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Everything posted by BuddhaTree

  1. Powerful message. Thank you for sharing these profound words. They come from a deep insight, and they can really help others awake to their own truths. And there are some exercises that you can go even deeper. Example: Look at your hands. Watch the movements of your arms for a while. Become aware that you are the observer. Now, observe the observer. Can the observer be observed? I saw Mooji asking this in a satsang, and it really helped me!
  2. Music can be a great help in your daily meditation. It can be an excellent guide, not only calming your mind but also helping you focus within. However, it's important you don't shift your focus from your meditation to music because its purpose it's not to serve as an object of meditation but more like a tranquilizer. It's up to you to choose the best way to improve your meditations.
  3. God is God. God is you. God is all of us. God is like the ocean and each one of us a single drop. Each drop is the same as the ocean because they are all water. There is no difference between them. This needs meditation to be known by you experientially.
  4. Yes, for me it is much more powerful because I have less stuff to focus on, allowing me to be technically much more perfect while executing the pranayama. Because of its simpler nature, I can get into deeper states and I have a much higher concentration (no need to imagine hot and cold currents up and down the spine, no split of attention or looking from medulla to bhruma, etc). I also enjoy doing it much more. The other pranayama could get really harsh, especially since I do 108 rounds. But it always depends on the person. Try it and see which one fits you best. More important is the witness /being meditation afterwards!
  5. I enjoy watching Mooji satsangs, and despite understanding what you guys mean, I'm fine with people displaying these levels of devotion. Hopefully, it will not turn into a cult where Mooji's state of awareness is seen as unreachable by mere mortals.
  6. Childhood traumas happen because they are supposed to happen so that we can experience them and outgrow them when the right time comes. We didn't attract them, but they are our karma that must be experienced.
  7. The pointers given by Leo and InfinitePotential are great. I also second Rupert Spira’s videos. He talks a lot about being aware of being aware. I recommend Yoga of Consciousness by Gamana as well. I’m reading it atm, and it has many practices directed to make you aware of being aware. It’s really simple, just be aware of being conscious. Everyone can do it, and that’s all it takes! The hard part is maintaining it. It requires a high level of concentration and surrender to Being.
  8. I read carefully everything you wrote here and I see that you are aware of the power that emotions have over you. And that knowledge is a great start. You said that you meditate, but as I don't know which meditation you are doing, I suggest you stop it and try Kriya Yoga. It works great for me and for many people in this forum. Or if you wish to do something more simple, you can meditate by becoming aware of your breathing. Witness only your inspirations and exhalations, following them without trying to control them. If during this meditation (or Kriya Yoga), some thought or emotion arises and wants to grab your attention, remember and be aware that you are witnessing it. So, if you are observing it, it cannot be you. You are consciousness itself. Take these situations as opportunities to begin to disidentify yourself with your thoughts and emotions and you will see for yourself that they will begin to lose their power. Don't believe in thoughts, in judgments, or in anything your mind tells you. These thoughts and emotions are not you. They just happen to you.
  9. I also do parvastha being meditation from kriya yoga exposed. It is entirely different from concentration on bhrumadhya, which I used to do. It matters very much. Concentration on bhrumadhya is the mind focusing on an object of meditation, which reinforces duality. Just being meditation is objectless meditation, which dissolves duality. It's like the night and day. Improving your concentration on bhrumadhya/3rd eye will not lead you anywhere. Improving your ability to remain as objectless beingness and you are dissolving the ego-mind (the outcome of which is enlightenment).
  10. I already had the same questions before. And I understand why these questions appeared. In my case, I am the eldest son. For this reason, to my family, I had to set the example, etc ... But when I decided to surrender myself to God, it seemed that I had created a war with my family. They didn't want to understand that my choice was surrendering to God and not what they (and society) think I should or shouldn't do. Now, about your question, if the family matters, here's where I stand: If they respect your choice and are supporting you in your journey... sure. Of course, it matters. Otherwise, respect their choice but they have to respect your choices too.
  11. To assume that you were unconscious means that there was a consciousness of this unconsciousness. Understand what is written here by yourself and you won't say that you have to learn to be aware again. You are the consciousness itself.
  12. This is the book I'm currently reading and I completely agree with this post. Bhakti and Jnana must be merged with Kriya. This book together with Kriya Yoga Exposed has caused a paradigm shift in the way I see Kriya and spiritual path. I'm definitely going to read the whole series.
  13. Eternity can't be understood. What will understand it? The finite mind? Eternity is, and we are eternity. That's the only way it can be 'understood'.
  14. The ultimate consciousness is empty as Leo says, and it is even empty of being empty. So it's complete! This latest video is my favorite Actualized video ever. I have been enjoying the direction the youtube channel is taking (been following it for some months), and can't wait to see more videos on deep spirituality and consciousness.
  15. Thanks for this. Doing the first stack twice a day with 1 Yoni mudra, but on the concentration phase, I do it for 20min and on "Being" instead of the Ajna Chakra. Already read Kriya Yoga Exposed by Santata Gamana. It's pretty awesome. Now will read the other 3 books, and looking forward to read the Yoga of Consciousness book since it was the topic you mentioned on your latest video (that I loved).
  16. In the past, I usually burned some incense during my meditations and in fact, they served their purpose. They created a relaxing environment for my daily practice. However, the success of my meditations wasn't dependent on incense. I did amazing meditations with and without it.
  17. The Law Of Attraction serves only to control the world (illusion) and become entangled in desires and impulses. It will never lead you to the true Happiness. Accept everything that Life gives you. Neither more or less.
  18. I understand that addictions are hard to lose (I still have some too), but I think you've already taken the first step to drop it. You are conscious of that and that is great.
  19. Hello everyone! I'm a recent member. I started to check some topics and this one caught my attention. I read all of your comments and I must say that the key to happiness is YOU. You-less YOU. You without ego. You as Consciousness itself. I've been watching some of Leo's videos on Youtube for some time now, and all I can suggest you is to watch the last one about consciousness. It's a very good one. Well explained. I started doing some exercises as being conscious of consciousness, and I have also been practicing Kriya Yoga.