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Everything posted by BuddhaTree

  1. Science can never explain consciousness if it keeps using its current model of materialism. Scientists explore the objective world. They don't explore themselves, which are those who are exploring the objective world. This is a 180° degree switch. Science is still far away from it.
  2. Of course not. It's entirely the opposite. Of course you can travel, dance or party! The important thing here is being conscious that the source of happiness is within you. Not in things that you do or own. If you don't realize that, you may keep traveling, dancing and partying, but you know who's gonna be your companion? Suffering.
  3. If you like some mantras I suggest:
  4. Thank you for this thread. These are overlooked MIRACLES! Maybe people should stop considering magical explosions of light in the sky or visions of the Virgin Mary as miracles. What you posted are the true miracles!
  5. Reading it atm. Pretty mindblowing stuff.
  6. I love to be taken away by mantra and singing (kirtans etc). They can be very powerful but there's a mental barrier that seems to be impossible to pass through with them, at least for me! I've practiced with countless mantras, but with them, I never achieved the depth I got by practicing Kriya Yoga. For me, the best combination is using mantras with the breath in a rhythmic way such as the one done in pranayamas.
  7. Maybe some inspiring words could inspire you to go deeper. Do you know Mooji? There are many short videos with inspiring words. Follow where his words are pointing to.
  8. @NoSelfSelf As Leo says... go deeper. It's a great advice. Don't wait for anything. Just surrender to yourself. Don't waste your time following your inner voice. Remain aware of your awareness without judgments, analysis, etc. All of these conversations are ego's stuff. Break your identification with them and you will understand.
  9. It is great that you are aware of your addictions. I'd say that you should not make an effort to remove them but ask yourself who has these addictions instead. Try to find the root of the addictions! Then remain in the awareness that remains.
  10. I agree with you Solace. If people want to change the world, they will first have to wake up themselves spiritually. It is their ambition and their egocentricity that brought them to the state in which the planet currently is.
  11. 1. Have you ever been to Mooji's ashram? No. 2. Have you ever personally met Mooji? No. 3. Do you clearly have any degree of a spiritually mature discernment? No. 4. Have you read a random post someone made on the internet without any evidence? Yes. 5. Have you decided to register on this forum just to posting that fake rant defaming Mooji? Yes. 6. Are you interested in Self-actualization or Self-realization instead of sharing gossip drama from a clearly fake source? No. Bye.
  12. Being aware is being out of the thinking mind. Awareness != Thinking. Being aware is being present, instead of lost in thought. It is really different.
  13. Freedom from suffering, and discovering unbroken peace and bliss and the secrets of the universe. What else do you want?
  14. @Jordan94 I guess that's fine. If you have your attention there, then if you feel sensations, why not feel them too.
  15. Definitely mouth closed. It is much stronger. Regarding the sound, you can either learn it from youtube, or from someone doing it in front of you. I guess there's no other way.
  16. Nop. That's the only name I know of. It is based on similar concepts with the breath of fire, but it is not the same. It is applied to Kriya Yoga. I guess you can always contact the author and ask him. I've talked to him and he kindly answered back.
  17. @Greenbirch I have experienced restlessness, insomnia and stuff like that, but nothing major. I've also experienced urges to do stuff. Like lots of activity, just go stuff. These are rare occurrences though. Get the books. They will 100% help you. If you go into kundalini yoga right off the bat, you may definitely experience side effects. I prefer kriya yoga. It does the job just fine, and I rarely experience negative side effects, as I said above. Grounding helps, but if you are extremely sensitive, you must go slowly. You don't want to overdrive your CPU! Best grounding for me is doing powerlifting and sports.
  18. @Jordan94 Yeah, it looks nice. I've tried tadan kriya before. Sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't. I eventually had to ditch it because my routine, at the time, was taking nearly 2h. The OMS in kutastha is placing the center of your attention in that space and chanting as if you were there. But if you mean the being in medulla while looking at kutastha during the concentration phase or something like that, as it is written in the big kriya book, then I have no idea. It's too confusing and splits the attention, defeating its purpose.
  19. @Mart You are doing them really slow, that's great. When I was doing spinal breathing, it took me about 50 min to do 108 pranayamas, without pauses (average). With the third eye variant that Gamana says, using ujjayi breathing, it takes me around 30 minutes. It's smoother. 10 min for Maha Mudra, around 15 min for Kriya Supreme Fire, 5min yoni mudra, and 20min meditation on being-awareness. I do it twice a day.
  20. @Faceless I've been reading your posts faceless. They are among the best in this forum. Really good stuff. Just wanted to say that. Thanks.
  21. This is not a non dual experience... There was a you. You were perceiving things and so on. This is duality. Where did you get the idea that this is non duality? There is no experience and no experiencer in non duality.
  22. Yes, that's the sort of the subtle thing the ego would convince you of. "integrate me..." Right. What destroyed means is destroying the idea of an ego existing. It's just an illusion. It doesn't need to be integrated. It needs to be revealed for it what is.
  23. Hey guys! Got this yesterday through Gamana's newsletter. It has nice info regarding both different pranayamas, with animations: https://realyoga.info/2018/08/kriya-pranayama/ Check it out. I've done both pranayamas, and I do enjoy both, but currently, my stack is 3x Maha Mudra + 5x Kriya Supreme Fire + 108x Kriya Pranayama in the Third-eye + 3x Yoni Mudra + meditation on Being for 20 minutes in the end. Total is around 1h10-1h20.
  24. You need to be present in the now. I know this might be hard, but you have to try to get out of your mind. Read Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now and watch some of his videos. I feel that this will help you right now in your situation. Are you practicing yoga? That will help you too, especially a technique like pranayama.