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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328117125_EEG_studies_of_the_acute_effects_of_5-MeO-_DMT_WBAC_CDMX_July_27-29_2018
  2. I'm also wondering about this. If Leo is so sure about what happens after death, why not he just hang himself?
  3. @Cody_Atzori You can get enlightened for good but meditative concentration, unification of the mind, intense joy, love, panoramic awareness are things that have to be constantly maintained through effort and then intention. How do I know? My own experience as well as many other long term meditators experiences
  4. @Whatever 5-MeO doesn't work the same for everybody
  5. @Cody_Atzori There is no such thing as a permanent shift into a meditative state where you don't have to meditate anymore. Every mind has a natural tendency to disunify/conflict itself. For getting benefits that meditation gives we have to meditate for the rest of our lives.
  6. @Inliytened1 I've done 5-MeO but only mid-level doses so I didn't breakthrough. Only legitimate breakthrough I've had was on a high dose of DPT. Other than that I've tried 1p-LSD, 2-cb, MDMA and one weird unknown psychedelic. Currently, I'm waiting to get off of Venlafaxine to try higher doses of 5-MeO. What do you mean?
  7. @Inliytened1 2,5 years, but meditation time was varying between 20 minutes to 4h a day
  8. Usually 48 minutes 3x a day, sometimes 4x if I have more energy.
  9. @DecemberFlower Get to stage 7+ in The Mind Illuminated system.
  10. @Inder If by free will you mean there is an agent that is making independent decisions - 100% no
  11. @moon777light Complete no drive to survive only happens in temporary states like psychedelic breakthroughs, high concentration samadhi states. With no-self realisation, there is still a drive to survive.
  12. @Mikael89 But what is your actual problem? High inhibition? Awkwardness? You look fine
  13. I would rather be skinny-fat, 5'3, ugly, retruded maxilla, skinny frame, negative canthal tilt, high inhibition, small penis, low T guy who possesses supreme levels of happiness because he is spiritually developed than Brad Pitt or Gandy who only have an average level of happiness. After all the only reason you would like to have great genetics is because you think it would make you feel good.
  14. @peanutspathtotruth If plugging turns out not working for you, I strongly recommend snorting. Make something slightly digestible to drink. Snort gently so the substance doesn't go down your throat, then lay down facing nose down and lay there massaging your nostril/nostrils in this position until you notice first effects. At this point enjoy your trip and if some substance still ends up down your throat you can take a sip, it will help.
  15. Have you accessed it totally?
  16. Yea, this practice done in a proper way is like becoming ever more alert and calm at the same time until you reach perfect equanimity.
  17. I want to have an interesting experience with 5-MeO, that's it. I take them for anxiety and they do work. I've already done some 5-MeO when I was not on any meds, but didn't breakthrough yet.
  18. Not at all? From what I've read, people on SSRI's report that psychedelics either work normally or effects are reduced so you need a higher dose. @Leo Gura said to not take 5-MeO with SSRI's because it's dangerous but from this tripsit 3.0 guide, it seems like you can take psychedelics with SSRI's I'm on a low dose of Venlafaxine (SNRI) and I will have to take it at least for the next 3 months so I wonder if it's ok to try 5-MeO
  19. Bernardo is the king of arguments against materialism. I would love to see him in a debate with Sam Harris
  20. Both. Also: Antidepressants Magnesium + fish oils Samatha/concentration meditation practice Loving-kindness meditation Psychedelics Avoid stress at all costs
  21. Maybe God just wants you to lift weights ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. @Leo Gura Lately I've been thinking that maybe the highest insights are only possible if are stage 10 meditator and then do high dose psychedelics. Unfortunately, people are either hard psychedelic users with not much experience with meditation or vice versa. I'm very interested in what Shinzen or Culadasa would say about 5-MeO or DPT breakthrough. What do you mean by too crude methods? I would not be able to do anything in DPT breakthrough
  23. @Sev Here is another thing these masters either don't tell you or don't emphasize enough. Before Shinzen was able to do such long SDS and have these kinds of experiences, he was already a very good meditator. Do nothing technique as an example on this forum is very popular but what people don't understand is that Shinzen is able to do this technique properly because of his meditation skills. I don't agree with his logic of hey I'm having actual cessations in do nothing technique so let's advise this method for beginners they surely will awaken! When in fact beginners should first do whatever it takes to get to stage 8 before starting practices like do nothing or prolonged SDS.