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Everything posted by Pouya

  1. @Jacobsrw The shock it brings is good for breaking down thought chains.
  2. The icy water touched my body and my breath got really deep, I asked "WHO'S AWARE?" few times. Panicing and fast breathing started, then they vanished. Pure nothingness. Pure awareness. For the first time I could really put awareness on itself. It was intense and deep. Try it, maybe it works
  3. @BIggleswerth That's the problem I think about. Like science doesn't even care about being concsious for its own sake. And neuroscience is defining consciousness as an activity of the brain. Some of them address the possibility of what if there is no "outside" or "objective reality" and all of reality boils down to subjectivity.(because brain is a guessing mechine, it guesses whats "out there" with prossesing received perceptions) I don't say this is actually true but this is what I've heard from a neuroscientist that I actually dont remember
  4. This is my life puepose. I love neuroscience. Wouldn't it be great if there was a conscious neuroscientist for new discoveries? What do you think? I know universities are collective egoes and science is very materialistic nowdays but it doesn't need to stay the way it is. Neuroscience is a reletively new subject. And yeah, this giant thing called reality is of course much much beyond any form of thinking.
  5. @Inliytened1 like, how can one use symbols and metaphor for understanding the direct Truth? Unthinkable.
  6. @Anton_Pierre I tried upper belly breathing and my breath got much deeper with it! Thanks
  7. When I observe things so directly and actually it makes me scared. It's seems so real that it's not real anymore. Yesterday I was brushing my teeth and thinking about stuff, but suddenly some thought triggered becoming actual in me and when I looked absolutely direct to my own eyes in the mirror, I actually lost what is this thing. Like this face wasn't me anymore. It was what it was. I stayed like that for few minutes and I was shocked and scared. Actuality is god damn scary.
  8. @Anton_Pierre I've seen that 99% of my thoughts and feelings are pulling my attention away from it. The 1% triggers me to become actual. I easily run away from it with imagination and more thoughts. @Nahm It is like I've been blind but now I can actually see. it's like it's the first time I can see or the first time I can hear or touch. Feels very real and very dreamy at the same time.
  9. @Omni i mean, I just love it I'm a rock/metal fan.
  10. @Anton_Pierre There is no way to enlightenment and all the ways lead to enlightenment. In my opinion always using psychedelics can be damaging and only using techniques can be limiting. Both in a good balance. Now I'm not able to do any psychedelic but I will aboslutely try 5-meo one day, with the techniques.
  11. I mean, because of the discipline that it requires (which you can get used to it anyway) or another reason?
  12. Does this mean: There are waves that become particles when being observed? Like that Zen Koan? If a tree falls down in a forest when no thing is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
  13. Both: Are created from mind Are deceptive Survival based Contain a mind story Can cause each other to occur Can be used to attack and defend for ourselves Are "mine" Are used for human communication Are they the same? It's like both has to exist together in one package. Non dual?
  14. I have a great fear of losing when I contemplate this. Why would someone with unconditional happiness have a desire? Or goals? Or even do anything out of purpose? Why would humans invent stuff to "make life easier" and "advance the human civilization"? If they where always happy, why would they desire to change? Why would one desire to live? Maybe the conditional happiness is a built-in system to keep humans moving. Keep them in their suffering. Maybe overcoming this system destroyes your life by ending it. And that makes me so scared and worried. So to live a happy life should you have litterally 0 expectations from anything and don't give a single shit about anything that happens?
  15. @ajasatya so in the "no-mind" state you can have no thoughts (or very low) but have geniune feelings?
  16. @tsuki It's hard for me to say what boundary is between them. Intuition caused by instinct? Instinct based in intuition?
  17. @Shin so if you keep a child away from society in nature from her/his birth does the child live unconditionally happy and loving?
  18. What we are doing were might be a counter intuitive way of evolution i guess. Now that most humans don't need to survive in open natural places and survival is easier, the problems come from our minds. Maybe this move of evolution is trying to fix the mental-conceptual survival problems we have by becoming more selfless and conscious. Why would creatures become more conscious anyway.
  19. I assume Nature did this to humans because it gets them moving for their survival pretty efficient. Natural evolution. I'll focus on the fear next time. Actually I created a long list of the conditions that make me happy (and I had opposite conditions that both made me happy! Wierd thing. ) and I saw how limited I am in living a fulfilling life. And If I consider that all of them might not be needed for me to be happy, I actually become happy. Like, I need X so I can be happy. Then, ̶I̶ ̶n̶̶e̶̶e̶̶d̶ ̶X̶ ̶s̶̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶̶a̶̶n̶ be happy. The reason why I do limit happiness, is my childhood's conditioning. All my family, friends, culture, media told me I need things to be happy or my life will be a mess and I'll suffer for it, but now I see this was a lie. Why lie in the first place?
  20. @Nahm when I see everything that way, there is no mind or body, just the scene that's happening. In this scene thoughts and emotions are not mine. The body is not mine either. Just happening. But i can't maintain this level of awareness as I easily collapse to the "im just a human named Pouya"
  21. @Key Elements Maybe life shouldn't be based on goals and desire to achive. Maybe with unconditional love/happiness life is a surprise every moment. But i just can't get over going in it blindly and being happy with anything that happens..
  22. Then what is authentic desire or motivation? Like if your fully happy all the time, there will be a thing to do that attract you towards it? (That's why I doubt that someone can be ALWAYS happy.)