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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. @Leo Gura They go into Nirodha ( subjective non-consciousness) before self-immolation. It requires very advanced levels of concentration and it has to be maintained through daily practice. It's not like enlightenment where it sticks even when you don't meditate anymore. I see people constantly confusing what enlightenment is and what high concentrations states are. It doesn't have to take 1000s of hours. Jeffery Martin discovered that it's basically a matter of finding ones meditation/method fit, and then ones awaken very quickly ( from my experience, I can tell you it's true). In terms of concentration required to get to these 0 suffering states, it may take like 2 years of meditating 2 hours a day for an average person. One question for you Leo - have you tried sub verbal mantra repetition (not trying to concentrate on it) meditation?
  2. @Nahm I mean states like deep Jhanas, the whole "Ultimate Reality" thing, Nirvana, Cessations etc.
  3. @Aaron p If your goal is only enlightenment, then most likely not. If your goal is unifying the mind, elevating your gamma waves, getting access to interesting transcendental states, then yes.
  4. @NoSelfSelf https://deconstructingyourself.com/podcast/dy-008-meditation-magick-fire-kasina-guest-daniel-ingram Forum: https://www.dharmaoverground.org/discussion/-/message_boards/category/72617
  5. @NoSelfSelf You need to get good at kasina meditation
  6. Leo would benefit a lot from just following "The Mind Illuminated" instructions on how to develop stable attention and eventually equanimity. Also, I think he should give mantra meditation a try. His perception of what persistent state of enlightenment is flawed by his 5-MeO use. 5-MeO is more like a God Insight producing substance, but it's really different from what can be maintained in daily life.
  7. How is it not an experience? A goal is to not pass out/lose consciousness by taking a too high dose...
  8. @GabeN After snorting you need to lay down with your nose down for ~15 minutes until it starts working. This way throat drip is almost non existent
  9. @Jkris Training stable attention on the breath
  10. It has to. Otherwise, we may call it lessening of ego, but not ego death.
  11. @phllip103 1) Take 2 - 3 mg of melatonin 45 minutes before sleep 2) Lay down in my bed 3) Close my eyes 4) Become more and more drowsy until I fall asleep into blissful no-experience
  12. Not to say MDMA isn't an amazing experience, but 99,9% it was not ego death. MDMA for me is rather like a supercharger to empathy, trust and well being. Don't take psychedelics with people you don't trust. Generally, I would recommend taking them alone and slowly ramping up the dose.
  13. Repeating a meaningless word sub-verbally in my head, without putting too much effort into it
  14. @thesmileyone Sahaja samadhi is no sense of agency state + being very good at concentration meditation where you can effortlessly focus your attention like a laser wherever you want. I'm in no agency and regularly meditate in the effortless state but haven't mastered the later stages yet.
  15. 5-MeO or any other psychedelic doesn't work for permanently awakening a person, for that you need to find some technique that works for you and do it sober. That's not to say 5-MeO is not an amazing tool that can give you indescribable experiences.
  16. @moon777light Drop self-inquiry practice and start practicing focusing on the breath sensations meditation for at least 45 minutes in one sit. If you will put effort into it, you should see a great improvement in your ability to concentrate in the next 3 months.
  17. https://www.bernardokastrup.com/2019/03/the-dawn-post-materialist-academic.html
  18. Yea, good argument actually. I believe that deep sleep without dreams is a projection of non-perceiving mind moments (as written in The Mind Illuminated) so it's a mental construct and in fact, it's possible to train the mind to a level where there is some vague experience in deep sleep. Now, general anesthesia is more tricky, but I've read somewhere that people can have a trauma from anesthesia even when they "lose" consciousness during anesthesia and have no recollection what was happening at the time. Is true non-existence really possible? This is a very interesting question because one of the main reason a lot of materialists believe there is no existence after death is what seems to be, loss of consciousness during deep sleep or even more general anesthesia. Maybe there is experience in general anesthesia but nothing gets imprinted in memory so a patient can't recollect anything.@Mikael89
  19. Either of those: - You go into a full non-dual state - General anesthesia forever - Reborn into another body without any memory of the past life
  20. It's important to reach at least 45 minutes in one sitting.
  21. @SQAAD Because enlightenment doesn't make anyone perfect. Because after enlightenment you are still affected by your dopamine system.
  22. This What kind of meds we're talking about, SSRI's? Antipsychotics? You can always try lower dosages
  23. @Arhattobe Did they measured your gamma brain waves? Do you have more or less gamma?
  24. @Tony 845 Vipassana(meditating on the mind is very good), Aware of awarenes, Noting, Actualism also, Buddha got enlighten not through just SDS, but Samatha/Vipassana meditation, it can be called a mix tho because of how long his sits where