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Everything posted by Enlightenment

  1. You don't expect to wake up tomorrow being me, but if you would, how would you know? What if we are changing places every night?
  2. The fastest way to enlightenment is trying many of the best techniques on yourself and finding the one/a few that works for you, not just doing vipassana.
  3. @Mercurio3 Best way to snort oxalate: 1) Snort gently to 1 or preferably divided dose to 2 nostrils 2) immediately lay down facing nose/forehead down and lay there massaging your nostrils for better absorption 3) When you start to feel effects coming, lay/sit whatever you like. At this point, throat drip should be minimal/non-existant I like to have something light to drink for the potential throat drip, like a lemonade. @Leo Gura Unfortunately plugging doesn't work for everybody. My ass seems to be very resistant as even suppositories with paracetamol barely work on me.
  4. And spiritual progress will continue? Pipe Dream
  5. 1) How can you ever know what pure consciousness is if consciousness is always of something 2) How can we trust the feeling of truth to be representative of what is the reality if any experience can feel incredibly true and it doesn't determine that it is the actual truth? How can a feeling be higher than reason and logic? 3) How is spirituality not a denial of death and an immortality project for people that fear death and cope that way? 4) How is unconsciousness imaginary without solipsism? 5) Why there is so much disagreement among spiritual people? 6) If 5-MeO is imaginary and within a dream, how it can get you out of the dream? 7) What about people that have done high doses of 5-MeO and don't consider it to be the Ultimate Truth, but just an experience? Here is a good podcast where they talk about some objections to the Truth https://deconstructingyourself.com/podcast/dy-003-masters-oblivion-guest-kenneth-folk
  6. What is, is Infinite perfect and perfectly satisfying. We're all one. What do you think about his view on Ultimate Reality @Leo Gura
  7. Weird definition of hatred. So I might as well say everything is hatred and even love is a form of hatred. How would reality have to look like in order for it to not be all love?
  8. Jeffery Martin says it's about 1%, maybe he is wrong. Pretty much no awakened people are talking about what you are talking about so yes. Maybe if you want to access the deepest experiences and understanding you need to alter your neurotransmitters. However, this is one aspect of spirituality and most people doing spiritual work are into enlightenment AKA having persistent shifts that stick with you and will reduce your suffering even when you stop meditating. I know how amazing psychedelics and their afterglow feels but it always ends and we're back to the normal state of suffering and dissatisfaction. You just seem to have unusual goals as a spiritual seeker. I don't think there is the one right way to be spiritually, we can do whatever we want.
  9. @Goodpeace In my experience symmetry is important. My deepest experiences where always in symmetry. Even some Buddhist are saying that perfect energetic body is symmetrical.
  10. 5. Nirodha Samapatti - The Cessation of Perception and Feeling People on this forum referring to 5-MeO state doesn't mean 6th jhana, it's different.
  11. More than 0.0001% of the population is awake, about 0.1 to 1%. Of course to various degrees. Leo, you seem to believe that genetics plays a huge role and is a big limiting factor for people when it comes to spirituality but not when it comes to sexuality, getting woman, you know "the black pill" guys? So if even on high doses of psychedelics you're still limited, how then can you say you've experienced Ultimate Reality? If this is true, humans will never discover the Ultimate Reality simply because they haven't evolved to discover the truth. Also, how can you know if Shinzen Young and other advanced meditators haven't experienced (at least as a temporary state) all the depths of awakening you talk about? I know that some people are very nihilistic and don't get so excited as you do, they simply have a totally different personality than you and no matter how amazing thing they will experience it will always seem dull when they talk about it. How an individual reacts and what conclusions he draws from the experience of God varies quite a bit.
  12. @ardacigin Enlightenment doesn't change your sensitivity to pain neither it gives you good concentration (although since I'm in no agency mode I don't seem to go lower than stage 4/5 even if I don't meditate). I would define the first level of awakening as an expansion of the feeling of your own self beyond your body and it being more connected with the world.
  13. @Space I'm saying he was not enlightened since birth. He still has to meditate in order to maintain this his state. He actually calls classic enlightenment self-realization and says it's a dull void disidentification from the ego and then as he meditated (following the breath btw) for 6h in one sit, he got to what he calls enlightenment (it's basically Samatha) but this second part is not permanent, it has to be maintained through practice. Self-realization is persistent or even permanent Samatha with its lovely, joyful, energetic feeling is not
  14. He was not enlightened. He was meditating 6h every day for a long time. Even he stated that you have to meditate it's very important
  15. Because many people 40+ years ago haven't had proper instructions on how to meditate properly like The Mind Illuminated. People often exaggerate how profound/superhuman levels they have reached, I don't believe anybody can reach without training levels that an average person can reach within 2 years of hard work. That's also why I like some objective measurements like can you sit in effortless concentration for 1h, 2h, 3h? or how much 5-MeO you can take and sit still... Genetics obviously plays a significant role but the longer I meditate the more I realize how important it is to learn how to meditate properly on an intuitive level. I mean it may take you 4 years to get to effortless concentration but once you've learned how to unify your mind, you will do it much much faster the second time - with the same genetics
  16. @possibilities May I ask you what definition of consciousness you subscribe to? For me, simply the fact that something seems to be happening (even if it only seems) is enough of a proof of consciousness.
  17. Totally agree. A lot of effort and diligence has to be put in until it becomes effortless. I think Leos psychedelic experiences kind of bias his view on how to reach high levels of mindfulness, happiness, awakening that persist in a sober state. IMO he is trying to make 5-MeO state or it's afterglow stick for good, feeling like meditation is just some "mechanical" method as he put it, while it's most likely never going to happen without hard work of meditation.
  18. Not even close. An enlightened person is not high. It feels more like fundamental okayness and metta equanimity towards everything
  19. @theking00 There is no way to destroy the ego that persists. Enlightenment will not destroy your ego but rather disidentify you from the ego. Best ways to lessen/destroy the ego (all temporary) Psychedelics, especially 5-MeO and DPT Advanced Samatha meditation + adding loving-kindness on top of that
  20. @Leo Gura After so many trips, have you reached this point? Or is anybody here on the forum capable of taking 35+mg of 5-MeO and just sit still?
  21. @Leo Gura Why do you call it pure consciousness if sensations and visual field is still there?