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Everything posted by Sparkist

  1. I feel 1 step closer to full-on crazy. What a great feeling
  2. Ah yes, the ones who just don't give a shit. OR do they only not give a shit because they're not lying to themselves? Further down the rabbit hole we go...
  3. I'd guess, not many. It hurts a lot.
  4. Lol it just made me laugh...and I was feeling kinda sassy before I went to bed last night Of course, it's all opinion so it's all good. Thank you for not responding in an offensive/defensive manner. I'm not sure I can cope with that at this early hour of the morning
  5. Case closed, ladies and gentlemen!
  6. LOL That's enough internet for me today...
  7. ^ From the new album 'Singularity'. Going to see him perform (for the 2nd time) in July. The 1st time I saw him it was like nothing I'd experienced before. The whole audience was 1! It was like we all connected and we were all in sync it was absolutely unreal. AND I was stone cold sober. He is the reason I learnt transcendental meditation <3 I'm absolutely in love with his music. The animation for the video for this is also beautiful. This one just electrifies every cell of my body. I fricken love it! Saw this performed live and a massive thunder storm happened. ABSOLUTELY UNREAL! I'm getting chills and goosebumps just remembering it!
  8. @Amadeusz You've got a sweet sounding voice. Very relaxing.
  9. @Rilles was pure sarcasm, I'm afraid.
  10. @Rilles Oh you've heard that one before...? Small world. Lol
  11. @egoeimai I don't know what perfect is hehe I really like it, anyway
  12. Here's a good one for ya. Jesus, Buddha and Krishna were having a heated argument...
  13. I've witnessed several arguments over the past few days on here. They all seem to focus on 'I'm right, you're wrong'. For the record, I have no desire to change you or your beliefs. We're all entitled to believe what we want, and we're all entitled to change our beliefs whenever and/or however we want. I respect your views and I hope you'll respect mine, however I expect nothing. We're all just people trying our best to make it in this world, and make the most of it while we can. So...I guess I just wanted to say that. Also, this thread is in no way meant to cause any offence or put anyone down. I just want to bring a bit of balance back into my day, as I personally feel a little hassled by some of the things I've been reading. But, that's my problem and I recognise that. I hope this made someone smile, at least That's my real aim here.
  14. @egoeimai Beautiful! Love the colours!
  15. @pluto What a lovely thing to say. Thank you
  16. @WaterfallMachine Thank you I choose peace, for sure. And I'm open to all views and opinions within that peaceful paradigm. I'm also happy to check myself regularly.
  17. I can see how my thread was coming from a stance of morality, yes. I guess I just wanted to promote peace rather than argument, to make myself feel better, and those who may have also found it uncomfortable to view, too. My ego wanted everyone to know that I don't desire them to change. So that they feel accepted rather than attacked. ...which really thinking about it, was also a message to myself, for myself to feel accepted.
  18. @WaterfallMachine If it makes you feel bad then do what you gotta do to feel peaceful <3
  19. @Joseph Maynor I respect your views and have no desire to change them.
  20. @DoubleYou <3 <3 <3 @Prabhaker Maybe one day I will find the comedy in it. Wars in general are not my cup of tea. So I guess it's up to me to stay away from them if they make me feel uncomfortable. As with Rilles though I do see what you mean about theory becoming a burden and strengthening the ego...that makes sense!