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Everything posted by Sparkist

  1. @egoeimai Oh awesome!! I'm sure you will really love it!! It's messy and so much fun. And really there are no limits to what you can create. If you don't know of the channel already, check out 'Ellimacs SFX Makeup' on YouTube. Amazing sfx that you can create without using super high end or professional materials!
  2. @pluto Hahaha Yeah I can see that lol
  3. @Ether Haha yes, it's me. I love the art of transformation! @egoeimai @Charlotte Thank you both, you're very kind!!! @egoeimai I was a professional makeup artist for a few years, a while back. SFX was definitely one of the most enjoyable parts of the job. I was mainly self taught but I had a year or so of 'distance training'. Your hibiscus drawing is lovely, by the way. The shading is very good. Have you been drawing long? You seem to doubt your talent <3 @Natasha Your flowers are beautiful! That must have taken some serious patience.
  4. @Rilles Haha thank you! I posted the Johnny look on my facebook and instagram makeup pages and was quite surprised at how many women flirted with me as a result. I got a fair few advances lol Funny ole world.
  5.! I've not had that one before. It's (supposed to be) Kurt
  6. These are some celebrity transformations I did on myself using makeup and face paint. All of them are me.
  7. @Ether Just listened to that track. Did you produce the beats as well as write and perform the vocals? Nice vibe to it.
  8. @stevegan928 Cool stuff. I really like the yellow picture with the stethoscope. Is that a photo of you within the photo? The image would look awesome as an album cover for a cool quirky synth band or something
  9. Ahhhh I like that!
  10. I just watched this, thank you. I think my brain is temporarily blown from today's discussions lol I shall re-visit this thread and concept when I'm feeling a little less bamboozled
  11. @White So is ego death really an obtainable thing? And when people say they've experienced ego death (through psychedelics, for example) is that really what they experienced? And if so, is ego death something that can be sustained? Surely you need the ego to recognise ego death? I'm just flummoxed right now. I'm going round and round in loops. @John Iverson Maybe you have surpassed orange if you believe all stages are perfect? I don't know. I'd like to say that I truly believe all stages are perfect, but really I don't think they are...not truly. I'm still a pretty judgemental person. I think my brain hurts slightly, thinking about all this. Lol.
  12. @White Is turquoise still ego? Or is that a stage which has transcended ego? Ego is fast becoming a bit of a mind-f*** to me. The more I think about it, the more I can't get my head around ego not being a part of anyone's being/actions/desires etc. Or else they'd just be silent and still? Or does ego still manifest in someone who has transcended ego, simply because they choose to 'play' with it?
  13. @John Iverson Spiral dynamics is a totally new concept to me. I have no idea what stage I'm in, but I've learnt so far that I can relate to parts of more than one of the stages. I've done a little bit of my own research online since hearing about it and I'm still not really any of the wiser about where I sit. I really enjoyed Leo's video on blue and am definitely going to be tuning in to the rest of the series! Do you know what stage you're at?
  14. @John Iverson Oh he didn't slap me, but he was very angry which made me quite fearful. We were in his car and I actually got out while we were stopped at traffic lights because he was driving recklessly and was leaning over to my side and shouting right in front of my face. He didn't talk to me for quite some time afterwards. We have re-built our relationship but it very different to how it was before. I believe that this has made our relationship less 'roses and daisies' in his eyes. Less idealistic. To me, our relationship is more genuine than it ever has been, though. I certainly don't feel like a little child around him now. We tend to agree to disagree and move on whenever our views conflict, now. So, we've grown from it.
  15. @White I'm keen to learn more about myself and where I fall within Spiral Dynamics and self actualisation. I was aware that I had lived out traits of blue and wanted to admit that, so as not to put myself across falsely. And other than that just exchanging experiences with Rilles and anyone else who may want to share. Why do you ask?
  16. @White Ahh interesting. I was wondering where I fell on the ole Spiral Dynamics model. Thanks for your reply. @Rilles That ole chestnut eh? I've actually used those very words myself, much to my own disappointment (I have a teenage daughter). I grew up with that sentiment. Allow me to add (and defend myself entertainingly, I'm sure) that I only ever used it when I was at my absolute wits end I don't feel as though I'm tried to this degree with her nowadays. What about 'children should be seen and not heard!' And 'Do as I say, not as I do!'?
  17. @John Iverson My Dad once told me I should respect him because he is my father. I disagreed. I feel that my respect shouldn't come because of status, position or expectation, but by actions, and mutual respect and understanding. He was absolutely enraged when I stood up to him in this way. I don't think he's ever really truly forgiven me. I believe his sentiment was very stage blue. I have had an issue with 'authority', certainly for the sake of authority, for many years. Titles and hierarchies don't really mean anything to me. Just because you are the 'boss' or the 'father' or the 'leader' does not mean I instantly do what you say and instantly give you respect. We've seen many people in positions of power over the years take advantage of those positions and use them for selfish and/or evil means. So, all credibility in hierarchical structure comes into question, for me.
  18. @Rilles Haha! Yeah I've been up all night racking my brain. I think I'll just have to admit de feet on this one...too much stress can make you pop your clogs.
  19. And I'm still here trying to think of shoe puns...
  20. @Leo Gura @Rilles Haha Ahhh dear...that was fun... (I'm a simple woman lol)
  21. Lol Probably for the'd only put your foot in it. If I were you I'd just continue with the sole searching...
  22. It was a brogue move Yeah....sorry, I like puns....I'll get my coat