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Everything posted by Sparkist

  1. Potentially, I feel that one of the biggest challenges of becoming enlightened could be that one would become part of an extreme minority (the vast majority of society is 'asleep'). So to be enlightened could mean that you are misunderstood by the majority, most of the time. And as an enlightened being you could see that the majority would benefit from enlightenment and so now your mission is trying to guide the ignorant towards enlightenment. I've used the word 'enlightenment' far too many times there But hopefully you get what I'm trying to say. The mission to seek enlightenment turns into a mission to help the world follow suit, because it's potentially very difficult to live among the ignorant. I dunno...just a musing.
  2. @fireworld Allow me to be clear. I give zero fucks about what you think about me, personally. But you are lying to yourself as well as the people in your life. And the more you reject that notion and keep your field view as narrow as it currently is, the less you will grow as a human being. If you cannot even admit to you yourself that you actively use manipulation in order to self serve through PUA then you obviously have a whole lot of work to do if you are serious about self actualisation. And after 11 years in PUA, I wouldn't think you'd have that much chance of growth. That's a really long time to remain stagnant. I wish you the best.
  3. You're assuming way too much here. I never said everyone needs to be after a deep meaningful relationship in order not to be bad. There is nothing wrong with a fling. However, if a man is masquerading as a knight in shining armour in order to get a cheap lay, then it's deception. If you are genuinely interested in what women are looking for in a guy (outside the realms of pumping and dumping), little hint: it's unlikely to be this ^ Stop moralising? Stop acting like it's a harmless act of mutual benefit. If you wanted to have sex purely for the sex, you could quite easily find a like-minded woman. We don't all want relationships, some of us want casual sex. Imagine that!! You wouldn't have to charm her out of her knickers with falsehoods. Or perhaps it's the deception which actually turns you on. Considered that? Congratulations on wanting to be a better boyfriend and for genuinely wanting to know more about women for their improved experience of you, though. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you tell me not to moralise considering you've spent the last 11 years lying to most of the women you've had sex with.
  4. @Emerald @fireworld (if I have read this correctly) is mining your knowledge of women for pick ups, not meaningful relationships (correct me if I'm wrong). The whole world of PUA is about manipulation and deception in order to obtain sex. He is being given deep insight into the authentic female psyche, by a very intelligent and emotionally aware woman, on the basis that he will use it for shallow means. What have a woken up to?
  5. @Elisabeth Thank you for your comment. She's great! And she's done some other fantastic work too. All from a Green point of view.
  6. I think this Western yogi has the right idea. Deep platonic connection overrides inevitably fleeting lust connection. If women aren't really into Orange guys, why is 50 Shades so popular? I think many women would like to take an Orange guy and soften him up to Green and take full credit for it. That's the dream. Ha.
  7. I loved reading your reports! Thank you for sharing. Will look out for more to come.
  8. Green's response to Orange and Blue (if I'm not mistaken)...and might I add, fucking hilarious!
  9. The first 15-30 seconds kinda says it all.
  10. And the whole MTV Cribs Franchise
  11. 'You've got hair like Princess Diana.........when she was alive, I wasn't being offensive!' 'She's grasping for shafts! She's a shaft grasper!!' 'You're ovulating!' Hahaha! Ohhhhh I dearly love Russell. He sticks out like a sore thumb in the company of these people. The woman in blue was fearful because she knew he could see straight though her. It actually turned her on. I love this interview so much.
  12. Just finished it. Loving this learning curve. Really starting to get my head around Blue and Orange now. Really looking forward to Green! I can resonate with some orange, for sure. Not a lot of it, though. I lost the 'I need to make a shit tonne of money to be successful' and 'I want to be the best in my field' ambition a while back. I don't own new technologies. I don't get excited about new tv's, phones, computers etc. I sell or donate material things I don't 'need'. I feel that all we really need is a roof over our (mine and my daughter's) head, a warm bed at night and food in our bellies. I do want to become a better person for myself and those around me, though. I'd much rather use money to fund my own learning and mind-broadening experiences. So I'm still self servicing in that regard. I'm independent and generally try to stay away from others in my local community as I find I judge their Blue tendencies. It's a small town. Lots of elderly and very conservative and quite religious people who seem to view me like I'm a total freak. So I know I have an awful lot to learn. Anyway, totally using this thread to make some selfish observations. I thank you for allowing me to do that
  13. Yes, it is an extreme measure for sure. I'm sorry you're going through all this. There's nothing wrong with being 23 and living at home, btw. But I wish you the best of luck in changing your circumstances so that they best suit you and your life purpose. And I hope someone can shed some light on how you can do that.
  14. 1st thing, I would say, is to get the hell away from your Dad and move out. Whatever is going on is obviously toxic to you and is holding you back. It sounds as though anything would be better than what you have currently. It's emotional abuse from what I can gather. Do you have any savings at all?? Can you go stay in a shelter or something?! I just googled San Francisco homeless shelters and there is a place called The Sanctuary that looks like it has some good reviews. Can you speak to local governmental services about your situation? Is there help for people in your situation? I'm in the UK so it's probably pretty different. This is just my advice, I'm not suggesting you do anything that absolutely isn't right for you. This might be way off the mark. But, from what you'd written it sounds like leaving is the biggest issue to tackle.
  15. In this moment, this is my thought.... Good vs bad is very black and white. Labelling something good is only possible because you know what bad is and vice versa. You need one to define the other. Also, deeper than that, 'good' and 'bad' are subjective. Also, good can be born out of bad, and bad out of good, and that's also subjective. It's alllllllll just..........just....... '________'! It's everything and nothing, it's not just 1 thing period.
  16. I like to do voice over...I like to be an idiot. This is the outcome. *edit* Never mind...I don't want you to have to download anything.
  17. Ya know when you feel really mischievous and you just can't help yourself? That. Anyway, I'd best behave before I get into trouble.
  18. I get triggered by opinionated cats, White...try again please I believe in love too. Let's all hug it out. It's what the J dawg would have wanted.
  19. It's mind blowing isn't it? I feel a great shift having seen this. I haven't felt 'genuine' for many years and it's caused great suffering. I take a deep breath now I know why. Constant lying. Lies upon lies upon lies. Well, now to do something about it. It's a good place to be, I think.
  20. Holy fuck... If you haven't watched this one yet...I recommend that you do. It actually hurt me to hear most of this. My heart was physically aching because it was like a frickin' dagger was stabbing me right in the ego. Can't argue with it, though. Fuck! And now I feel like I'm totally exposed and that I can be and sometimes am seen for who and what I really am. It was pretty dumb of me to think I was holding up a perfect mask. This exposure kinda excites me though, as well as scares me - Liberation vs Consequence