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Everything posted by fabriciom

  1. Thank you, will take a look.
  2. I know that Im no-thing. I can feel that is the only real thing inside me. But that does not take away my mind going into autopilot and doing its thing. I can hear the silence in my head during most of the day. But as soon as I get to work its gone or when Im in the street and I walk by someone. Ego goes back into effect and Im back at the passenger seat.
  3. I have read the power of now and a new earth several times and go back to them when I feel lost. I have also listened to talks done by Tolle, Ram Das, Adyashanti, and many others for the past 2-3 years. Do you think that jed mckenna will help me?
  4. I would not call it goal but I would like to be free of my mind. I would like to stop suffering. I would like to live with out being affected by the attachment that it creates with things, thoughts, places, situations, etc.