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Everything posted by Surfingthewave

  1. @Bazooka Jesus I'm not quite sure what your point is. So what if he wasn't balanced, most great artists aren't!
  2. @Bazooka Jesus But this begs the question, what is great art? Who cares? The more awakenings I experience the better quality and rawness of my art. Surely it's about an expression of this rather than what it looks like/sounds like etc. Yes I agree it's about what you do with that divine inspiration rather questioning do you have it or not. There is no separation between messenger and message. But many artists get caught in the trap of creating art to be successful rather than creating art to answer divine inspiration. John Lennon didn't give a **** about who listened to his work, he created masterpieces because he listened to his own inner guide. It's counterintuitive yes, but so is the root of pursuing Enlightenment.
  3. @Andrei_Tabarna I think the expression of suffering is an important part of the artist's tool, yes. I also think @erik8lrl makes an important point about content and structure. To pursue Truth and Beauty in art is the path for a lot of artists and this may cause suffering along the way. As an artist myself it's more about the process rather than an end result. What I've realised is the artist's path is similar to awakenings, the practice of art is like an Sadhana. You leave the end result to God/universe/self. Suffering may come from too much attachment to the end result. Picasso had years of traditional training, but had major success when he threw the rulebook out the window and painted what he truly saw, letting go of the end result.
  4. Teal Swan assumes alot despite her disclaimers. @Emerald has made some really important points about this issue of male containment, particularly the role it can play around femininity if there are feminine wounds around safety. Males will never know what it is like to feel unsafe as a woman, so it is important for females to explain this carefully if this is an issue in a relationship. Teal swan is coming from a very heronormative angle assuming sexuality and gender is binary. In many relationships this isn't the case. I think more and more there is fluidity in these areas, which could be why both genders can struggle with relationship roles and particularly managing attachment difficulties.
  5. I think William Blake, Leonardo Da Vinci and Paul Cezanne were pretty Enlightened. As for musicians, David Bowie, John Lennon, Kate Bush, Dave Grohl, the list is long. I don't agree that the greatest artists that ever lived did not pursue Enlightenment, I think they did actually and their work is a testament to it.
  6. @Zizzero Masculinity and feminity are cultural and social concepts. Gender differences have been influenced and shaped by hundreds of years of social conditioning. There are no masculine and feminine traits. It's all in the mind. In relationships, men shouldn't have to "live up" to societal expectations of what a man should be, neither should women, as it's all constructed, therefore illusory. Fear and upholding beliefs are behind a lot of the statements. And what really are beliefs? Bring awareness to why you are discussing what you are discussing.
  7. Time What is time? We are obsessed with time - getting things done within a certain time, judging ourselves based on the years we've been or not been on the planet, using time to frame and structure our lives and always running out of time. I haven't got time for this, we say. Time to do this. I didn't get time. It's time. What happened to the time? But really time does not exist. It is a concept. There is infinity. There is consciousness. But what does this look like in terms of time? There is no comparison, it's like comparing an elephant with an apple. Totally different things. You cannot fit consciousness into the limits of time. When we drop the pressure of time, we relax. We enjoy the everlasting presence. This is timeless. The present = endlessness of time.
  8. @Chris365 I like this analogy. It takes years to get here so well done. I think humans struggle with the word Emptiness. There are a lot of words which can have negative associations however as you describe, it is absolute Freedom. You're right about attributing blame, we like to take the blame and the credit! That's the bit that should wake us up. Life itself. But we're blind to the illusion.
  9. When you stop seeking you will see: that which is, is.
  10. The difficulty of this work Two things happened to me today, I hit a wall with this work but also had a deep realisation. This work takes you to the root of who you are, and can be difficult, emotional, draining and you can feel like giving up. But giving up myself is exactly what I am doing. It is these times that can bring you to your biggest and most deepest insights. I was aware today of the role I take on as "the seeker" . And letting this one go is the hardest. Wanting to give up this work is a feeling, a sensation which largely is your mind rationalising why you need to listen to you mind, or the illusion. There are so many traps, one of the biggest being the seeking trap. Today the big realisation was realising the profound reason to why I am here. To experience existence, ever changing presence. It was a fleeting moment which affected me deeply. I cried as I was suddenly aware of how I nearly died when I was born (due to complications) and how lucky I am to have the gift of life. Sometimes the most profound insights happen when you really and truly let go.
  11. @tatsumaru You may need professional advice as it could be obsessive/compulsive. What other practices are you doing? Consider diet, yoga, sleep, physical exercise. Are you moving your body enough? Endorphins can do a great deal, as can relaxation exercises and breath work. Is it a panic/anxiety feeling? Try box breathing, reallly helps with overthinking, especially at night.
  12. This book helped turbo charge my practices and thus my awakenings. With easy Enlightenment exercises at the end of the book to do daily for a month it's an accessible, practical guide to Enlightenment. Examples/highlights: - A single letter "A" means so much but is just lines on a page. - You are already perfect. Fulfilled, content. You don't need to strive or "do". - Laugh at the ego for creating things and feelings in the mind. See reality for what it truly is. Sights, sounds, perceptions, sensations, relationships. - Let go of all the stories you tell yourself of who you are. You are everlasting witnessing presence. - Only awareness is real. Time is also a construct.
  13. @RendHeaven Yes do you think we look for, in potential partners, what is perhaps fulfilling a need or lacking in ourselves? A loving relationship should enhance your life and maybe not fulfill a purpose. You shouldn't "need" that person, essentially you are two souls in the universe meeting and travelling this path we call life together.
  14. The more awakenings I experience the more I realise there really is no duality between men and women. Disclaimer: this advice isn't for those looking for casual sex. - Drop the dating - Drop the pick up paradigm (effort = results, numbers = better chances) think counterintuitive - Work on what do you really and truly want in a relationship? - Work on your true, core values - Consider what values you want from another - Give yourself the love you seek from another - Examine what went wrong in a previous relationship. What/ how did you contribute to that ending? - Read and research dating material and be critical - Work on your self improvement goals, but also know that you are enough. - Ultimately be yourself. If the other person doesn't want you, that's their problem. - If you're looking for love, work on loving yourself. - Women can smell a pick up attempt a mile off. Drop it. - Focus on connection. Connect with as many women as you can without an end result in mind. - When a relationship doesn't work learn from it and move on. Let go of bringing all the attachments and baggage to the new relationship. - If you really and truly want love, ask the universe/ the self/god/vibration/ insert reference here. Believe you will get it. If you don't believe, work on it. This is most powerful. Love is in abundance. You just need to ask. - If anyone is in a successful long term loving relationship please feel free to post further advice here so we can spread the love.
  15. @RendHeaven Thanks for your points which I've noted. I think you misunderstood my point, maybe? It was more the term 'to get laid'. If that is a man's goal for a woman I was just expressing what that can bring up for a woman. I'm sorry you've been through heartbreak. Feels like the thread is coming to an end and I don't want to send it in another direction. Namaste and good luck with dating ?
  16. @RendHeaven Really poignant points made here. The point is both genders defend their position because unless you are transgender how can either gender really and truly understand what it's like? Perhaps it's about realising the only difference we make comes from our own position? I sigh a bit when the title of a post is about how to get laid, are we really still in that place? But it does open up a key discussion that effects many so I guess if it helps others then it's much needed. ?
  17. Maybe many years ago but I think it's time to upgrade your rituals? I'll give you a big tip, women don't want to be conquered by the man. Maybe in the 18th century when we used to promenade. Do some more reading and researching on the subject. It's nice that you tell them you don't want anything serious straight up. Perhaps modernise some of your opinions when it comes to dating, they appear outdated and slightly arrogant.
  18. @Gili Trawangan An interesting way to think about sleeping with women. Thank you for your honesty of this post I'm sure parts of it will help others. What's missing from your post is describing a sense of connection with women on a personal level. You describe your dating experiences as if women need to be conquered, had sex with, the more attractive the better. Perhaps this is why you haven't mastered getting a long term relationship? Women aren't a difficulty to overcome. Yes be yourself, achieve your dreams and work on self development, that is attractive. But, treat them with more respect maybe, rather than things to attain?
  19. Going full circle So it turns out I have arrived where I started. Dropping the "I" brings me back to where I started all those years ago which was a book that changed my thinking forever, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle. "I am" = the moment. The moment = whatever is happening (before perception). It isn't just acceptance of What is, it is more dynamic than that. The What is, is infinite. These past few weeks I have continued my yoga practice, meditation and walks. I had a sense of a circle of sparkling light recently, that is what I am. Something so beautiful but so difficult to grasp. We are always, seeking or resisting. The (real) Power of Now is knowing "I am" the Now. No seeking or resisting. Contemplate this fact. I am made up of, and aware of, the Now. ? Conversations I used to find difficult with family members are just words in my auditory awareness. Difficult reports I have to write for work are just words on a page, within my visual field. Difficult thoughts are seen and dropped. I know the power within me is my creativity. I am and have always been an artist. I express the nature of consciousness through my work. Painting from Nature isn't copying an object. It is realising one's sensations. (Cezanne).
  20. @Hugo Oliveira Welcome to the path my friend. Don't be so hard on yourself. What if you were to just sit in this bored/restless state for a while. Watch it pass by. Invite your feelings in with loving kindness. You're doing all the right things. Surrender seeking and you'll get to where you need to be.
  21. @Persipnei I like what you said about the social things like eye contact and body language etc. I guess for neurotypicals it's how communication is expressed a lot of the time but yes it does get exhausting. Remembering specifics is an interesting one, I remember a pal not being happy at all about a certain way I was cooking from a recipe as I hadn't remembered the method and was making it up. I'd like to remember what people say however and like to think if it's valuable information the person will too. No I don't think people with autism are annoying to be with at all. Do you think it was more to do with misunderstandings?
  22. @Persipnei Autism is a superpower. You have incredible talents at perceiving sensations: light, sounds, taste etc and also amazing skills such as remembering things and having insights. Why should you feel different? The world should adapt and adjust to these superpowers but unfortunately it's a battle. Your descriptions of how you process information and feelings is really helpful (I work with people with autism) as communicating this to neurotypicals can be really tricky. Maybe it's not about re-wiring those parts in your brain but thinking about how you can communicate these difficulties to others? So helping neurotypicals re-wire their own brain to understand the autistic brain? Flip it.
  23. @Someone here You eliminate your ego through meditation (and other practices). Leo has a long list on the website. Enjoy.
  24. @Javfly33 I would extend the mission. Instead of focusing on survival. Experience the moment right now. In full. Whatever comes up for you, allow it. There's no purpose to it. It's like when you're on holiday, you're in a different place, and there's no schedule. You see things you wouldn't normally see. At some point when you "drop the mind" you discover beauty. It could be the sound of silence. The taste of tea. The view out your room. If you're struggling to " see" it could be because you're sobering up. You are still seeing it "without drugs". You will get to a point where you experience beauty and ultimately Love, for what is. You won't need drugs. Stop searching for it and it will appear. Go back to your practices, meditation et al and find it there.
  25. @Waken Love this thank you. My life has changed in so many positive ways just choosing more ways to feel good. We tend to get stuck in a cycle of negativity / resistance / separation from what is. This is cultural and collective as well as individual. Fundamentals of self improvement = choosing more ways to feel good. Do it now. Cos that's all there is.