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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. But isn't residing in true self/great Brahman a realm of existence itself? You can get reborn to it, but Dukkha is still there. Getting of the wheel means something else. That's how I understand it now:
  2. Actually, you misunderstand what nothing means - it means utter lack of experience, and if it's fully aware and conscious then there is an experience so therefore something
  3. @cetus56 This is Nirodha Samapatti, complete cessation. His ability to not even flinch to such extreme pain doesn't come from his enlightenment (even tho he almost certainly was) but from concentration skills. He was training for weeks to prepare himself.
  4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328117125_EEG_studies_of_the_acute_effects_of_5-MeO-_DMT_WBAC_CDMX_July_27-29_2018 And results of EEG scan of Martin's Ball brain starts at 9 min. : https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/entheogenic/episodes/2019-01-07T13_19_14-08_00 5-MeO-DMT decrease Delta and Alpha power, increase Theta, Beta and especially Gamma brain waves 5-MeO-DMT induce Hypercoherence Doesn't seem like overall absolute power decreased
  5. No I doubt it will make you more successful in business or with girls. Those are completely unrelated things
  6. @tecladocasio There are many definitions and meanings attached to the word meditation. Out of many different meditation techniques, this is actually the most popular, the hardest to master, the one that has the biggest impact on someones positive changes in the brain, the one that most conscious people on this planet have mastered, and the only one that leads to Nibbana. On the list of techniques commonly called meditation, this one is actually the most fundamental meditation technique. And concentration may be not the best word for it, because it's a training of both attention and awareness. In fact, it's impossible to achieve fully stable attention without greatly developed awareness and vice versa.
  7. @kiwua You need a bigger dose Take some more and do nothing
  8. @Joseph Maynor Ability to perfectly concentrate for 1h+ on any object in consciousness you choose, with no dullness/very high alertness, effortlessly
  9. @Outer Yes, being enlightened ≠ being good at meditation and being good at meditation ≠ being enlightened of course, being good at meditation gives someone a good chance to get enlightened but doesn't guarantee it We can even say that there are 3 main categories of spiritual development: Insight (classic enlightenment), concentration, loving-kindness practices, and all of them are beneficial It does make a difference because you can still have disunified mind and therefore aversion, no joy, dullness, scattered attention even with quiet DMN
  10. @Leo Gura Coherence is always important but what kind of brain waves will increase/decrease will depend on meditation technique for example, Transcendental Meditation is all about alpha but it's a rather dull meditation Samatha aka concentration seems to be about Gamma
  11. @Miavono Decreased activity of the posterior cingulate cortex = deeper non-symbolic experience More coherence in the brain/ more unified mind = more vivid, clear and focused conscious experience
  12. @IVONNE Sense of agency is an illusion There is a big problem with how we define free will What would it mean to have free will?
  13. Better than the peak of MDMA - no LSD - it depends on the trip Weed - definitely better, but I'm biased here because I don't like the effects of weed @Cortex
  14. @Delmo Once it becomes effortless, it does bring intense joy, rapture, happiness but it does take time and effort to get to that stage.
  15. @Gabriel Antonio You are not supposed to numb them but be fully aware, alert, and from that position ignore them with attention 99% of people are not ignoring strong emotions, and they surface up again and again - nothing is changing We actually train the mind and cure our neuroticism by being fully aware of them and then ignoring
  16. I've not been on a vipassana retreat. So what? I've reached higher stages of Samatha/vipassana practice at home than many people on 10 day retreats. Why don't you agree with ignoring strong emotions?
  17. From "The Mind Illuminated" Culadasa is a meditation master with over four decades of experience in the Tibetan and Theravadin Buddhist traditions @Salvijus
  18. @FredFred Ignore it If it becomes so strong that you can no longer ignore it - make it your meditation object
  19. Yes, rapture and bliss in Jhana is comparable. @Serotoninluv My first ~10 MDMA trips had incredible magic and love to them and didn't cause any comedown the next day at all, in fact, I've always had a good afterglow for some time after. The last few times when I took it, there was no magic, little to no increase in empathy, two days of low mood afterward and this was after taking over 8 months break so I see no point to take it anymore. I think neurotoxicity with MDMA is a non-issue if used responsibly. Even though something had to change in my brain I see no negative side effects.
  20. @nightrider1435 4-5 years
  21. @Maya_0 MDMA is not a psychedelic. if we call it a psychedelic we may as well say that Mephedrone is a psychedelic. MDMA is also neurotoxic and psychedelics are not. MDMA is an amazing substance but after about 15 times it lost its magic for me. MDMA high is much closer to high Samatha stages and being good at loving-kindness meditation than enlightenment.
  22. If in the future AI will become so intelligent, powerful and all knowing that it will know more about us than we ever could, I wouldn't be surprised if asked "what is the best thing that can happen to humans from the perspective of their well being" the answer will be - cessation of all life
  23. 5-MeO breakthrough is far more powerful and radical than a state in which any teacher or guru is in. Give 30mg of 5-MeO to Eckhart Tolle and he will be astounded by how much beyond his state of enlightenment it goes, I would bet a lot of money on it. That's not to say 5-MeO non-dual state is not accessible in extreme concentration states. 5-MeO will not make you permanently enlightened, but it is better for answering metaphysical questions than a classic functional state of enlightenment.