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Posts posted by Surfingthewave

  1. @Raptorsin7 Yes i think you're right. 

    I also think intense intake of psychedelics over a period of time may have affected his nervous system from what he describes (I'm no expert though). What I do know is your nervous system is responsible for, as well as many things, emotional regulation which can impact on decision making etc. Maybe stick to the meds (meditation that is). 

  2. @Commodent Yes I do believe he would. 

    @Pookie I disagree. Leo could live a truly wonderful life as an enlightenment being in his physical body. Lots of teachers do.

    @Mafortu Yes there is a sadness in his face. After all these years of work. Perhaps imo all these years of studying and exploring reality he has lost touch of the amazingness of reality in the physical body. He talks of hearing I love you for the first time. That also made me sad. But take from it what you will. 

    @Raptorsin7I think it's important to point out the dark side of the path and we shouldn't be blindly following someone, we should be critical and be open to discuss what information is presented. 




  3. Interpreting that video can be done in many ways. Yes there were profound statements. But there was also:

    - Gradiose, delusional thinking 

    - Talks of ending his life and has plans to do this

    - Saying goodbye to loved ones

    - Isolation, no one to check in with him

    - Taking of substances, substance misuse 

    - Giving us a "message" through a manifesto

    - Retreating out of real life

    - Intense mood swings, high and low states in a short space of time

    - Talks of justifying dictators, extremism and rape

    - Obsessive desire for Truth at any cost

    - Lack of purpose

    If anyone lives near to Leo please check in on him. He may need a psychiatric assessment. 


  4. Leo your new video left me very worried for you. I am happy you have reached such peak states however the singularity you so describe is essentially you leaving your physical body......

    This love you describe can be found in what we do every day, from washing the dishes to sitting in silence. Do you think your obsessive nature to search for Truth can ultimately miss why you are searching? 

  5. There has been a lot of love in this forum recently which has been great ❤️

    Just wanted to put a shout out to those who are struggling on the path, struggling with the day to day, struggling with loneliness, and also those who are helping by showing us the way ?

    You may be a moderator, you maybe a beginner, you may be somebody who is neither, you may not be on this forum. 

    Let's appreciate each other because this life is precious and what makes life? We can also appreciate nature too cos we weren't here first ?

    So pay it forward, and appreciate your fellow humans, yourself and everything. 

  6. @Thought Art I'm sorry you went through this experience. And that's what it is, an experience. 

    You talk about rage, paranoia, distrust, anger, pain,  abandonmment, suffering. That's a lot of negative self talk.

    What can you do to give yourself self love? Open up yourself to love, your amazingness, the beauty of life itself. If that means going solo for a while so be it. 

    You talk about your sexuality, and my question would be have you explored this fully? As someone who has gone through something similar, attracting negative relationships can be part of this. You talk about the potential for you to be gay or bisexual, how does that feel for you, really,  truly feel, then go from there. I struggled with shame for many years and had to open myself to this and work with it to be able to let it go. 

    Do what you need to do to clear your energies and find your soul's purpose. Feel it, really truly feel it. When you open yourself up to love, you will find it. Good luck my friend, you're on the path, just be aware of all the baggage you are carrying and find ways to let it go. 

  7. How do we get rid of a sense of self importance? 

    Self importance is something that for me, stops me from really really really listening. When you really listen to your body, your mind, the outside world, your significant other, etc etc, a miracle can happen. 

    When you really listen, you feel. When you really feel, you become aware, of that energy, that energy that is around us, within us, enveloping us, carrying us, supporting us. 

    As I continue to integrate my awakenings into my daily life, I feel more love, more light, more hope, more clarity. Stepping away from "human-ness" or "person-hood" continues to amaze me at how deep this goes at every level. 

    To get rid of self importance is to embody it with love but realise it is a mere drop on the wave of existence. 


  8. @Jo96 You're exactly where your meant to be. You're shedding layers and layers of yourself which is what is leading you to bliss. 

    What I would say as someonewho has meditated for a while, be aware of having a goal in meditation. You sound like you're mixing up self inquiry with meditation. 

    When we meditate, we come home to who we really are. 

    When we self inquire we explore who we really are. 

    Good luck ? 

  9. Insights this week

    The Consciousness Trap continues

    We all say, just be in the present moment. But the present moment is ever changing. It's hard to keep up. What we actually should say instead is be the ever changing presence. Again thank you Rupert Spira for your teachings. 

    What is the ever changing presence? Consciousness. Awareness. 

    Today on my daily walk I realised how much we hold onto from one moment to another. In our minds, in our bodies. This is because we want to cling on to something, anything, that gives us our personhood. What would it be like if we instead let go of everything, moment by moment. Would we exist? Yes we would, we would absolutely exist. Try it tomorrow. Let go in every moment. Then see the joy. 

    When I realised this I looked up to see a squirrel jump in between trees. In that moment it was a flying squirrel...

    Namaste ? 



  10. @Raptorsin7 I began moving my practice off the cushion and into real life. When travelling, when I was in meetings, when I was doing other things

    I also purposely began meditation practice during and after really tricky emotional blocks. This is really the best time to meditate as you can't see the wood from the trees so to speak. The resistance is all consuming, but at those times I was able to experience the non duality. At times it was frustrating, endless and exhausting but when you break through it is worth it my friend. 


  11. The Consciousness Trap part 3

    Meditation isn't a journey, a skill to be mastered, a thing to be learnt. Meditation isn't tricky, difficult, easy, etc (insert adjective here). 

    Meditation is what we truly are. 

    Meditation is the gateway to the source, to consciousness. 

    The next consciousness trap I fell into was the above. That somehow meditation was something to gain, to achieve, to learn. 

    Like other objects in duality I had separated myself from it and it had become another desire to fill a sense of lack.

    As I contemplated today I realised this:

    Consciousness (I am) is made up of  sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings

    Consciousness (I am) is also knowing sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings. 

    The witness becomes reality itself. (thanks to Rupert Spira). 

    John Kabat- Zinn talks about the real work beginning when you meditate during life itself. Off the cushion. Then you realise meditation is life itself. In pure formless-ness : it's being. As I do this more and more, I see how much time we waste fretting, worrying, ruminating, reacting. Creating form to cling to, to desire, to need. 

    It's time for joy, passion, celebration, gratitude, compassion and kindness. 

    John Kabat Zinn talks about riding the wave of awareness. ? Especially now. 

    What if you're actually the sea itself? Thoughts, stresses, worries, emotions are all just froth on the waves. 

    Surf is definitely up. Join me.