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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. https://knowingless.com/2018/01/17/permanent-mental-effects-from-lsd/ Upper right corner
  2. Exploring as many alerted states of consciousness, either through meditation or psychedelics or both at once Reducing suffering
  3. yea I created her entire fake blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, OnlyFans... C'mon of course not
  4. Culadasa has a pretty weird definition of suffering. Constantly waking up, not being able to get any deep sleep due to problems with breathing, feeling panic, discomfort to the point of contemplating suicide is obviously suffering in most people's definition, but not for Culadasa. Be aware that people might mean a different thing than you when they say suffering
  5. Just bulk by drinking coca-cola like they do in Mexico https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/with-average-daily-consumption-of-2-2-liters-of-coca-cola-chiapas-leads-the-world/
  6. @Striving for more If you're slightly above average looking, you'll have to put way more effort to attract a lot of hot girls than model tier looking guys. Water is wet It doesn't mean it's completely over for you. It's like saying there's no point to go to the gym, try to get a good physique if you're not naturally lean and muscular
  7. By how I define happiness, an enlightened person's hapiness does depend on conditions but it does require less for her to be happy. Depends on how you define happy Yes (unless she has some psychopathic disorder or whatever they call it) This is an interesting question. Mostly I don't think they are in denial but often times have very different definitions of words they use than most people and there's confusion.
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/msrh4z/more_than_500_genes_linking_depression_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  9. Contrary to opinions in this thread I think euthanasia should be legally available for everybody 18+. I wish they will legalize it in my country. Being able to peacefully end it should be a universal human right. That being said, we should make sure that it isn't an impulsive decision. There is currently no cure for depression, only symptoms treatment. Psychedelics, antidepressants, ketamine, ECT work but only to an extent. The true cure for depression will come when we can deactivate its genes. @Runtz Grow your own and give her psilocybin mushrooms.
  10. @Denys Of course, they do as all other psychoactive substances do It's possible that certain chemical doesn't affect someone but it has nothing to do with enlightenment. I have a friend who is almost completely immune to 5-MeO, he is not enlightened neither cares about it at all
  11. I will almost certainly remain semi-monk for the rest of my life. I don't like earning money, neither even spending it. My parents were always classic stage orange, money/success-oriented people, I was always extreme tightwad and weird kid. I kept my money from the first communion for around ten years, my parents literally wanted me to be less tight with my money, I had aversion to expensive clothes they were buying me. They forced me to go on vacations which I also always had an aversion towards. I go to meet with the family on Christmas day, it gets loud, kids start running - I suffer and think it's not worth it to be there. I may go out with my friends to the lake, and then one thing goes wrong (let's say the backpack ripped apart) - I get irritated and in my mind, it cancels out all the good that comes from going out that day A huge part of that are certainly my extremely neurotic, PTSD/depression/anxiety-prone genes. My aunt was so depressed at one point she literally couldn't eat food from anhedonia, grandma has arthritis (8/10 same genes as MD) depression and anxiety. My father had 2-3 inches long, 0,5 inch wide scars from self-harm across his entire body from his PTSD/depression episode when he was 20~, later got stressed because my mother wanted to leave him and hang himself. I mean just unimaginable suffering. I want to put an end to those and would feel very bad having a kid. I'm 26 and live with my mother. Why would I ever work more than 1 day a week? 1 day a week as an Uber driver for example is all I need to pay my mother half of the rent. Why would I have any monetary ambition if it means even a little bit of stress which puts me at risk of another 2,5-year episode of hell? I just want to live my life entering Jhanas, meditating every day for hours, listening to music and sometimes taking psychedelics. Can you make an argument that withdrawing from life in this way is a coping mechanism because of some "deeper issues"? Sure, as well as chasing money/success or rising a family
  12. I actually get excited thinking about monk lifestyle without almost any responsibilities. Fewer responsibilities and obligations = more happiness for me I disagree. Your definition of happiness would have to be really weird to say that happiness is present in all states humans are capable of experiencing. No matter how sophisticated one's non-dual philosophy gets, it fails a real test that comes with a really bad illness. So many Neo Advaita type teachers teach this stuff while being healthy, but if you ask an average healthy person off the street, chances are they will say I'm ok/quite happy. A recent example - Jeff Forest's Lyme's disease started affecting him badly and he quickly realized how much state matters. Right, without appreciation no matter what long-term fortunate situation you will get into, you will still tend to overlook it The gym was a huge part of my life for many years. I've managed to add more muscle to my frame than I ever thought would be possible for me (over 20kg) and bodybuilding/powerlifting was one of the things I enjoyed doing, but once I got heavier and much much stronger on every lift after years of training, it started activating mild arthritis even when I switched to pure light weight bodybuilding training (doing 20 reps in a set) and living with constant mild pains and aches everywhere from training got too irritating and so I quitted gym completely and now live with less muscle and worse physique but pain-free. Condition-based sports I don't enjoy as much.
  13. @Girzo Thanks!
  14. I once did nofap when I was 16 for 6 weeks and haven't noticed anything significant other than ejaculating in my sleep. It is not normal to have persistent brain fog after ejaculating. What I notice now at 26 is that one fap usually makes me completely forget about sex for about 2 days, while as a teenager it would for about half a day. Holy Moly Maybe this is Incel's problem, they have weak sex drives and therefore not enough motivation to learn pickup. Hard to believe 20 times in a row is even possible, max I've ever done was 2 times in a row (and it was when I was a horny teenager on amphetamine)
  15. Yet your trips are also dream of a memory of having them in the past that you are constructing right now. So unless you're in full God mode right now it will always be a construction of a dream but even this construction is occurring always in the present moment If I'm the only one that exists, the whole universe literally completely disappeared during cessation
  16. @GreenWoods It's quite simple. Imagine you sit during deep meditation very alert and aware, eyes open. You see a moving car outside a window, and then cessation occurs, there is no experience whatsoever during this time, and then at some point, let's say 2 seconds later consciousness appears again and so the car was teleported from your POV. Like you would edit out frames from the movie. It's like being fully alert, then instantly falling into a deep sleep or even better deep anesthesia, and then reappearing again fully conscious without the drowsiness/fogginess like right after you wake up in the morning. Timestamped:
  17. Yes, and that is exactly what happens. You can only know that you had cessation afterwards when consciousness boots up again
  18. I think Frank misunderstands Leo. When he says I've been there in God-consciousness/realization state persistently over a year and a half and then went beyond to completely lose any center - this is not a state Leo talks about I also went through the stages to completely lose the center, like that bubble of self gets bigger and bigger until it dissolves completely but those are all still unalerted states of consciousness "sober" states. They don't feel nearly as solipsistic as 5-MeO trips, not even close. It's important to make this distinction because Leo talks about more ecstatic states which are clearly "alerted" states of consciousness. There's a pretty clear sort of feeling to them like when you snort 5-MeO and start to feel the effects, it's pretty clear you've ingested the substance and it's alerted state now. There's no such feeling to natty states Frank talks about, but as a tradeoff you miss a shitton of ecstasy and deep "understanding" Leo would call it At the same time, Frank has this obsession with "it" having to be a natural state which is unalerted. I personally don't see why a constant state of 5-MeO (even if alerted and chemically, artificially induced) wouldn't be "it" I agree with Frank about cessation showing clearly consciousnesses impermanence. And the problem is that Leo should IMO become much better meditator to have a more complete understanding and Frank should do more powerful psychedelics now, after his center/self-loss Frank misses much much deeper levels of solipsistic God discovery and Leo misses dependent origination, cessation expieriences
  19. Yes, skinny David Laid before lifting was certainly natural. IDK if he's natural now (his FFMI is definitely possible naturally) and it doesn't matter
  20. Meanwhile, this guy took roids non-stop for 46 years! And look like shit
  21. I know a guy who has paper-thin skin, veins everywhere, like legit 7% body fat he's not muscular because he doesn't even care and his diet is horrible. There is something like genetic body fat setpoint which some outliers have very low and they can easily maintain low body fat meanwhile another guy literally can't even have normal testosterone levels below 15% bf because of his genetic setpoint Is the guy on the left photo on steroids? Of course not, and yet he is like legit 6/7% bf easly maintainable Steroids don't actually lower one's setpoint that much. This is 100% natural since in 1910 steroids didn't exist yet It's GENETICS. They didn't even have bench press back then. Among Hermann Görner's many feats of strength were the following notable lifts: Deadlift – 360 kg (790 lb) with overhand hook grip. 380 kg (840 lb) with mixed grip. One-handed deadlift – 330 kg (730 lb) on 8 October 1920, Leipzig, Germany Deadlift – 270 kg (600 lb) using just two fingers of each hand
  22. I have olfactory hallucinogenics after 1P-LSD. It's a quite pleasant fragrance They can also occur during meditation when the mind gets really quiet and pacification of the senses continues
  23. @ilja Gödel's incompleteness theorem applies to mathematics and extending it to deeper metaphysics is very far fetched IMO.
  24. @ilja about incompleteness theorem abuse
  25. Holy shit this article seems much longer now but still only a very small percentage is a decent critique of Leo, almost all garbage Somebody actually takes time to write these things