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Everything posted by Pouya

  1. @Shadowraix pictures and sounds in the mind? Language is a symbolic system if there was no language the mind might create simple symbols for stuff to remember.
  2. @seeking_brilliance I can't find the boundary between mind and body so emotions can happen in both i guess. I say emotion always comes with a thought and thought always comes with an emotion. They both cause each other.
  3. @kieranperez So the map, not the territory? @Commodent isnt it better to say "the thoughts and emotions you're not aware of" rather than "subconcsious mind"? Because that seems like a part of the mind that is seperate from conscsious mind.
  4. @Consilience here's the question: When are our minds not symbolic? (Except nondual experiences) I'll say emotions happen within symbols and meanings. Without any symbols i dont feel much emotion except inner peace.
  5. @Consilience what if i had symbolic emotions But I never thought of it this way.. Thoughts represent things but do emotions do that too?
  6. I came across this famous quote from him: "People are sleep, the wake up when they die."
  7. How much wisdom and beauty I can get from becoming more and more conscious and then all of it is gone to live through an ant. To live through a poor slave who dies while working. To be tortured to death and to get destroyed in a brutal battle. To live as a dogmatic person in the 14th century. If I have to live them fully, i might be very unconscious as well at some lifetimes. This is the most tragic thing there is. Bitter and sweet.
  8. Damn.. i just used a poor ant for an example and now it's all over the place! I fear death because I think nothing will remain of me. This concsiousness is much more beyond me and can go in many different forms after me. If in this lifetime i become more conscious, i guess it has nothing to do with the next lifetime. That's disturbing for me. Like a video game character that consciousness plays through but when the character dies the game restarts. Might be just me fooling around with my im fear based imagination.
  9. @ajasatya Their my imagination. My fear is losing every insight and knowledge. Seems so useless after that.
  10. @Inliytened1 i choose it to be tragic? I can also look at it very positively but it hurts me when I see what happens in this lifetime stays here.
  11. This question bugs me. I know you'll say immortal, unenlightened and death are dualities. but what I mean is "is enlightenment only for this lifetime or end of lifetimes?"
  12. @Marinador i assume lust is egoistical and needy. But love is selfless and sharing.
  13. Many great people in history were called insane. For being openminded.
  14. @Conrad You know the biggest thing i fear about death, after fear of me dying, is how others will suffer for this when there is no me.
  15. What I mean by the death of Pouya i mean when I realize Pouya was never there. End of the illusion.
  16. @Robi Steel @seeking_brilliance Here's my problem. As Pouya works on self inquiry and removes the layers of duality, he becomes enlightened and dies. End of Pouya. So after the body dies, does concsiousness live/bw through something else and be delueded again? Whats the point of Pouya's death/enlightenment then? Nothing?
  17. @Inliytened1 living/being through All lifetimes and everything? Sounds good to me Too much.Not ready yet..
  18. @Nahm @FoxFoxFox if I am the universe then were there any births ans deaths in the first place then? Recently I've been able to break the body vs world duality a little bit. Working on it.
  19. @Preetom Great answer @SQAAD I want Truth because I don't want human bullshit anymore. I just want the actual Truth itself. Mind games and beliefs aren't that much satisfying for me but ralizing Truth is.
  20. @Anirban657 I get very annoying monkey mind with closed eyes and It's easier for me to keep my gaze focused on a point. Do whats easier and give you a better result. Now I'm working with closed eyes because i think it could lead me into deeper emptiness.