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Everything posted by whatishappeningtome

  1. I think he gets them off Shutterstock. I was browsing the website and saw some of them there.
  2. I can't answer this question in particular but as a man who went back to college to finish my Bachelor's degree I never completed with online classes during Covid, In my experience college classes can be really good and it can be amazing to learn from very intelligent professors. I'm interested in sociology for example because of Actualized.org and I'm taking a sociology class this semester and i'm forced to read academic papers and learn about the subject way more deeply than I would just watching Youtube videos or even reading a book off amazon. I do agree that college is overpriced (but if you solved that issue like they have in Scandinavia) I seriously wouldn't agree society would be better off without people going to college. Sure it has dogma etc but there's a reason why it is capitalist Stage Orange business owners who say "DON'T GO TO COLLEGE" to motivational music on Youtube. You don't need a college degree to earn good money in 2021. But college is not necessarily all about being prepared for the job market as it is, to spend a few years studying and writing about subjects deeply. This is just an antidote but, even if it's not a complete education, most men I know who have a college degree (especially from good schools) are more intelligent than people who just finished high school and started working. A lot of my male high school friends work blue collar jobs while listening to Joe Rogan and then spout right-wing and anti-vax non-sense. My college educated friends do-not.
  3. Congrats. There's a medicare for all bill being pushed in Cali that would be cool if it could get pushed through. Maybe having medicare for all in one state first would be a good catalyst for other states to follow suit.
  4. Same as Sydney, Australia. It's a great city but if you have no inherited wealth, even if you do everything "right" and earn upwards of 100K a year, you're still gonna be paying upwards of 1.2 million for a 3 bedroom house. Seems the same as Vancouver, Toronto, LA, London etc.
  5. Lol true! My self-bias was thinking about my own bank account which is salary in, salary out lol
  6. If this video is to be trusted, more than 98% of all bitcoin held is for pure speculation and not to use as a real currency.
  7. Isn't it just to help evacuate some people then leave again?
  8. A lot of old passwords keep getting exposed (and flagged by google) by data breaches. We need to be careful that we don't use the same password for every account because if someone gets hold of that one password obviously it could impact you severly. There is software which helps you get around this like 1password or Nordpass.
  9. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02109-1 This highlights the selfish and idiocy of vaccine hesitancy for Covid-19. Rich developed nations like the USA are able to get an oversupply (even ordering enough for 3rd booster shots) and the general population is able to get it for free quickly and easily. All while a continent like Africa has a 2% vaccination rate, can get ravaged by Covid and of course has no where near the level of medical facilities we do in the developed world.
  10. Oh yes, that's true and we should be grateful for all the funding that went into researching and developing MRNA vaccines. I am more commenting on just how shocking it is that people don't want to get the vaccine, while some parts of the world literally can't (even some first world countries). We already saw the Delta variant be created in India back in Dec 2020. It's really concerning that if we don't focus on this as a global issue, the virus could keep mutating.
  11. Unfortunately they are effective. Even in Australia "CRT" was recently banned from the nation's school curriculum (thank you right-wing US talk show hosts). But what the heck does that even mean? How will that affect the teaching of european settlers and native aborigines?
  12. From the web developers I've met, you can go the more traditional route which is going to college and getting a degree (might be a good option for a directionless 18 year old) but I know people who managed to do very well working for massive silicon valley companies just by building a good portfolio like Leo suggested.
  13. I just want to point out something strange about the Life Coaching industry that i've noticed. A lot of people who sign up to coaching are other life coaches or wanna-be life coaches. A lot of coaches sell group coaching courses... directly to these aspiring life coaches. It's like a life coaching circle jerk and the money works its way to the top dog. A lot of life coaches I've noticed also have these strange fake positive attitudes, are overly involved in new-age beliefs and a lot of them are Anti-vax.
  14. Edit: Just a slight correction the title should say "How do 'I' know" not "is know" Hey everyone, recently I've been studying at a high level university and have been composing a lot of essays. Since I'm an undergrad, rather than attempting to create "new" knowledge, I'm expected to study existing research papers and present arguments based on other peoples research. This is fine and all and I'm learning about the importance of quality resources, but I was wondering in life- how do you deal with knowing what you say is true or not? Information, research and paradigms in many fields is also constantly changing, so when I repeat an idea (even if it is well researched) how do I believe what I'm saying? Do I just put faith in the fact that the peer reviewed studies are likely more accurate than say my uneducated guess and regurgitate their information? When do I use direct experience when it comes to knowledge? What if I am drawing incorrect conclusions when I use direct experience? I know I might seem a bit rambly here, but I'm just trying to deal with the fact that I feel that almost everything that comes out of my mouth is just bullshit, either it's some regurgitated research that I have blind faith or it's knowledge from my own direct experience which I find difficult to verify. Any thoughts?
  15. Thank you, found it!
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/ "People of Walmart" the subreddit. God has a sick sense of humour.
  17. So over these Covid deniers. The USA is recovering quickly after a horrible year last year, but many other countries are still in lock down (especially due to the delta variant). 600K people died in the US from Covid, most of which could have been largely preventable. 1 in 500 people died in the US unnecessarily. I like to imagine my old school hall which hosted a 1000 kids with two children randomly killed in the crowd to try to imagine how many Covid deaths there were in the US.
  18. 100%. I like the way TYT talk about it in the video linked above. They basically just say yes the lab-leak is plausible while outlining that the people who have been peddling that theory have been dangerous right-wingers. I feel like they approach it very maturely.
  19. Recently republicans are constantly talking about "Critical Race Theory". It's been banned from being taught in Florida schools by the Republican state government whilst the rest of fox news rail against it and demonize it. If you do a Youtube search trying to find a video explanation of what Critical Race Theory actually is, you'll likely come across dozens of Prager U and reactionary breakdown videos of CRT without actually finding a decent video explaining what it is! You can read about it more here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory In layman's terms- Critical Race Theory is a sociological theory which puts forward the idea that because modern American society was founded by white europeans as the dominant race, there is going to be an inherent biases in how society functions to favour white people. This is a deep issue as it ends up affecting how law is done (racial disparities in jail sentencing e.g.), how business is done (minorities statistically finding it harder to get bank loans e.g.) and in general minority groups being pressured into conforming to what "white" society deems as "good" and "right" (Native people discouraged from living how they choose to live and instead being forced to conform to society for example). So there's nothing new here. CRT is just an umbrella term for what a lot of people who advocate for social justice have been talking about for decades. It's also NOT about making white people feel guilty for existing, it's merely a perspectival analysis which helps us understand modern social issues better. Ahh the republican party, the good ol' party of free speech everyone!
  20. I get you, they are trying to take what is actually "historically accurate" and muddy the waters.
  21. You're right. I don't want to start a stupid culture war debate. I'm studying to become a teacher in College at the moment and funnily enough am studying CRT as it relates to how we treat students. Just thought it was crazy that right as I was studying it, it gets banned in Florida.
  22. Just found an additional interesting quote -
  23. He honestly wasn't toxic at the start of his Youtube journey. He was quite inspiring actually. But he's fallen for the MAGA cult and basically made a fool of himself to his more conscious ex-viewers.
  24. Elliott Hulse has taught me an amazing life lesson in the past few years. Never idolize anyone too much. If you do look up to somebody, learn what their shadow is. Almost every person I idolized a decade ago has let me down.
  25. It could last 4 years or so if it's a good laptop, so think about it is as 500 a year then divide that by 12 to get around 40 bucks per month? It's not too bad. I use my Laptop 10 hours a day everyday for work so that's a decent investment.