing is supposed to happen and everything just randomly happen by their subtle patterns. Or everything happens as it must happen and no other way around. They both seem very true for me.
  5. When I meet my friends or do something outside I feel like i go full automatic and few hours later I find myself being mindful of me going home. How can I trigger mindfulness or remember to be mindful? (Probebly I should make a habit of vipassana meditation which worked for me really well, why tf I havent been doing it )
  6. @Nahm I love mindfulness because it deepens everything.
  7. @Truth Addict Thanks @David Hammond maybe it's not a problem but what I find problem is that this ego is much much less mindful that common me. I mean the ego while being alone. @Serotoninluv I've heard about this technique in lucid dreaming (i never had ) I'll try it. @Vitamine Water I will try them Thanks
  8. @Truth Addict Because there is a different ego while with friends and I really don't like the way the ego is. Also I hear many poeple saying how powerful being mindful all the day is. I want to grow my mindfulness yet I don't have the practice habit. I better work on that. And yes, I don't like the feeling of suddenly realizing that you were full automatic for 4 5 hours.
  9. Damn, when spiral dynamics has became labeling death machine rather than a tool to grow internally??
  10. @MrDmitriiV you know you say its all bullshit and stuff i cant disagree But is it a good tool? Maybe Yes
  11. @Mu_ Do things happen as they must happen? Do I choose to wake up? By I and choosing, i mean does the human choose to walk the path or it happens as it must happen? Are sleep people and awake people where they must be?
  12. @Leo Gura A video about this could be very useful for many seeking great tools.
  13. You see the cat? Has its own traits you know, climbs and basks in sun. Also the dog. And every creature that counts as "alive". Human has a big ass trait called conceptualization. No matter you do science, religion, philosophy, spirituality, ect you conceptualize. Human puts itself on the top of the worlds and calls itself special. Uses the concepts for its own intrest. Obviously it even goes for conceptual survival. The reality is just like the cat, the dog ,the ant, human machine will stop working. The only difference in an ant dying and my body dying is that I am attatched to my body. Or I care about my father dying but I don't care if I kill a fly. "You are concsiousness. You are immortal. Death is an illusion. There is no you." All these are just mere ideas for me and I can't stand them anymore. Since I have 0 experience with them they just stimulate my mind and maybe make me feel good about how immortal I am and how I am beyond the body. All I say is, non duality became a toxic idea in my mind killing other ideas. It's turning into gross skepticism. The human being is just conceptualizing and will just die and stop. I don't experience any infinity and concsiousness. All I see is meat machines working until they stop. And maybe all I said about was pure bullshit and doesnt make any sense. Skeptisicm is really toxic for me.
  14. @Aakash havent contemplated normal stuff. Just metaphysical. Like meaning purpose concept actuality. And not so much. My practice is very low.
  15. Yeah of course I do want it. @Aakash Do you think contemplation with notebook can help me deal with it? I really like this practice.
  16. @Dumb Enlightened he mentions in the intro video that this videos are for entertainment purposes I like the guy and he likes to talk shit about people. He actually has experience but I assume he is close-minded and defensive.
  17. The more open you are, the more self honesty you have, it's easier to attack you. Egos do that.
  18. You reminded me of a persian story of butterflies looking for fire and burning by it's flames when they find it. It think it was from Rumi. The real butterfies who know what is fire are the ones who burn in its flames.
  19. @David Hammond if you mean others are me then I cant say anything because I don't have experience of it. But yeah I get ideas and keep some of them as mine.
  20. @FoxFoxFox I means the human being has no clue. Language is based on this I (human identification) maybe its false but this is the case for now. I need some good old self inquiry
  21. @zambize you know all I say would be ideas from others. They can be true but I can't be sure.
  22. @FoxFoxFox if im honest i have no freaking clue.
  23. Science: the concsious mind is in the outer layer of the brain and the subconcsious is the inner layers (core) There is a physical world which our senses get data from, the brain analyses the data, does its best guess of whats out there, and here is the result. Pcychedelics affect the guess of the brain. As Leo said: it's always first person subjective experience (which is true) and all of this is just appearances.