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Posts posted by Surfingthewave

  1. @traveler What if you weren't transcending your person as you so describe, you were just realising what you truly are? You just put on another pair of glasses and saw the real deal. Or,  you saw the screen instead of the content. The sky instead of the clouds. We can get stuck in thought stories about the fear awakening can bring. What is fear? Do you fear the nose on your face? Do you fear what is? I'm asking you, but I'm actually asking myself. ? 

  2. @lukej Great post thank you. You've described very well the perils of this path, but also the beauty and bliss that comes from shedding layers of ego and psyche. 

    Some teachers like Rupert Spira & Shinzen Young are also very good guides for when things get tough. For those alone times I think it's really important to reach out to others, particularly at retreats, workshops or meditation centres. This is why it is key to look to the community, not just online, for support. 

  3. Leo's message is clear, but what is he not saying? There is more to this path than we realise so we shouldn't blindly follow his vids, we should refer to a wide range of sources and more importantly rely on our own practice. 

    I do get concerned about followers on here are leaping ahead, running before they can walk and facing the impact of this on their own path. Part of the path is having faith, no matter what, you are on the right track. 


  4. @Carson Ford You mentioned feelings a lot through out your post. What are these feelings? Who is experiencing these feelings? Receive your feelings then let go of them, this is the I am, the Now. What is meaning/meaninglessness? You have tapped into the source but perhaps you are not quite aware of it's power yet. Wait and see. See and wait. 

  5. @outlandish Really interesting reading, thank you. All feeds into the illusion filter we hold. 

    What I found really interesting is the part about what and how we remember. When we remember things, how do we remember the Truth? Tricky if this doesn't exist. We're in fact remembering only our take on the event, which in fact is biased, therefore an illusion.


  6. 5 hours ago, fortifyacacia3 said:

    Allow your desires to enter the freedom of authentic choicelessness.  


    • Thanks for this. Authentic choicelessness, now this is key. When we make promises to ourselves and we fail, we beat ourselves up for failure. Take away the promises and you take away the room for failure. Be kinder to yourself. 

  7. @VeganAwake  @Alex bliss The problem is when you truly realise.... It's so subtle it's almost boring. Many would prefer to stick to debating, arguing and conceptualising rather than just quietly seeking within. That's what I mean about being aware that the seeking process itself can be distracting. Because it's conceptual. Practices however, that's the real deal, the real path to Truth, but as humans we can't help but talk about what we're doing. Except we can't because 99 per cent of people think we're crazy. 

  8. @kieranperez Hey, so how's the practices going for you dude?

    @Truth Addict We resist what in fact we actually need. Your reactions to Ralston = your reactions to yourself. Ego is screaming to get out. You're making progress.

    @mandyjwI like your references to wizardry and illusions. As you say gurus are just people after all, they have weaknesses just like us. It's like holding a mirror up, a reflection of ourselves. The veil of illusion can be thin for some but thick for others. Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.