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Everything posted by Christian

  1. @Davie That comment tells me exactly where you are at in your development. Glad you found Leo - his content will serve you well. And yes, I have heard of kindle books. That is basically all I read now. Have a good one ✌️
  2. For me, I prefer physical copies of books even though they are generally more expensive. Reason being is that I do not get distracted by various websites while I read. Also, it is more comfortable for my eyes to look at a book on paper rather than pixels on a screen. But it is individual; some people are into e-books and I understand. They are way more practical so if you are always on the go, they might be more beneficial. You should experiment to find your preference.
  3. I have recently been contemplating the ideas about science that I am learning now that I am a high school student and I am 17 by the way and I know a bit about enlightenment. I have tried to grasp the fact that science might be deeply flawed because of a general groundlessness in its assumptions. Here is what I mean: When we do science, we use formulas (a combination of numbers and letters) to describe the objective nothingness that reality is. We also use language and create these models thinking they are real. And I have started to notice that all of these descriptions and formulas - they are ILLUSIONS and the stort they tell is FALSE. It has nothing to do with reality and is a distraction from the truth that science is. When you look at things that are related to science, all there is is what is. There is no H2O, there is no molecule, there is no magnet. All there is is direct experience without any meaning, story whatever. It is just complete fiction. It is kind of funny that there is this distinction between genres that are fiction and non-fiction. Fuck that, it is all fiction - every story, belief, model. Calling a story non fiction is very self deceptive and a lie that the self uses to create reality to its own preference. When I write 2, notice that thing is not two. Two is a fucking story - an illusion. The same goes with all other models. What do you think of science in general. Do you agree/disagree with me on this? What is your idea?
  4. I think low self worth can come from many different sources and places in life. For me personally, my low self esteem is connected to being a complete perfectionist. I literally criticize so much it is ridiculous - probably between 100-500 times per day. It has held me back in life because the energy could have been used constructively to build my life purpose. Also, I could have used it to focus on meditation and focusing on the achievements in my life which would have increased my self worth. My advice for you is to do the things that I describe here. Meditate (like everyone says), but daily and focus on your strengths. Leverage and realize them. That will probably help you to see yourself in a different light and your self esteem issues will dissolve over time if you do the work.
  5. I think the ideal would be to have as many items on your list as possible, but not so many that you cannot complete them every day. For each person, that will be different and has to be decided by themselves. Too much activity in a routine can backfire - they create burnout, stress, anxiety, etc which should be avoided if you want to self actualize.
  6. @jse Happiness and success are not intertwined at all. Happiness is a result of your inner psychology and success is the result of your abilities. And paradoxically, they are also linked in the sense that they are existentially indifferent. But the point still remains that success does NOT lead to happiness vise versa.
  7. I have an exercise from the book called "the book of undoing" that may help you. Pick an object, it could be a lamp, a tree, whatever and look at it with your full awareness for a period of maybe 5 minutes and ask these questions: Is there actually a self looking at the object? Is there any division in reality between you and that object in reality? Is there even an object and a perceiver? Who is aware of the object? Sit and ponder these questions. I could give you the answers, but that will not help you much in your search because all answers are by definition more beliefs. What counts is your experience as it will reveal the truth to you.
  8. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what motivates me to do personal development specifically. I genuinely feel like I cannot come up with "one" singular answer. I maybe think part of it for me is being motivated from the journey itself - the ups, downs, growth and the bliss. Also the potential and the impact I can have on other people from staying on the journey. But as far as my life purpose, I feel more it is about growth, contribution and excellence. I love the idea of being an excellent human. That has always inspired me somehow.
  9. Forget about it. If it happened, it should have and it is perfect as it is. I do not know what stage you are at on the journey. If you are a beginner - like me lol - do not listen to this because it probably won't work. Then, go through the experience of pain, sorrow whatever and play the victim if you have to . However, if you are conscious, you can take control and just let it go for the better. Try to realize that a relationship can never fulfill you in the first place. That is just a trick your mind plays to distract you from enlightenment which is the real fucking deal...
  10. I think surrender is the same as letting go and releasing something instead of holding onto it. That "it" is within self help often referred to as an emotion such as anger, sadness, depression, jealousy, whatever. I believe you know you have fully surrendered to an experience when afterwords, you feel liberated and like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It truly feels amazing and freeing afterwords so it is surely worth the short term pain from loosing control and surrendering from my experience... If you are struggling to surrender, try meditating daily for 20-60 minutes preferably 60 if you have the time and are in need for a release of emotion.
  11. I think when you are a people pleaser, you have a fundamental belief which is something like: What people think about me matters. What people pleasers do is they seek approval because of their beliefs and that is ultimately the root cause. I would reccomend questioning the underlying belief/beliefs that drive your need to please and gain awareness around how you are pleasing other people. That way, you will chip away slowly and over time break free of the pattern. Good luck
  12. Well, I would say that acting out of ego is the hell that Christians refer to. When you live an egoic life, there is suffering - hell on Earth. However, heaven is what occurs when you become the infinite field of nothingness that you metaphysically are. And that happens when ego death occurs. And Leo said that the substance he used creates this ego death in his recent video.
  13. I think that the gap between self help material and the ordinary person is incredibly far fetched. Most people are not visionaries, they cannot see the benefits of doing PD and I would assume that if you talk to some that aren't into PD about enlightenment or other advanced topics, you will risk ruining your relationship with them. So avoid that. I would even avoid talking about PD all together with people who are not into it. However, if you know people who are into PD, then share your understandingd as they are probably familiar and able to get, i.e you can help them. If they do not get it, let them be and focus on yourself
  14. I agree with @VissIrLabi You should ask why you are not studying and try to find an answer. But also, try to find out a reason to study. Have a vision for why you are studying and ground yourself in that vision every day. Especially when you do not feel like it. As far as studying is concerned I have a few tips that may help: Take notes on everything and study your notes through active recall. If you want amazing results, you cannot rely on just your notes. You need to actively learn the information. How? By asking questions based on what you have learned and speaking out the answer as though you were teaching the information to someone else aloud without looking at your notes. When you can successfully do recall x, you have learned x permanently. This active recall process is incredibly POWERFUL. Try it and see for yourself. For more info on studying, check out: Scott Young, Thomas Frank, Study with Jess on Youtube. They are all great ressources and have helped me a lot with getting good grades.
  15. I can honestly relate to you. I for one also have autism and I also find it difficult to motivate myself to do things in general. I do also think I have depression or something, but I am still hopeful for the future. I have a fundamental belief that I can do whatever I want. That belief has always stayed with me and I can see that it has helped quite a bit - especially with my studies and relationships in general. As far as your passion is concerned, I think it is best to try out a lot of different stuff to find out what you really like. Leo said it took him like 10 years of deliberate searching - do not quote me on this - to find his life purpose which is teaching self help in video form. Compare that with your case to get a more realistic picture. You are not supposed to "know" what you like and do not like at this age really and blaming yourself for it is going to hold you back even more.. Take some action my friend. I know it is hard especially with autism because autistic people (like myself) like to stay in a bubble. But getting that initial momentum of going outside your comfort zone is critical. So do it anyway and fight your lower self. I know you can! Peace...
  16. In my experience, letting go of yourself can be hard, but nesseccary if you value growth; I think about it like this. Growth comes when you surrender to what is outside your comfort zone. You fully embody the new perspective that has entered our awareness to the point where it becomes our new zone of familiarity. When you have been in a bubble for a long time naturally, you will want to break free. It will be boring. At that time, you know you are in for personal growth. Because: "All growth happens when you leave the edge of your comfort zone".
  17. The answers to your questions are not going to be revealed to you by Leo or someone else writing a comment on this post. Because every comment is an illusion and contains no truth what so ever. The only way for you to actually get the real answer to your questions revealed is to become enlightened - in other words realizing your true existential nature. This takes work though; there are lots of people talking about enlightenment and pursuing it, but very few individuals actually get there. I can certainly tell you that the people who manage to do have a drive for truth - not for selfish reasons, but for the sake of knowing what is true. This is shown in the way that they practice because they simply look at reality totally open minded without any beliefs, stories, assumptions at all and eventually arrive at truth and the answer to your questions and permanent enlightenment. Like these people, look for truth and you will find the answer in direct conscious experience and know that it will be worth it, but at the same time extremely difficult. The path to spiritual awakening is very tough business because essentially, you are trying to "kill" yourself and the ego will resist. It will do literally anything to survive. It will distract you from the real inquiry even in many sneaky ways. So be aware of that and work on this every day until you get to the truth itself.
  18. Who cares if you are better than anybody else? And at what specifically? You are certainly not better than Bill gates at earning money, you are not better at soccer than Messi. What are you so good at then my friend? If there is something that you are better at than others, use it as a gift and impact the world. Do not use this ability you may have to go around saying that you are better than everyone at x. No one honestly cares. People care about what you can offer - that speaks as to how good you actually are at something. Not how well you can talk... Talk is cheap as fuck
  19. When you are under the ego paradigm it is impossible to be truly happy. The ego is only happy when life matches its preferences and that happiness is very short lived. But if you remove the self + ideas and beliefs and enter a state of nondual awareness, you will stop taking your self so seriously, you will be more happy and true self love will be enabled. These wants are all the things that even the ego consciousness seeks, yet it never gets it. Because there is a more fundamental problem - the ego structure which is what needs to be removed for these benefits to take effect
  20. @The Obedient Listner Yeah, that is exactly what I am doing. Because it is the truth. The only way internet, computers, formulas, etc. can exist is in the form of thoughts and thoughts are existentially just illusory sensations that are not true.. Truth is before thoughts, abstractions, sensations. Truth is what is remained when you directly observe reality and what that is in the moment is you. There is no seperation!
  21. I get that you need to spice things up a bit to create a fascinating life. Routine kills passion in my opinion. But have something you want to master and go deep on one thing. That is my advice. In today's society, the highly specialized people are the ones who are valueable and important in the markeret place. They have a passionate life because passion comes from being good at something. You will not be fulfilled by dabbling at a bunch of different activities- you will be mediocre. This is in the context of your work. You can still have activities you like on the side, but find your central life purpose and commit to it. If that means going back to school for a period of time, do it. Good luck ?
  22. If you really think about it, the underlying reason why some people are "assholes"is simply because they have been psychologically damaged in some way. To distract and avoid experiencing this trauma, they build up a false self. This false self is an illusion and any action coming from this place is going to have degrees of inauthenticity. So you will not be fulfilled or grow from being this person you are not. In life, you gotta do the things that are emotionally most difficult. In this case, it means to directly confront the trauma rather than building a facade to protect your wounded ego structure. That structure is a Cult de sac. Be wise enough to see that now...
  23. I do not think trying to change other people who do not want to change is a good idea. They have to genuinely want it. And I find that this wanting often comes from a deep source of inspiration. Try to inspire her with your action taking and maybe she will follow. But do not try to logically convince her to change. That is something she can do herself when she sees how much benefit you are getting from this "consciousness stuff" you stated. Focus more on yourself in this case and give her the freedom to choose what she wants to do in the end. That way, you have more time to do the consciousness stuff and you take the pressure off yourself because now, you do not feel any obligation or duty to make her change and acceptance can occur. It is all in her hands - know that so even if she does not change, you are not responsible for it at all..
  24. I also find that I feel loneliness when on the journey at times. But that is to be expected. Self actualization with its many disciplines is a lonely generally. But there can be great benefit from being alone; you get to reflect and contemplate on your life, you have time to reflect on your life and what you should be doing and you have a sense of freedom from the lack of obligation. You also say that you are affected negatively when you talk to other people; that is a sign that there is something the psyche is hiding - maybe some limiting belief because beliefs create your emotions. What is that? Try to identify and become aware of it. From this place of higher awareness, choose your path and trust in that awareness to tell you what is right for you. You can only find this awareness through the self actualization journey so do not abandon self actualization to fix your issue with regards to social interactions. Let the journey guide give you the wisdom which is a necessity to have you make the right choices in life..
  25. @Orange To take the leap of faith, you shall simply surrender to reality. When I say reality, I mean everything you are aware of right now; taste, sound, touch, feelings, thoughts, etc. Everything in your experience and you will encounter more of your true self. The answer to the second question is very tricky. It takes a lot of work to find your true self because we all have this life story that is a complete illusion which separates us from our true self. Your true self is everything and nothing. This true self is only accessible in direct experience and it takes time to develop the awareness level to actually realize it.. One way which can help you is self inquiry - basically questioning what you think you are and looking for experiential answers. Not answers that you have been told by society that you are this body/mind. Look for an answer that is verifiable in your awareness and you will get to enlightenment after probably 1000 hours - maybe more or less. It is different for everyone. Even after all of this work, there is still a lot of work left to do in terms of getting rid of the ego. The ego will still be present within you and your job is now to dismantle your ego for the rest of your life. If you do that, you will be so happy that describing it will be an understatement.. And btw, it is enlightenment work that I am referring to when I talk about how to find your true self Good luck