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Everything posted by OWL

  1. "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it". - Neil DeGrasse Tyson Scientism is the belief that the scientific method, empirical and natural science alone are the only sources of genuine factual knowledge. As Leo told us on his video about knowledge, scientism is epistemologically unsound. The scientific method has it's limits and thinking other way is dogmatic. "No belief is true" Jade Mckenna.
  2. @Annie I'm glad to help you, if you want to take if further there is an even better exercise that @Leo Gura Has in his life purpose course, It helped me to get rid of my limiting beliefs. It is basically to also write your limiting beliefs, but instead of just writing the opposite on the other side you answer some questions. Hope Leo does't ban me for this but the questions are something like: Where did I got this belief? How does this belief protect me? Is this believe true just in certain perspective? What can be another another valid interpretation of the events were I got this belief? Can this believe be just false? What will an external third person think about keeping this belief? What are some examples that prove this belief is wrong? Do I want my children to adopt this belief? The price of keeping this belief is? Do I want to keep this belief? Can I drop this belief? Without this belief my life can improve in some way? Another valid belief that will get me much better results if I adopt it will be... The point of this exercise is to rise awareness over the limiting beliefs and bust them. This exercise was took from Leo's live purpose course which I highly recommend.
  3. The money you want is in the pockets of other people, therefore what you have to do is to convince them to give it to you. The best way to do that is generating VALUE (Value: everything that a client is willing to pay for.) Working is tecnically selling your personal services in exchange of money. The value of your work and for everything is how much people are willing to pay for. The challenge here is to find something that you are pasionate of, is meaningful to you and there are people willing to pay for it. My advice to make money is: don't focus on work, focus on VALUE. Think of how you can generate value. Also This video is really good: Is THINK and Grow Rich. NOT work and Grow Rich
  4. There are many things you can do that will help you now and also in the long run. The first thing is to rise your level of consciousness, you have to understand that you and everyone of us was born perfect, but when we are infants we depend completely on other people and there for we take little or no responsibility of ourselves. This results in our minds getting programed in certain ways while we are uncoscious. If you try to stop your thoughts, you will see that they just keep coming even if you want it or not. The content of this thoughts depend on how your mind is programed right now, if your mind is programed for failure your thoughts will be: "I'm flawed", "I don't deserve to be happy", "I am not lovable". This thoughts are limiting beliefs created by the subconscious mind because it has been unconsciously programed that way, what you have to do is to reprogram your mind for success. One simple and very powerful exercise is to 1.take a paper. 2.fold it in half. 3.write your limiting beliefs in the left side. 4.write the oposite of those beliefs in the right side. Example: limiting beliefs "I hate my body" "People hate me" Cure to this beliefs "I love my body" "People love me". 5. Cut the paper in half, keep the right part where you have positive afirmations, and destroy the left part where are the limiting beliefs. 6. Read the paper with your new positive afirmations once in the morning when you wake up and once in the night before going to sleep. This will make you destroy the previous failure program of your subconscious and now you will have a new success program that will make you feel much better and bring you great results. Letting your mind being programed by the world is like letting a ship to be steared by the waves.
  5. "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand." -Bertrand Russel. Leo Gura has proof his wisdom to all of us many times in his videos, he has given to us many great concepts, exercises and advices. Also he has warn us of many traps where we can fall by his advice, specially in his enlightenment videos. If you see the comment section there are many different points of view of the same theme, some differ completely for what I understand. This makes me think if I'm the stupid, the clever, or I have just another perspective. This resembles pretty much to when a wise man points his finger to the moon and the ignorant man stares at the finger, and its funny because one of the top comments in Leo's last video "morality rant" was about Leo's thumb nails.
  6. "We don't live in the world of reality, we live in the world of how we percieve reality." -Bryan Singer. We belive in what we see, what we hear and what we feel, but how can we know if what we see, feel and hear is real? If you search deep for an answer, you will get aware that there is no scientific, psicological, philosophical or any way to proof that anything is real. This implies that our most ground solid knowledge is a belief, we believe that the outer world is real even if we don't have a way to know if that statement is true in first place. Independently if the outer world is real or not each of us live in our own personal phaneron, this is the way Charles Sanders Pierce called the world filttered by our senses. We can percieve reality, but we can't experience it. The awareness of this made me doubt if Einstein was literal when he said: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
  7. @abrakamowse I Know you choosed the red pill.
  8. A coat of arms, a name, and a flag. This things are just labels but some people believe are real entities, they love their country so much that they adopt it as part of their family. If you become aware, you will notice that you don't really love your country because of the government, the land, or the people there. What you really love about your country is their tags. If we see the earth from space we see no borders because countries are ideas.
  9. You got really good intentions and I like that, but I respectfully desagree that money and religion are bad for the world. Money is a tool like a knife or a pen, is not evil it just depends in how it's used. Maybe you're upset of the way Orange banks and companies use it. I don't mean to bother anyone, but religion in my opinion is another way of personal development. Many people have improved their lifes with religion and if it works, just let them be. Maybe you are upset of blue dogmatic people that take religion to fanatism. Is not much different as when sports fans start fights for their teams, that doesn't make the teams or the sports bad.
  10. "There are no accidentes" - Master Oogway (Kung fu panda) I became aware of how deep this is with Leo's Determinism video.