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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. As Leo said, Ralston does not realize love as fundamental so it's not quite the same. For example, many very experienced meditators say that Nirvana is just blackout cassation and they want to get off the wheel of life and rebirth to eternal no experience which they consider the best possible scenario. Bill Hamilton use to say that Buddhism is like "cosmic suicide" club, how radical that is? These realizations are very different from what Leo talks about. What if this is precisely what full ego death means and most egos just can't handle it and want to be in some non-dual state after death - start to believe in eternal live etc.
  2. @Inliytened1 Also, why privilege one experience over the other? Why then no draw conclusions from consciousness ceasing on me like - maybe the 5-MeO experience is the experience of a mental construct?
  3. @Inliytened1 I've had this experience. It felt very solipsistic to me. I think it shows the truth about our own subjective experience, but we can't know yet if it shows the truth about the universe.
  4. How is that not your projection? How can you be sure it includes two and all the rest?
  5. Solipsism is unfalsifiable.
  6. My approach is not like you've described. Idealism makes a lot of sense to me. IMO Leos explanation of unconsciousness is ridiculous and he can't see his solipsism. The question I like to ask myself and I think is great for questioning my beliefs is if Leo tells me that it's just all infinite love, I ask myself what would have to happen for it to not be infinite love in the universe - generally I always try to find arguments against my beliefs to be less biased, something I don't see in Leo
  7. @Dylan Page Thing is, if I don't consider myself a solipsistic master of the universe then I can ask other people to look at my brain or give me propofol and then after propofol stops working they can tell me that I was lying there unconscious. So what is the nature to answer to the Leos claims? I guess the direct experience of 5-MeO ok but what if there are many people who have done it and don't make such claims as Leo do? I think a lot of it comes down to a specific personality that Leo has. Obviously, there is more than just brain chemistry. I doubt lobster have a necessary set of receptors for 5-MeO. I'm more interested in brains EEG as it has to do more with ego than things like dopamine, oxytocin etc.
  8. No serious scientist will take you seriously with this attitude. "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
  9. @outlandish 5-MeO is actually all about 5-HT7. Here is a good video explaining what 5-ht7 and 5-ht2 does
  10. @Inliytened1 What @whoareyou means is that by "enlightenment" 99% of people understand a lasting shift in your everyday experience of being you, like let's say Leo have a brother and both are doing 5-MeO today, then boom original Leo somehow got enlightened but his brother did not. Tomorrow original Leo will wake up in non-dual awareness without the self in his head etc. but his brother has come back to his original experience of the self after the trip and tomorrow will wake up with his default self-feeling + memory of the enlightenment experience that he had on 5-MeO
  11. There you go, how dogmatic enlightened people can be. The problem I see in Leos understanding of things is that he calls 5-MeO enlightenment rather than, an experience of Ultimate Reality, suggesting that one can have a permanent shift that fills you with Gods love, dissolve your ego or just generally goes in the direction of 5-MeO state. This is not the case. The only shifts that stick and you don't have to meditate in order to maintain them, are not like that. Furthermore, if we look at EEG of 5-MeO and compare it to EEG of meditators, it's clear that 5-MeO is much more like high concentration realms. Matthieu Ricard, the guy with the highest recorded gamma brain waves are meditating for many hours every day + do Metta/loving-kindness meditation
  12. So this is perfect equanimity/non-reactivity, it makes sense to call it Nirvana.
  13. @Svartsaft Well, you probably need to put more effort into your meditation
  14. Doesn't the fact that merging with Godhead experiences are not all quite the same make you skeptical of there being the Ultimate Reality? Question for people with more experience than me - When you've broken-through completely, your ego has died, if your body would be set on fire, would there be any suffering? Are you in perfect equanimity at that moment?
  15. @Elisabeth I would go with the time when you feel the best, most loving/joyful. After smoking, you gonna be very vulnerable regardless.
  16. @inFlow Biggest signs will be: A fundamental change in how it is to be you Change in 'location' of the self, it may feel like it expanded beyond your head or disappeared completely Huge reduction in self-referential thoughts More flow/being in the moment
  17. @Leo Gura Is this scoop the same as yours? Smaller side supposedly is 10 mg and bigger 25 mg. One big scoop of oxalate is almost enough for a breakthrough for me
  18. @Inliytened1 I don't think I'm still ego in true unconsciousness as there is no experience of being me or any awareness. What makes you think that after the body dies your level of consciousness goes to the unconscious level? Many very experienced practitioners claim that consciousness ceases in Nibbana
  19. That you will still have an experience after the body dies - it's a belief I'm "escaping" every night as I lay unconscious I've had that full ego death experience, as well as experience of consciousness ceasing on me - I don't privilege 5-MeO experience over other experiences, I think it's a bias.
  20. Srs If it doesn't fit your paradigm - just say it's an illusion, it's not really happening, it just pretends to be conscious/unconscious So is unconsciousness merely a mental construct? For that to be true I guess the brain has to be more active during the time when it's pretending to be unconscious? Can God potentially play/pretend to be unconscious forever? For me, consciousness ceasing and then reappearing is a real direct experience I've had many times and if solipsism is not true, then I can clearly be unconscious.
  21. try meditating with a straight posture but with a back support The Mind Illuminated is a great book about meditation which will help you with precise instructions about such problems in meditation
  22. Lol, like an enlightened person couldn't get nervous... No matter how enlightened, everybody has emotions
  23. 1) anti-androgens 2) cutting off your balls 3) there is one practice monks do. I don't remember exactly but it's something like seeing through the woman you desire, imagining how food moves through her intestines seeing her bones, meat etc all the disgusting stuff Third only works temporarily. Why not to just masturbate and move on?
  24. With no brain activity, nothing would imprint on memory so a person wouldn't be able to recall the experience. @ColdFacts What would have to happen, what proof you need in order to show you that non-duality is true? @Serotoninluv Same question but about the materialistic paradigm I think in the future we will be able to scientifically find out whether or not non-duality is true. We need to be able to shout down all the brain activity except memory imprintment possibility, then we can ask a person what did she experienced and Ta-Da