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Everything posted by Surfingthewave

  1. @Red-White-Light By the sounds of it you haven't actually shattered your materialist paradigm. You may have had glimpses but to want to go back to duality as you describe, then somewhere along the way you have got confused. How did you shatter it, what practices did you do and/or are doing? You can't undo what you have seen. Perhaps you are oscillating between being awakened and being a human within the materialist paradigm. Keep going, dont give up, you'll see the light soon. ?
  2. @Sussso Explore your own version of fear. Realisation that fear is just another sensation but with made up thoughts. Letting go and realising everything will work out just as it is, dropping your sense of self in the process. How you do that is up to you. Stop comparing yourself to others and drop the ego. To be a wild motherfucker as you so describe is to live the Truth, but not shout about it.
  3. @peanutspathtotruth @ROOBIO What if we are the surroundings? Yes I agree with you but to have a great life lived we have to experience what it means to be a human and that is to experience loss, suffering, identity issues, societal pressures, materialism, love, rejection, knowledge, pain etc etc etc. The best bit is letting go of all that baggage and returning to being a child again, having fun, playing and experiencing everything for the first time. Remind you of anything?
  4. Feeling very fatigued and sick at the moment, maybe it's my body purging all the unwanted stuff out of my mind. The morning/meditation routine is going well although the exercise has not been as regular due to feeling sick. With my life purpose I've been reading Mastery by George Leonard. Fantastic book, great for thinking about homeostasis, playing your edge and the "keys" to learning. Realise I'm aware of being fairly impatient when it comes to LP, so doing more to allow things to manifest when the time is right / things are ready. Had a strong insight yesterday of letting things be as they are. Almost like a space between thoughts it was a space between actions and intentions. Meditation practice - Do Nothing technique. It's important to meditate with the right technique depending on where you're at- Do Nothing when you're mind is all over the place and the labelling when you're feeling lacking on energy or focus. It felt good to be aware of how our mind clings on to anything, but even creating stuff when there is nothing to hold onto.
  5. @Raptorsin7 Yes I have indeed, I've added it to my list of practices. There is definitely something in receiving, trusting and knowing. This is all part of the letting go/surrender technique. Part of what has scared me in the past, to the point of active avoidance of doing and achieving things is the not knowing what's going to happen. Opening up to having faith in the unknown is new territory for me. Faith is trust. Faith is a deep sense of connectness to being - Tolle.
  6. Current practices : - Letting go technique - Strong morning routine (visualisations based on T Robbins work) - Daily meditation - Improved diet - Clutter clearing (!) - Daily life purpose work - Increased exercise - Weekly goal setting - Dream boarding - Awareness of soft and hard addictions
  7. This is a great example. When you turn into your pain (that is what you are doing - becoming it) it dissolves over time. If you keep working on this you'll see long lasting results. What I would say is if you're meditating for 3 hours a day, it's tricky to keep up with this long term. Shinzen Young talks about "dropping on a dime" so using your meditation practices in your day to day life e.g as you have described in yoga/basketball. Good luck ?
  8. @Raptorsin7 I'm not a meditation guru, I have been meditating for 12 years or so, and it has changed my life. Yes I think you're right it absolutely will be complementary to all the other things.
  9. It will but again be aware you are "hoping". Just be aware of the goals you have for meditation. You are having powerful insights about who you are, thank you for revealing them here. Meditation is a returning to the source, the source of awareness /consciousness, nothing more nothing less. If you want to find yourself and/or be happier perhaps try other things aswell.
  10. You seem to be facing an inner conflict with where all this sits with your beliefs? You have some fabulous insights and yet you are aware of the contradictions. This is a good place to be. Just enter awareness from here.
  11. Here's the problem, you're setting yourself up for failure here. Meditation won't bring you a feeling of happiness. Meditation is a stripping away of feelings. Meditation will bring you fulfillment and yes as you describe, more of the flow state as you are flexing that concentration muscle. You seem to want to live your life in this state but this will take years and years of practice. Perhaps seek advice from meditation teachers/gurus? Just to help you with your tools and techniques. You also mentioned you haven't felt happy for most of your life, do you experience depression /low mood? If so it may be a chemical imbalance and need further investigation.
  12. Strong feelings of anger today and underlying shame. I know this experience that has occurred is not my fault. The letting go part is particularly hard when someone has let me down big time. But this is the thing, letting who down? I am = pure awareness, consciousness, Yet I still feel certain emotions deeply moving through me, and this one is clinging on for dear life. Shizen Young talks about unifying and separating these deep feelings and sensations in mindfulness practice, expanding and contracting like the breath and concentrating on them so they dissolve. Underlying fear here is I still care what people think. Damn I thought I kicked that can down the road! In Singers The Untethered Soul he talks about opening the heart up instead of closing it at the first sight of suffering and letting these feelings in rather than resistance. I've also looked at The Empaths survival guide recently, as someone who is very empathetic, this is an interesting read. Generally however what amazes me is how blissed out I can be one minute and not the next. Unconditional happiness is definitely something I feel more as more (in between feelings of resistance) but maybe the more I let go the more I'm uncovering.
  13. @ivankiss Why do you think you are you attracting girls that need "saving" as you so describe?
  14. @Red-White-Light What's boring about discovering existence itself? What's boring about discovering love like you've never experienced? What's boring about experiencing such happiness that it will make you cry? This is what you've yet to see. I'm also surprised at Leo's reaction. This is the generation we live in, unable to concentrate for more than 10 minutes. No offence but you expect massive results instantly without doing the work. It takes years my friend. Get to work. Forget the train and walking, you need to meditate first with no distractions in a quiet room. 10 minutes is good. Start slowly and build it up. Also use techniques to mix it up.
  15. @Raptorsin7 Why are you looking for self? What are you doing meditation for? Who actually is looking for self? What is true identity? What is pain and suffering? What is the resistance? You are having some good insights. Someone said meditation is boring, I laugh until I cry. There is nothing boring about discovering life itself. What I love about this work is the deeper you go the more questions there are.
  16. @King Merk I hear you. The more conscious you become the more aware you are of others unconscious behaviour. Well done for dropping judgements of yourself, that's a hard task. Or are you really dropping judgements ? When you judge others, you are in fact judging yourself. Think about this and contemplate on this.
  17. Visiting family at the weekend brought back a lot of strong feelings and emotions, nostalgia being a big one. However I was able to have discussions enjoyably and let go of any attachment feelings that may arise. Realise there are certain traits I do in the family home, like interrupt if my parents are arguing and try and keep the peace. This time, I let it go, and just sat with the uncomfortable feelings. This was more tricky. I've been "seeing" colours around more, almost like my visual field has become heightened. I also have a strange sensation like I can feel consciousness. This morning my mind was running amok. Dreams of loneliness and being lost. Interesting.
  18. Yesterday I had a very very powerful yoga session. As I stood up to get into a particular pose, I felt this intensity of energy all around me, right through me going from my hands right through to my feet and beyond my feet. It was like I could feel consciousness. The way it felt was beautiful, loving, safe and that it had my back, no matter what. It was so powerful it brought tears to my eyes. Something was releasing in me and I felt this love deeply. It was very moving. Last night I had a very intense dream, I was in a place that was familiar, a place I loved but I was leaving it and I felt sad. This sadness resonated when I woke up. The experience of feeling consciousness is one I've never experienced before.
  19. @Scholar Great analogy here. Cleaning the mind to get to the Truth is a good one, and absolutely when we do the work we reveal what is already there. Rather than cleaning the window in front of us , I like to see it as shining a light through the clouds of the mind so to speak. However not many people are quite ready for the change as it means changing your personhood and ultimately who you believe you are. I agree that we may have been "mis sold" awakening as something you seek. How do you seek something that is already there? You just take off the blindfold.
  20. @ADD Yes absolutely, you are making progress. Peeling back those layers reveals our vulnerability and more, but the counter intuitive nature of this work means that vulnerability = true strength. Your emotions are indicating feelings over thoughts, stripping you back to the source, pure energy, pure love. That is what makes us shed tears. Good luck and keep peeling back those layers.
  21. @Focus Shift love this
  22. @Surfingthewave Letting go was harder today, realised I get easily bugged by people's personalities, could be due to inner conflict about own. I'm finding it more easy to let go of when things go balls up or don't work out or "I" don't necessarily get the outcome I want. However where I'm getting more stuck is if someone says something to annoy me, I can hold onto this. I'm getting better at caring less about what other people think but in a professional capacity, when I've got my work "hat" onthis can be harder to let go. Also letting go of "soft" addictions much much harder, procrastination, laziness, avoidance, social media, gossip etc.
  23. @Charlotte Lovely post, thank you. ? What we are searching for is right in front of our noses, but we are distracted by what is in our minds. I'm a bit wary however of the You're God part, I think these kind of statements are confusing people on the forum.
  24. @CreamCat I agree with the letting go part but not necessarily the unconditional happiness. I think you could be setting yourself up for failure, particularly if you have mental health problems. In my experience and through other teachings it is about letting go of your attachment to whether something is good or bad. It just is. That way you will naturally feel happier, perhaps more fulfilled. Happiness like any feeling is temporary, however fulfillment is a state you can reach more permanently.
  25. @studentofthegame The tone of your post seems like you're quite hard on yourself. Have you tried any practices to get to the source of your fear? When I've looked fear in the eye (turned to face it directly) it dissolves. My take on fear is that it is trapped energy in our body wrapped up with intrusive thoughts. A challenge and/or threat is still resistance to what is. Accept your feelings of fear, drop the challenge /threat (fight or flight?) and work on what beings you joy in your life. Yes fear of death of a loved one is a real fear but if it is impacting on your everyday joy, think about other ways you can work on it.