Hi all, I tried holotropic breathwork a couple of nights ago. I was aiming to do 30 minutes, I got to 25 minutes and had to stop as I had I very intense feeling that I was having a panic attack. After I stopped I did have an amazing body high and felt very refreshed and energised.
I decided I wanted to try again the next day so I set my alarm again for 30 minutes. I managed to do 36 minutes, but this time nothing happened just the tingling in my hands and feet and a slight feeling of a light being present.
My question is, how many days a week would you recommend I practice breathwork to get the full benefits? Is breathwork the same as psychedelics where you have to double up the next day? Ie... If I do 25 minutes of breathwork one day then the next day I would have to do 50 minutes?
Any advice on this is much appreciated.
Many thanks